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1 NewcastleBiomedicalSciences @biomedsciNU

2 Faculty of Medical Sciences School of Biomedical Sciences Dr Geoffrey Bosson Degree Programme Director

3 Open Day Programme 1.20pmDegree Information 1.55pm Question and Answer session Applicants 2.25pmLaboratory ‘Exercise’ 3.15pmTour of Medical School (Students)

4 Laboratory ‘Exercise’ HIV Simulation of the spread of HIV virus (AIDS) Research and development roles for graduates in ‘Biomedical Sciences’

5 Open Day Programme Parents 2.25pmTalk on Pastoral Care, Skills and Employability 2.45pmStudent Finance 3.05pmTour of Medical School (by Staff) 3.45pmRefreshments

6 Undergraduate programmes  BSc (Hons) Biomedical Genetics (B901)  BSc (Hons) Biochemistry (C700)  BSc (Hons) Pharmacology (B210)  BSc (Hons) Physiological Sciences (B100)  BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences (B940) Medical Sciences (B902) Deferred choice of above degrees Also: MSci in Biomedical Sciences (B900) (4 year course)

7 New for 2015 entry  Exercise Biomedicine (B9C6)  Biomedical Sciences with Industrial Placement Year (4 year course) (B942)  MSci Biochemistry (4 year course)  MSci Biomedical Genetics (4 year course) New for 2016 entry

8 Biochemistry The molecular basis of living processes  Emphasis on understanding cellular processes in health and disease Topics include:  Protein structure and function  Protein DNA interactions  Biochemistry of chronic diseases  RNA, genetic disease and development  The molecular basis of cancer

9 Biomedical Genetics The study of inheritance  How our DNA helps determine our individual characteristics and how mutations and changes can lead to disease The study of inheritance  How our DNA helps determine our individual characteristics and how mutations and changes can lead to disease Topics include:  DNA replication, recombination and repair  The genome: cell cycle, organisation, expression and function  Phylogenetics and evolution  The molecular basis of cancer  RNA, genetic disease and development  Evolution and genomics  Diagnostic medical genetics  Genetic variation in common disease

10 Physiological Sciences Investigates how cells, tissues and organs function and integrate to form a healthy human body. The control mechanisms and how the body responds to changes in the environment.  Topics include:  Cardiovascular system  Blood & lymphatic systems  Nervous system  Renal system  Respiratory system  Gastro-intestinal system

11 Pharmacology The study of biologically-active compounds (drugs)  How drugs act on the body and how the body acts on drugs  Toxicity Topics include:  Pharmacology of the body systems  Carcinogenesis and anti-cancer drugs  Neuropharmacology  Clinical pharmacology and drug development  Toxicology

12 Biomedical Sciences How the body functions in health and disease  Multidisciplinary: combines the various disciplines to help us understand human health and disease Topics include:  The nervous system and respiratory diseases  Cancer biology and therapy  Clinical ageing and health  Genetics of common diseases  Medical biotechnology  Chronic disease

13 Exercise Biomedicine Investigates the fundamentals of Biomedical Science and Exercise Science Investigates how the structure and function of the body is influenced by exercise in health and disease. Options in Psychology or Business allow you to tailor your studies to areas that reflect your personal interests Topics include: Anatomy Biomechanics and movement Exercise physiology Physical activity, exercise and disease Cardiac rehabilitation Neurorehabilitation

14 The Academic Year Semester 1: September–January  1 Week Induction  12 Weeks Teaching  2 Weeks Examinations Semester 2: February–June  12 Weeks Teaching  3 Weeks Examinations 2 semesters per year 120 credits per year

15 2 semesters per year 120 credits per year Programme Structure PHASE 1PHASE 2 Year 1 Year 2Year 3 Semester 1Semester 2Semester 1Semester 2Semester 1Semester 2 Common taught modules Degree specific modules Research project Students can swap between degrees upto this point

16 Year 1 (all programmes) Semester 1  Biochemistry  Cell Biology  Genetics  Practical Skills 1 Note:Students can change their degree choice at the end of the first year All modules are taught using lectures, seminars and laboratory classes Semester 2  Microbiology and Immunology  Physiology  Pharmacology  Practical Skills 2

17 Year 2 Semester 1 (common modules)  Gene Expression  Principles and Practice of Molecular Techniques  Cell and Molecular Biology of the Immune System Semester 2  Subject specific modules (see subject brochures for further details)  Degree focused cell biology

18 Year 3 Semester 1  Subject specific modules (see subject brochures for further details)  Optional Modules Note: For the final year of our programmes all final year examinations are held at the end of semester 2. Semester 2  Research Semester (Supervised 10 week research project)  Integrated Bioscience module  Research in Biosciences  Business for the Bioscientist  Healthcare Organisation and Practice  Science Communication  Bioethics

19 Final year Projects  Research module in Semester 2  Laboratory-based ‘wet’ projects  Clinical  Computer-based bioinformatics or large-scale data analysis  School-based pedagogic projects  Literature-based meta-analysis ‘dry’ projects

20 School of Biomedical Sciences Institute of Health and Society (IH&S) Institute of Genetic Medicine (IGM) Northern Institute for Cancer Research (NICR) Institute of Neuroscience (IoN) Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences (ICaMB) Institute of Cellular Medicine (ICM) Teaching on all of our programmes is delivered by staff from our world leading Research Institutes Newcastle Institute for Ageing (NUIA)

21 4 year Integrated Masters programmes  Leads to award of MSci  Either direct entry (UCAS Code: B900) or transfer to this programme is possible up to the end of year 2  Increased focus on laboratory skills: two thirds of final year spent on research project  Study advanced Masters-level research- based modules  Aims to prepare students for research and other laboratory-based careers

22 Transfer to Medicine or Dentistry A transfer at the end of first year may be possible, entry is competitive and students will be selected on the basis of academic performance in the first year, a UKCAT score, a personal statement and, if shortlisted, an interview. (General Information) (Dental Admissions Policy Document) Need a minimum average Stage 1 mark of 75% across Semester 1 modules (none below 65%) A UKCAT score will be required ( Alternatively graduate entry for medicine is available at Newcastle University

23 Entry requirements  A levels: Typically AAB, including Biology (AAA for B942)  Chemistry at A or AS Level (minimum grade B)  GCSE Maths and English Language required (minimum Grade B) if not offered at A or AS level  IB 35 with Biology and Chemistry at Higher Level Grade 5 or above. Standard level Mathematics or Mathematical Studies required at grade 4 if not offered at Higher Level Other qualifications are accepted. Please contact a member of the admissions team: or

24 Major features  Learn about each of the degree programme subjects in 1 st year  Opportunity to swap between degrees until phase 2  Emphasis on practical skills required by employers  Taught by world leading experts in their field  Opportunity to engage in real research  Marks in 1 st year do not count toward your degree classification  2 nd year marks account for 1/3 of your degree  Final year marks account for 2/3 of your degree  85% of our students achieve a 1 st or 2:1


26 NewcastleBiomedicalSciences @biomedsciNU

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