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1 NGOs and Disaster Response— Who are These Guys and What Do They Want Anyway? Melinda Hofstetter Center for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NGOs and Disaster Response— Who are These Guys and What Do They Want Anyway? Melinda Hofstetter Center for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NGOs and Disaster Response— Who are These Guys and What Do They Want Anyway? Melinda Hofstetter Center for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Tulane University, Washington D.C.

2 2 The CDMHA is a joint program of:  Tulane University and the  United States Southern Command  University of South Florida in partnership with

3 3 Mission of the CDMHA  Facilitate civil-military operations and cooperation  Develop and implement education and training programs in disaster and crisis management  Facilitate collaborative education, training, research and information and communication services between disaster response and humanitarian assistance agencies (e.g. the military, NGOs, PVOs, etc.)

4 4 Objectives  Make sense of the NGO universe so that you will find it easier to work with them  Standards of Conduct  Discuss NGO concerns about working with the military and why  How NGOs fit into the disaster relief equation  The civil and military relationship

5 5 NGOs and PVOs “An extraordinarily complex system which makes medieval Europe look centralized and ordered by comparison.” John Paul Lederach, director of the Mennonite Central Committee and the Conflict Analysis and Transformation Program of the eastern Mennonite University

6 6 Definitions  No distinction between NGOs and PVOs  Does not include professional associations, businesses, and foundations

7 7 Who Are They? Working Definition:  Non-profit organizations or associations of private citizens with any common interest  The common interest, for our purposes, is international humanitarian assistance activities (development and relief)  May be international or local

8 8 Characteristics  NGOs vary greatly  Organizational structure is similar to businesses Non-rigid hierarchy; significant flexibility and authority at the field levelNon-rigid hierarchy; significant flexibility and authority at the field level  International NGOs often team up with local NGOs

9 9 What do They Do?  Operational vs Advocacy  Grassroots, long-term projects, development work  Willing to work in high risk areas; not constrained by sovereignty  Emphasis on sustainability  Full integration with local population  Good positioning for disaster response

10 10 Who Pays Them?  Funding Sources Private Donations (citizens and foundations)Private Donations (citizens and foundations) International Organizations (UN)International Organizations (UN) National GovernmentsNational Governments Importance of MediaImportance of Media

11 11 Core Values  Neutrality Aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious standpoint.Aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious standpoint.  Impartiality Aid is given regardless of race, creed, or nationality.Aid is given regardless of race, creed, or nationality. Aid is based on need alone.Aid is based on need alone.  Independence Aid agencies shall not act as instruments of government foreign policy.Aid agencies shall not act as instruments of government foreign policy.

12 INCREASED THREAT TO AID WORKERS  Increased Range of Conflict since Cold War Civil WarsCivil Wars Ethnic conflicts and genocideEthnic conflicts and genocide Complex crisesComplex crises Identified as symbols of western valuesIdentified as symbols of western values Increased banditry and crimeIncreased banditry and crime  Ignorance, indifference and indiscriminate violence

13 13 Core Values  Should offer access and protection from attack; not always true anymore  Core values will impact NGO willingness to work with the military. Even perception of value violation will be avoided.Even perception of value violation will be avoided.  PERCEPTION IS REALITY!

14 14 Who Monitors These Guys?  Little External Monitoring  Self-Control: NGO Standards Red Cross Code of ConductRed Cross Code of Conduct InterAction PVO StandardsInterAction PVO Standards Sphere Minimum Standards in Disaster ResponseSphere Minimum Standards in Disaster Response

15 15 is the six inches between the other guy’s ears Seize the High Ground! THE KEY TERRAIN



18 18 NGO and Military Cultures: Differences NGOs  Independent  Decentralized Authority  On-The-Job Training  Few Field Manuals  Long-term Perspective Military  Highly Disciplined  Hierarchical Command  Extensive Branch Training  Doctrinal Pubs  “End-State” Approach

19 NGOs AND THE MILITARY  Clear separation of missions and operations  POW monitoring  Medical aid  Single neutral agenda  Overlapping humanitarian missions  Chaotic complex environments  Neutrality concerns  Security concerns Humanitarian aid to soldiers and sailors Complex inconsistent “partnership” Tradition Today

20 20 NGO and Military Cultures: Similarities  Motivation: Adrenaline Junkies and Idealists  Desire to See the World  Separation from Family and Friends

21 21 Both are mission driven. Both are synergistic. They shouldn’t be antagonistic. But attitudes can cause them to be so. PERCEPTION It’s the PERCEPTION !!! LTC M.M. Smith, USA

22 22 Humanitarian Emergencies  International assistance required  Donors rely more on NGOs, because of their access to the populations in need And again, their access is dependent on their neutralityAnd again, their access is dependent on their neutrality  Most humanitarian emergencies do NOT involve the military The need for civ-mil cooperation may be the exception rather than the ruleThe need for civ-mil cooperation may be the exception rather than the rule

23 23 Review of Emergency Response Emergency Responders Affected Country’s Government National Bilateral donors: OFDA, ECHO UN Agencies: OCHA, UNHCR, WFP, WHO, UNDP Religious Organizations NGOs Military Forces (on rare occasions)

24 24 UN Agencies UNICEF WFP UNDP NGO UNHCR NGO USG Red Cross ICRC Affected Country/ Government NGO Donor Other Governments NGO Donor NGO The Fog of Disaster Relief

25 25 Do They Coordinate?  US Embassy Country Team  Other USG Agencies (OFDA "DART")  UN Coordination Entities [UNHCR, WFP, UNDP, UNICEF, OCHA, Special Humanitarian Coordinator]  NGO-Only Coordination Bodies/Field-level coordination meetings  Host Government Ministries / Authorities  Civil-Military Cooperation or Operation Centers

26 26 NGO Role in Disaster Response NGOs, as implementing partners of donor organizations, are the legs on which disaster response stands.

27 27 NGO Fears About Working With the Military  Perceived Violation of Core Values KosovoKosovo ChechnyaChechnya  Military Domination of Humanitarian Response  Appropriate Military Role: Refer to Humanitarian Community

28 28 Common Mistakes  Assuming Control of Humanitarian Response  Intelligence / Information Exchange

29 NGO INFORMATION  Best source of refugee information  First hand observation and knowledge  Situational/non-threat focus  Direct access to local leaders and factions Sensitive to association with government/military agencies!

30 AREAS OF EXPERTISE  Local Situation  Environment  Health and Medical Issues  Religion  Clan/tribe relationships & hierarchy  Dialects  Psychological Profiles  Personality Profiles  Local Organization  Effects of Local Weather and Terrain on Equipment and Personnel

31 31 Civ-Mil Services Typically Requested by NGOs  Security Services  Landmine Locations  Security Briefings  Convoy Support  Guidance on Local Security  Technical Assistance  Access to Remote Areas, Ports, and Airfields  Logistics Assistance

32 32 Avoiding the Common Mistakes in Humanitarian Response Intelligence/information exchange SustainabilityProportionality Target populations “Warlord photo ops”

33 INDIRECT CONTACT  Functional military counterparts  State Department/other agencies  Other third parties  “Virtual contact”- the internet  Civil Affairs and Intelligence Learn about them before you deploy!

34 DIRECT CONTACT  Basics De-mystify information sharingDe-mystify information sharing Be honest and openBe honest and open Build rapportBuild rapport  Discretion What and WhyWhat and Why Cooperative Non-intrusive Give and Take

35 35 Coordination at JTF Level CJTF CMOC NGOs and IOs UN Relief Agencies OFDA / DART HACC Command Coordination Regional CMOC(s) Regional CMOC(s) CINC HOC Agencies at Strat. Theater Level

36 36 CMOC Military: U.S. + ? NGO IO PVO ICRC US Gov’t Agencies UN Agencies HN/Local Populace

37 37 DOD UN/IOs ReligionBusiness Host Nations USG NGOs Zone of Collaboration/Coordination


39 39 Cooperation as Vector Analysis:

40 40 Cooperation: “Unity of Effort ” Military Efforts IO/NGO Activities

41 41 Humanitarian Space Overview of Intervention Complex Emergency International Community Political / Military Response Humanitarian Response

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