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Effective Presentations Making Oral & Written Presentations Effective Presentations 1. tell’em 2. tell’em 3. tell’em.

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2 Effective Presentations


4 Making Oral & Written Presentations Effective Presentations 1. tell’em 2. tell’em 3. tell’em

5 The Five S Approach to an Effective Presentation Supplement with Responses Formulate Strategy Develop Structure Support With Evidence Presentation Style

6 The 5 S Approach 1. Formulate A Strategy a. Identify purpose b. Tailor message c. Match the situation

7 a. Identify Your General Purpose Inform - providing general information, demonstrating a technique, or delivering a report (transmission & retention of facts) Persuade - use of motivational language, convincing argument, and audience adaptation

8 a. Identify Your General Purpose Inform Persuade Demonstrate Teach Goodwill

9 b. Tailor Your Message Understand: their knowledge of the topic attitude toward your message expectations of your presentation Start with what they know and build on it

10 c. Match the Situation Formal presentation vs “off-the-cuff” Match the language - slang colloquialisms contractions less-rigid grammar

11 The 5 S Approach 2. Develop A Clear Structure a. Forecast main ideas b. Choose organizational pattern c. Use transitions d. Conclude on a high note

12 a. Forecast Main Ideas 1.Catch the listeners’ attention and sets the tone for the message

13 1. Catch Attention by: H Personal greeting H Importance of subject or occasion H Stunning fact or opinion H Humor H Quote H Testimony H Suspenseful question H Audience dialog H Visual aid or prop H Emotional story, anecdote, or case study

14 a. Forecast Main Ideas 1.Catch the listeners’ attention and sets the tone for the message 2. Provides your listeners (readers) with reason for listening (reading) 3. Gives a road map or quick sketch of the message

15 b. Choose An Organizational Pattern 1. Chronological 2. Spatial - physical distance N,S 3. Causal 4. Topical 5. Familiarity-acceptance Order 6. Inquiry Order

16 UCF’s Presidents 1992 - Dr. John Hitt became UCF’s 5th president 1963 - Dr. Charles Millican was appointed FTU’s first president 1991 - Dr. Bob Bryan was appointed interim president 1978 - Dr. Trevor Colbourn became the 2nd president 1989 - Dr. Steve Altman became UCF’s third president

17 c. Use Transitions Signal when you are moving from one idea to another by summarizing the first idea, then forecasting the next one

18 d. Conclude on A High Note 1. Primacy and recency 2. Reach closure by summarizing one last time 3. Plan the order of your speakers

19 Presentation Effectiveness Form (Speaker Effectiveness Index) Understanding Say Introduction Major points Closing Questions and answers Attention LookSound Eye contact Gestures Dress Posture Fluency Vocal energy Timing

20 Speaker Effectiveness Index H Understanding –Say u Introduction u Major Points u Closing u Questions and Answers

21 What You Say H Effective Introduction –attention getter –how information relates –strong sense of purpose –credibility –overview of major points

22 What You Say H Major points –logical organization –support with variety of evidence –familiar terms/definitions –nonoffensive words –transitions and summaries

23 What You Say H Effective Closing –acknowledged ending –referred to objectives –summarized benefits –called for action –final message

24 The 5 S Approach 3. Support Your Points a. Choose a variety of support b. Consider your audience c. Use visual aids

25 a. Choose A Variety of Support Examples Statistics Testimony

26 b. Consider Your Audience H Background H Interests H Level of knowledge about the subject

27 c. Use Visual Aids 1. Makes your presentation up to 50% more memorable 2. Significantly clarifies complex or detailed information 3. Speeds up group decision making 4. Shortens meeting time up to 28% 5. Makes your message 43% more persuasive

28 The 5 S Approach 4. Presentation Style - Oral a. Prepare your notes b. Practice c. Convey controlled enthusiasm d. Engage your audience e. Effective dress f. Effective sound

29 a. Prepare Your Notes H Outline key points H Use of quotations or statistics H Avoid full manuscript

30 b. Practice H Similar setting H Timing - distributed practice H Visual aids H Overcoming anxiety

31 c. Controlled Enthusiasm H Posture H Tone of voice H Facial expressions

32 d. Engage Your Audience H Eye contact H Physical space and body movements H Gestures

33 Speaker Effectiveness Index H Attention –Look u Eye contact u Gestures u Dress u Posture

34 How You Look H Effective Eye Contact –looked at one person at a time –completed thought with one person –brief glance at visual/eye contact –brief glance at notes/eye contact

35 How You Look H Effective Gestures –animated gestures –descriptive gestures –natural and spontaneous gestures –effectively timed –neutral position when not gesturing

36 How You Look H Effective Dress –free from distracting objects –wrinkle-free appearance –appropriate clothing –dress augmented credibility –well groomed hair/no distractions

37 How You Look H Effective Posture –facial expression - interest and emotion –head movements and erect –squarely faced audience

38 The 5 S Approach 5. Supplement with Questions & Challenges a. Anticipate questions and answers b. Orderly responses c. Maintain control

39 What You Say H Effective Question and Answer –actively solicited/openness –created interest in your answers –rephrased questions for understanding –bridged to reduce risk/common bond –tiebacks to objectives

40 Speaker Effectiveness Index H Attention –Sound u Fluency u Vocal Energy u Timing

41 How You Sound H Effective Fluency –no halting or hesitating –free from filler-type words –free from repetitions –complete sentences –clear pronunciation

42 How You Sound H Effective Vocal Energy –loudly enough to convey meaning and enthusiasm –emphasized important words by vocal inflections –raised and lowered volume and pitch –authoritative voice when appropriate

43 How You Sound H Effective Timing –faster or slower rate to capture attention –varied rate within phrases and sentences –strategically placed pauses –varied the length of phrases

44 The 5 S Approach Presentation Style - Written a. Develop mechanical precision b. Practice factual precision c. Construct with verbal precision d. Set a tone e. Consider the format (see: Research Report Grading Guide)

45 a. Mechanical Precision H Cross outs, erasures, jagged margins, general sloppiness H Grammatical precision

46 b. Factual Precision H Get the facts right H Avoid ambiguity H Be concise

47 c. Verbal Precision H Use the right words H Take care over denotative vs. connotative meanings H Emphasize clarity

48 d. Set A Tone H Formality - appropriateness H Sincerity H Attitude

49 e. Format H Know the appropriate physical layout of: –letters –memos –reports –resumes

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