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We are Title I Vision - We envision a school district where all disadvantaged children achieve 100% mastery of high academic state standards. Mission -

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Presentation on theme: "We are Title I Vision - We envision a school district where all disadvantaged children achieve 100% mastery of high academic state standards. Mission -"— Presentation transcript:

1 We are Title I Vision - We envision a school district where all disadvantaged children achieve 100% mastery of high academic state standards. Mission - To ensure disadvantaged children meet or exceed high academic state standards.

2 Presentation Outcomes Review performance data Reaffirm the purpose of Title I Address changes in implementation and why Preview tools to make your work easier Set high expectations for Title I Schools 2

3 Trend Data in Title I Schools



6 What We Already Know Title I is the District’s contract for the delivery of grant programming for disadvantaged students. Title I programming is the catalyst for closing the achievement gap. “Secret weapon” to the basic educational program.

7 7 School Improvement Plan (Basic Education K-12 Programming) School Wide Plan (Title I Supplemental Programming)

8 What We Need to Know Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) – Shift from Compliance to Performance – Reengineering to Measure Effectiveness What Works in Title I Title I as Explicit in the School (not implicit) 8

9 Support for School Leaders To deliver options in the strategic use of resources To resolve the gap between planning and implementation (fidelity) To provide timely, supportive information that equips leaders with the key facts for decision making

10 Program Implementation Tool Tracking progress toward key expectations Objective Weighted key metrics – Accelerated student growth – School Improvement Plan implementation – Fiscal responsibility – Title I program documentation – Development activities Tier Support – Services will be tiered based on patterns, trends, correlations

11 Accelerated Student Growth Title I Schoolwide Plan School Improvement Plan Strategies & Fidelity of Implementation Fiscal Responsibility Documenting Title I Program Technical Assistance Activities

12 Curriculum: Challenging, Rich, Culturally Relevant and Aligned Why? Students struggle to meet standards. Nurture student growth to outpace non Title I students. Collect data over time; further research successful programs. Supplemental programs to enhance the Title I program Right program + fidelity of implementation = Student success

13 Choosing Challenge Many Supplemental Programs Program Z Program X Program Y 13 Programs implemented Surveyed departments Various skills and levels Met vendors, more to come Comprehensive list of supplemental programs

14 Supplemental Resources 14

15 FACTS Planning for FY16 budget Time to look at data and supplemental programs Your time is better spent reviewing SIP The frosting that will create a dynamic Title I program 15

16 Parent and Community Involvement and Support Why? To enhance parenting skills and strengthen parents’ capacity to support their children’s academic learning at home To stimulate parents’ engagement and motivate parents to become involved with the school To support the building of trust between families and schools that facilitates problem solving for any student barriers

17 17 It is a research-based program that transforms the way families participate in the educational process of their children. It is a creative and innovative family engagement framework for teacher and parent collaboration focused on the improvement of student achievement. It focuses on building parent capacity for helping their children develop foundational grade-level skills. What is APTT (Academic Parent Teacher Teams)? Student Learning as a Shared Responsibility! HOME SCHOOL

18 18 Components of APTT Three (3) 75 minute meetings throughout the year (parents in the classroom) Review academic student performance data Set 60-day parent-student academic goals Teacher demonstration of skills Parent practice of skills One face-to-face individual parent- teacher conference (teacher, parent, student) Review student performance data Create action plan to optimize learning

19 19 Benefits of APTT STUDENTS Increase student engagement, confidence and attendance Experience academic success PARENTS Understand their children’s grade level goals and apply what they learn in APTT to help their children meet or exceed academic standards Improve parent-teacher communication and parent self-efficacy for supporting learning SCHOOL Provide a new vision for purposeful parent/family engagement that is academically focused to meet grade level learning goals Provide teachers and families a time, place and the tools to share student performance data and set achievable, measurable academic goals

20 20 Mini Grant for APTT

21 AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Key Component for AVID Build connections and cultivate academic literacy with families The AVID Family Connections component is designed to do three (3) key things: Help families feel comfortable at school Foster their increased participation Expose families to what college readiness and academic literacy mean There are three (3) Family Connections Workshops offered: Family Information Night Family Literacy Events College Information Workshop AVID = A way to build family connections using a support system outside of schoo l 20 AVID Program Planner – Kisa Permenter (561) 982 – 0910 – PX 50910

22 January 2015 – June 2015 Overarching – Reposition Title I as the resource to level the playing field for disadvantaged students. Shift from compliance to performance. Collection of programmatic field data. Piloting new tools presented today. Release of APTT mini-grant. Next Steps for All 22

23 Closing: did we...? Review performance data Reaffirm the purpose of Title I Address changes in implementation and why Preview tools to make your work easier Set high expectations for Title I Schools 23

24 Q&A Title I, Part A Team: Dana Godek Amy Barningham Maureen Carson Ernesto Lontoc Tim Mason Diane Owens Terry Pitchford Sandra Sanchez Nicole Smith Jacquelyn Taylor-Wilson 24

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