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Ramesh Rao Sujit Dey University of California San Diego The Sunny Side of Spectrum Sharing: The San Diego Model City Alliance 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Ramesh Rao Sujit Dey University of California San Diego The Sunny Side of Spectrum Sharing: The San Diego Model City Alliance 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ramesh Rao Sujit Dey University of California San Diego The Sunny Side of Spectrum Sharing: The San Diego Model City Alliance 1

2 San Diego Model City Alliance Academic Institutions -UC San Diego (CWC, QI) -San Diego State University DoD Agency -SPAWAR -Idaho National Lab Corporations -Qualcomm -ViaSat -Cubic -5Barz -InterDigital -Keysight -Ericsson Incubators -EvoNexus Startups -MaXentric Mentors -Ex Telecom Executives City -Economic Development Corporation 2

3 Initial Agenda Experimental Studies on Dynamic Spectrum Sharing -Navy Radar and 5G -Public safety (FirstNet) and experimental 5G systems -5G in 20 and 28 GHz bands -Novel approaches to radar waveform sensing -Interference measurement, Enforcement and Cybersecurity Development of Business Models -Shared low cost networks -Licensing or usage models to influence market and quality of user experience -Scalability -Opportunities for new entrepreneurial applications -Potential for engagement with academia Collaboration Modes -Pooling of resources as appropriate -Access to unique facilities -Coordinated tests 3

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