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Career Planning and Development Centre Office of Student Affairs 13 May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Planning and Development Centre Office of Student Affairs 13 May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Planning and Development Centre Office of Student Affairs 13 May 2015

2 Opening Remarks Mr. Raymond Leung Director of Student Affairs

3 A Glance on GIP 2015 & Code of Conduct Mr. Samuel Hung Head Career Planning and Development Centre

4 Launched in 1997 Provides offshore internship opportunities in both Mainland and Overseas Benefited 620 students in 2014, who were placed in 41 countries Offers various internship opportunities in diversified industries Background

5 This year’s Sponsors Mr. Cheung Kung Hay The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Commission on Youth Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government – Pilot Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-secondary Students Mrs. Lai Chan Pui-ngong University Grants Committee – Block Grants

6 Applicants of Core Modules: 2,000 + Overseas Core Modules: 1,000 + Mainland Core Modules: 1,000 + Total Applications (including Promoted Programme): 2,500 + This year’s GIP

7 Partner Organizations Email publicity Campus Talks Channels being considered under GIP Screening by org. GIP Joint Recruitment Campus Selection Core Modules (Prog. A, B, C, D, F, G, H, L, O, P) Core Modules (Prog. A, B, C, D, F, G, H, L, O, P) Campus Talks Screening by org. Promoted Prog. Mainland Overseas Promoted Prog. Mainland Overseas

8 Programme Schedule JanCampus Recruitment 2 – 6 FebCampus Interview Late FebAnnouncement of 1 st round results Feb/ MarBriefing Sessions of different modules/ Deposit collection Mar - AprJob Matching MayConfirmation of offers/ Undertaking collection/ Pre-trip counselling session May - AugCommencement of internship Sept / OctCertificate Presentation Ceremony / Evaluation Session(s)

9 10 Core Modules On the MainlandOverseas Prog. A : Internship Exposure at Beijing Xuanwu Hospital [ 北京宣武醫院體驗 ] Prog. L : Internship Opportunities in Asia Pacific Region [ 亞太區實習體驗 ] Prog. C : Internship Opportunities in Multinational Companies on the Mainland [ 內地跨國企業體驗 ] Prog. O : Internship Opportunities in Overseas Cities [ 海外實習體驗 ] Prog. G : Internship Opportunities in Technology Companies in Nanjing [ 南京高科技產業實習體驗 ] Prog. P : Internship Opportunities in ASEAN Countries [ 東盟國家實習體驗 ] * Arranged via ASEAN Internship for University Students of Hong Kong Scheme Prog. H : Internship Opportunities in Cultural Industry in Xi’an [ 西安文化產業體驗 ] Prog. D : Internship Opportunities in Shanghai in collaboration with HKCCC [ 上海企業實習體驗 ( 中國香港 ( 地區 ) 商會 – 上海合作 籌辦 )] Prog. F : Internship Opportunities in Chongqing [ 重慶企業實習體驗 ] Prog. B: I . CARE NGO Internship Programme in Greater China [ 博群大中華實習計劃(非政府組織) ]

10 Promoted Programme (organized by external organizer) On the MainlandOverseas “New Youth, New World” Summer Internship Programme 2015 (HKUYA) AIESEC Global Talent Programme (AIESEC in CUHK) The Cross Cultural Internship Program (CCIP) (FUSIA) Cyberport Hong Kong Shanghai ICT Internship Programme 2015 (HK Cyberport Management Co. Ltd.) Intrinsic Work and Travel USA 2015 The Bloom of Youth Internship Program 2015 Being promoted via our channels

11 For GIP…. Solicit Funding Resources Solicit Internship Placements Campus Recruit and Selection To provide logistics support, e.g. transportation, accommodation Monitoring visit to several cities Evaluation on the programme Publication to conclude the programme Certificate Presentation Ceremony to celebrate the fruitful completion of every intern Financial Claims for all interns

12 Your contribution is vital to GIP’s continuous success

13 As student interns under GIP, you are required to: Keep all the original copy of receipts for POTENTIAL subsidy arrangements. Submission template will be provided later. Your Obligations Subsidy might be granted, considering various factors, e.g. the location and duration of internship, the availability of stipend, family financial situation, etc. Subsidy levels are varied and will be adjusted each year. Subsidy arrangement will be announced at a later stage. Subsidy might be granted, considering various factors, e.g. the location and duration of internship, the availability of stipend, family financial situation, etc. Subsidy levels are varied and will be adjusted each year. Subsidy arrangement will be announced at a later stage.

14 As student interns under GIP, you are required to: Complete and return the “Learning Journal”; Provide feedback on the internship (questionnaires, and/or sharing sessions); Provide some pictures and/or video clippings of the internship exposure, and articles to share the experience; Attend Evaluation Session after the internship Attend the Certificate Presentation Ceremony to be held in Fall 2015 (except students that leave Hong Kong for exchange studies); Help promote Global Internship Programme 2016 Your Obligations

15 Your Contributions Questionnaire with learning journal & booklet article Reflection on what you learnt from the internship Sharing about your exposure in the internship city Tips on logistics arrangement & related expenses e.g. intercity transportation, accommodation, visa… [Learning Journal] To be submitted within 2 weeks after the end of the internship [Booklet Article] To be submitted by mid-July Further arrangement will be informed by email after today’s session.

16 Your Contributions Booklet/ Photos/ Articles/ Video

17 Your Contributions Post-internship activities Evaluation Sessions Certificate Presentative Ceremony Promotion of Programme 2016 Briefing Session Sharing Sessions Email / Phone advice Pre-trip Counselling Session

18 Before Departure

19 Points to note Emergency Number (during the office hour) Ms. Wing Kwok -Tel: (852) 3943 1725; Email: Ms. Sharon Tse -Tel: (852) 3943 9639; Email: Ms. Sara Lai -Tel: (852) 3943 1726; Email: Should you encounter any emergency problems after office hours, please contact our team at (852) 8101 6599. We will collect your offshore contact via an online form after today’s session.

20 Time to Set Off! Return in Good Shape with unforgettable memories!

21 Q & A Session

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