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JEFFREY DAHMER MARTINA VOLKMAN. Background  Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 21, 1960  Born into a loving family  Lived a happy childhood until.

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2 Background  Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on May 21, 1960  Born into a loving family  Lived a happy childhood until the age of six when he had a surgery to correct a double hernia. This seemed to change him.  After the surgery and birth of his brother he became increasingly insular and lacked self-confidence  Made a move as a young teen for his father’s career  By early teens he was disengaged and friendless  Had a strange interest in dead animals  Started turning to alcohol in high school  Claimed that his compulsions to Necrophilia (sexual intercourse with attraction towards corpses) and murder began at age fourteen when his parents marriage ended.  Went to Ohio State for two semesters before dropping out due to his alcoholism

3 Background Cont.  Father suggested he join the Army  He was in the army until he was discharged for alcoholism  After returning home he moved with his grandmother until she became uncomfortable with her findings around Jeffrey’s room  Gun  Dead Animals  Male Mannequin  He then moved into his own apartment back in Milwaukee

4 Crimes  First victim was a hitch hiker named Steven Hicks that Dahmer took back to his parents home where the two drank and had sexual relations. When Hicks tried to leave Dahmer Murdered him, dismembered the body, and hit it in the woods.  August 1983 he got in legal trouble for exposing himself at a state fair  September 1986 he was arrested for masturbating in public. He went to prison for ten months.  Right after his release he was arrested for fondling a 13 year old boy. The judge gave him 5 years probation, because he admitted he needed therapy.  Most famous crime was his killing spree

5 Killing Ritual  “Dahmer's killing spree continued and for most of his victims the scene was the same. He would meet them at a gay bar or mall and entice them with free alcohol and money if they agreed to pose for photographs. Once alone, he would drug them, sometimes torture them and then kill them usually by strangulation. He would then masturbate over the corpse or have sex with the corpse, cut the body up and get rid of the remains. He also kept parts of the bodies including the skulls, which he would clean much like he did with his childhood road kill collection and often refrigerated organs which he would on occasion eat.”

6 Crime Scene in 213  A human head and three bags of organs, which included two hearts, were found in the refrigerator.  Three heads, a torso and various internal organs were inside a free- standing freezer.  Chemicals, formaldehyde, ether, and chloroform plus two skulls, two hands and male genitalia were found in the closet.  A filing cabinet which contained three painted skulls, a skeleton, a dried scalp, male genitalia, and various photographs of his victims.  A box with two skulls inside.  A 57-gallon vat filled with acid and three torsos.  Victims' identification.

7 Crime Scene Cont.  Bleach used to bleach the skulls and bones.  Incense sticks. Neighbors often complained to Dahmer about the smell coming from his apartment.  Tools - Claw hammer, handsaw, 3/8" drill, 1/16" drill, drill bits.  A hypodermic needle.  Various videos, some pornographic.  Blood soaked mattress and blood splatters.  King James Bible

8 Crime Scene Cont.

9 Sentence  15 counts of murder  15 life terms (total of 937 years in prison)  Was murdered in prison  When Sentenced Dahmer apologized for his crimes and ended with, "I hated no one. I knew I was sick or evil or both. Now I believe I was sick. The doctors have told me about my sickness, and now I have some peace. I know how much harm I have caused... Thank God there will be no more harm that I can do. I believe that only the Lord Jesus Christ can save me from my sins... I ask for no consideration."

10 Known Victims:  Name - Age - Date Murdered  Stephen Hicks - 18 - June, 1978  Steven Tuomi - 26 - September, 1987  Jamie Doxtator - 14 - October, 1987  Richard Guerrero - 25 - March, 1988  Anthony Sears - 24 - February, 1989  Eddie Smith - 36 - June, 1990  Ricky Beeks - 27 - July, 1990  Ernest Miller - 22 - September, 1990  David Thomas - 23 - September, 1990  Curtis Straughter - 16 - February, 1991  Errol Lindsey - 19 - April, 1991

11 Known Victims Cont.:  Tony Hughes - 31 - May 24, 1991  Konerak Sinthasomphone - 14 - May 27, 1991  Matt Turner - 20 - June 30, 1991  Jeremiah Weinberger - 23 - July 5, 1991  Oliver Lacy - 23 - July 12, 1991  Joseph Bradeholt - 25 - July 19, 1991

12 Nicknames:  “The Milwaukee Cannibal”  “The Milwaukee Monster”

13 Books And many more …

14 Movies  Countless Documentaries  Dahmer(https://www.youtu d41U)

15 Songs:  “Jeffrey Dahmer” – SOULFLY  “In blood his victims will crawl Body parts all over his house They feed the need of his cannibal mind Bloody murders he left behin”d  “Cannibal” –Ke$ha  “Whenever you tell me I'm pretty That's when the hunger really hits me Your little heart goes pitter patter I want your liver on a platter Use your finger to stir my tea And for dessert I'll suck your teeth Be too sweet and you'll be a gonner Yep, I'll pull a Jeffrey Dahmer”

16 Social Control Theory:  Dahmer had deviant thoughts from a very young age, but never really acted on them. He always had the social norms that kept him grounded. I believe what broke this was his surgery when he was young when he was six. This surgery may have triggered something in him. Another factor could be his drinking problem. The major one I believe that really effected him to turn to deviance was his parents failed marriage. Some people handle these issues differently. I believe he already had untreated psychiatric issues that were released in a negative way through the situations he endured in life.  If Dahmer had earlier help with his mental issues maybe those deviant thoughts would have just stayed thoughts. He had a normal childhood, but his own issues would effect him and his victims negatively in the end.

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