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Imperial County APCD Regulatory Update CDAWG 2014 Brad Poiriez Air Pollution Control Officer October 8, 2014.

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1 Imperial County APCD Regulatory Update CDAWG 2014 Brad Poiriez Air Pollution Control Officer October 8, 2014

2 Planning Develop air quality attainment plans; including Rules and Regulations for State and Federal mandates; others Monitor the air quality Record air quality at 5 locations in the County ( 4 under APCD ownership) Compliance Sources, follow-ups complaints – ensure compliance Manage and oversee the Agricultural Burn Program 279 Agricultural Burn Permits 65 Open Burn Permits Agricultural Burning reduced approx. 60% in the last 4 years. Engineering Write and review permits (7 – Title V, 3 – SM, 896 total permits) Administrative Manage Incentive program to reduce agricultural burning Manage an incentive grant programs to reduce diesel engine emissions

3 PM10 PM10 BACM Rule lawsuit settlement with EPA reached and approval of Final BACM rules in Federal Register on 04/22/13 PM10 SIP will be based on years 2013 -2015 Number of Days Above PM10 NAAQS YEAR

4 8-HOUR OZONE On February 13, 2008, IC reclassified as a “moderate” non-attainment area On December 3, 2009 US EPA found that the IC “moderate” non-attainment area attained the 1997 8- hr NAAQS for Ozone and became effective January 4, 2010. On December 21, 2010 CARB formally submitted to the US EPA the IC 8-Hour Ozone AQMP and the RACT SIP. 2008 standard On May 21, 2012 IC classified as a “marginal” non-attainment area. Attainment date is December 31, 2015. Ozone Design Value YEAR

5 State Implementation Plan (SIP) EPA designated the Imperial County urban areas as non-attainment on 12/14/2009. The SIP also requires all other applicable requirements be achieved. The PM2.5 SIP is required to be submitted to US EPA by the end of December 2014. The Air District will be submitting a “But For” SIP. Number of Days Above PM2.5 NAAQS YEAR

6 Proposed Rules for 2015 Rule 214.4 – Paving Unpaved Public Roads Emission Reduction Credit (ERC) Rule 807- Salton Sea Exposed Playa

7 Incentive Programs Carl Moyer 14 th and 15 th year in Carl Moyer, estimated $630,000 – 12 - 14 replacements Prop 1B Goods Movement Year Four, $6.1 m (approx. 130 replacements)

8 Rule 310 Indirect Source Rule Rule 310 was adopted November 11, 2007 2013/2014 fiscal year mitigation Project Funding 1 PM10 project was funded; $300,270. 13 Ozone projects; $311,466.00 New RFP commenced August 1, 2014 and ended October 1, 2014. Available funding for 2014/2015 fiscal year:  Ozone – $321,576.43  PM10 - $103,871.99

9 Air Quality Task Force Grant 5 year grant is for the continuance of the Air Quality Task Force as well as Rule Development and Special Projects. Grant Amount of $1.25 Million for 5 years. However, it subject to annual Federal budget re-appropriation. BECC Grant – Vehicle Idling Emissions Study at Calexico East and Calexico West Ports of Entry $98,8000 grant Expected completion date October 2015 Special Projects Grant Educational Media Campaign 4 th year $35,000 grant

10 Alternative Power Projects 26 Solar Projects, including 19 completed projects o Total of 1836.90 MW 5 Geothermal projects o Total of 150.9 MW 1 Wind Project o Total of 750 MW 1 Ethanol(sugarcane & sweet sorgum) 1 DME (Dimethyl Ether) 1 Lithium – Pilot Plant

11 BRAD POIRIEZ Air Pollution Control Officer IMPERIAL COUNTY APCD 150 S. Ninth St. El Centro, CA. 92243 (760) 482-4606

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