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At which University were four students shot During an anti-war demonstration in 1970 A.) USC B.) Rutgers C.) Kent State D.) SUNY L C.) correct answer.

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4 At which University were four students shot During an anti-war demonstration in 1970 A.) USC B.) Rutgers C.) Kent State D.) SUNY L C.) correct answer F


6 In order to put pressure on North Vietnam Nixon ordered an invasion of what neighboring Country A.) Cambodia B.) Thailand C.) AustraliaD.) China LF A.) correct answer


8 Although he had no previous ties to Nixon, this Harvard government professor first became Nixon’s national security advisor and later his Secretary of State. A.) John Ehrlichman B.) Henry Kissinger C.) John Dean D.) John Mitchell L B.) correct answer F


10 Under This political philosophy by Nixon, states were asked to assume greater responsibility for the well-being of their citizens, taking some of this responsibility away from the federal government. A.) New Republic B.) New Society C.) New FederalismD.) New World Order L C.) correct answer F


12 This Organization imposed an embargo, or ban, on shipping oil to the United States. A.) NATO B.) ABSCAM C.) OPEC D.) SPECTRE L C.) correct answer F


14 In 1969 He became the first human To walk on the moon A.) Mike Collins B.) Neil Armstrong C.) Buzz AldrinD.) Walter Cronkite L B.) correct answer F


16 A loosening of tensions between The US and Communist Countries A.) Laissez Faire B.) Cirque C.) Posse ComitatusD.) Detente L D.) correct answer F


18 Two Presidents that were IMPEACHED were A.) Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon B.) Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton C.) Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton D.) Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon L B.) correct answer F


20 In 1972, Nixon became the first president to visit A.) Europe B.) Mexico C.) ChinaD.) Canada L C.) correct answer F


22 Nixon’s plan to slowly remove American Forces from Vietnam A.) Appeasement B.) Detente C.) RapprochementD.) Vietnamization L D.) correct answer F


24 Nixon first vice President who Resigned after being indicted A.) Dan Quayle B.) Henry Wallace C.) Al GoreD.) Spiro Agnew L D.) correct answer F


26 5 burglars caught June 17, 1972 in this Washington DC Hotel, carrying cameras, wiretapping equipment and large amounts of cash A.) Waldorf B.) Watergate C.) Hilton D.) Marriott L B.) correct answer F


28 This person was appointed Vice President and Became President when Nixon resigned A.) John C. Calhoun B.) Andrew Jackson C.) Daniel WebsterD.) Gerald Ford L D.) correct answer F


30 People thought the fix was in when Ford… A.) Drove a Lincoln B.) Raised Taxes C.) Pardoned NixonD.) Lowered interest rates L C.) correct answer F


32 He won the 1976 Election A.) CarterB.) Reagan C. ) FordD.) Rockafeller L A.) correct answer F

33 How Many Presidents can you name in order? Hint: 1W12T 2A13F 3J14P 4M15Buchanan 5M16L * 6A17J 7J18G 8V19Hayes 9H20 10T 11P


35 Congratulations! Thank-you for playing…


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