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Telecommunicator Orientation to Street Drugs and Excited Delirium Durham Police Department CIT And Durham County EMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Telecommunicator Orientation to Street Drugs and Excited Delirium Durham Police Department CIT And Durham County EMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telecommunicator Orientation to Street Drugs and Excited Delirium Durham Police Department CIT And Durham County EMS

2 Synthetic Drugs Cannabinoids – K-2 or Spice – Versions of synthetic marijuana Cathinones – “Bath Salts” – mimic the effects of cocaine or meth These products are not intended for human consumption but labeled and marketed to allude to being used as a drug

3 Why are they dangerous No consistent way of manufacturing chemicals Many are more potent Individual behavioral reactions are unpredictable Long term treatment plans are wisely untested

4 Bath Salts Sold as crystalline powder with the names like: Red Dove, Vanilla Sky, White lightening Can cause severe paranoia, violent behavior, and hallucinations Symptoms may last 2 days Long term psychiatric care may be required

5 Herbal Incense Sold as incense with names like spice, K2, Mojo, G-Four Inconsistency in product can lead to differences in reactions Can cause anxiety, paranoia, confusion

6 Signs and Symptoms of Synthetic Drug Use Altered mental status – speaking in inappropriate language, making animal like sounds Rapid heart rate Sweating profusely Very aggressive / Threatening Violence Removing clothes to point of nudity Elevated Body temperature

7 Video of Synthetic Drug Use C4o&feature=related C4o&feature=related QrpE QrpE

8 Warning!!! May present with one or two signs and symptoms at first Their condition will worsen over time Be aware of the key words that will indicate the person is suffering from Excited Delirium or Synthetic Drug Overdose

9 WARNING SIGNS / Key Words!!!! “He is taking off his clothes” “He is Agitated” “He is talking out of his head” “He pacing back and forth” “He is wanting to fight everybody” “I think he took something” “He is hearing voices / He is seeing things” “He is sweating a lot”

10 Excited Delirium Videos OazNU OazNU G4 G4

11 Excited Delirium Excited Delirium is a controversial term used to explain deaths of individuals in police custody, in which the person being arrested, detained, or restrained is highly agitated and may be under the influence of stimulants. [1][1]

12 Excited Delirium- A Neurology Definition – Dr. Deborah Mash - University of Miami “Someone who is disproportionately large, extremely agitated, threatening violence, talking in-coherently, tearing off clothes, and it takes four to five officers to get the attention of that individual and bring him out of harms way – that’s excited delirium!”

13 What Causes Excited Delirium?? The use of Stimulant Drugs Over a Period of Time, specifically Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and Synthetic Stimulant Drug The use of Alcohol with these Stimulant Drugs Combined with Obesity, ethnicity, and often unknown underlying heart disease

14 Recognizing Excited Delirium Unbelievable strength Imperviousness to pain Ability to offer effective resistance against multiple officers over an extended period of time Hyperthermia (temperatures can spike to between 105-113°F) Sweating Shedding clothes or nudity Bizarre and violent behavior Aggression Hyperactivity

15 Call Take/Dispatch Role When Warning Signs/Key Words present the information should be clearly documented and provided to responders Dispatch Crisis Intervention Team/Mental Health trained responders when possible Consider dual response policy for PD/EMS

16 Special Note: Impervious Pain More Officers the better – due to the usual techniques to control the person may be ineffective – Taser, Baton, Pepper Spray Due to the lack of response to usual Law Enforcement Techniques, One officer will be overwhelmed in a short period of time. This can cause injuries or death to both the Officer and the person consuming the drug

17 Treatment of Excited Delirium EMS and Law Enforcement response will focus first on crew, officer, and patient safety We will treat immediate life threats – CPR, Oxygen, Airway The person will receive medications to help sedate and calm them both psychiatrically and physically. They will also receive IV Fluids and Heart monitoring to rule out their heart has not been damaged by the drugs

18 Treatment at the Hospital Both immediate and long term treatments focus on preserving body function, while detoxifying and allowing metabolic functions to return to a somewhat normal state. The major organs affected by the drugs are Kidneys, Liver, Heart, and Brain.


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