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Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC) Reports

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1 Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC) Reports

2 How to Access PIC and PIC Homepage
Click “Program Offices” on Selection Toolbar, then select “Public and Indian Housing” Select IMS/PIC under “Online Systems” on the Sub-Toolbar This accesses the PIC Homepage which allows access to the HUD Homepage Under “System Login” on the right side of the page, select “Public Housing Agency User” to access the PIC system Access the HUD Homepage by selecting “Form-50058” Provides access to a copy of the Form HUD and the Instruction Booklet and the Monthly Report Guides


4 Guides and Business Rules

5 PIC Reports used in Operating Subsidy Calculation
As part of the Operating Subsidy process, HUD uses PIC data to pre-populate the unit status fields in Section 2, ”Categorization of Unit Months” data, which in turn is used to determine the “Eligible Unit Months” for funding, in the HUD form Most unit status cells in the forms are locked and not editable by PHAs. The locking of the unit status cells highlights the importance of accurate, up to date PIC unit status data. HUD publishes a report on unit status data for review in preparing draft forms before the electronic forms are posted. This provides a chance to review the unit status data so changes can be made before the HUD submission. (First report was published for 2014 around May or June.)

6 Reports used to Monitor Vacancies During the Year
The Unit Tab in the Development Submodule Print for each month on the first or last day of the month depending what is used to request operating subsidy Occu/Aging Report To Monitor Vacancies Ad Hoc Report Generate a report that can be used to determine vacancies and vacancy days during the year


8 UNIT TAB in the Development Submodule

9 Development Submodule Occupancy/Aging Report

10 Occupancy Selection in the Occu/Aging Report

11 To create an Ad Hoc Report, access Form 50058 Ad Hoc Report Submodule:

12 Select Public Housing Click Continue

13 Select the desired fields and click “Generate Report”



16 Reports Summarized Monthly after the first day of the new Month

17 Access Reports Submodule Under HUD-50058 Module
Delinquency Report Guide:

18 Delinquency Rate for Public Housing Please note that it has changed
50058 Required Column 1 For Public Housing Program type, data in this column represents total number of tenants on the Reexamination Report for the PHA. 50058 Received Column 2 For Public Housing Program type, data in this column represents number of tenants with last examination date earlier than 14 months(<=13). Difference Column 3 For Public Housing Program type, data in this column represents number of tenants with last examination date later than 13 months(>=14).

19 4 For Public Housing Program type, data in this column represents number of tenants with last examination date earlier than 12 months(<=11). 5 For Public Housing Program type, data in this column represents number of tenants with last examination date later than 12 months and earlier than 14 months(>=12 and <14). 6 For Public Housing Program type, data in this column represents number of tenants with last examination date later than 13 months(>=14).

20 Definition of Column 3 - Interpretation

21 Reexamination Report Example:
For Public Housing Program type, data in this column represents number of tenants with last examination date later than 13 months(>=14).

22 Delinquency Rate for Section 8 HCV
VMS Units Leased (a) Most recent value for the most recent submission (as of the 1st of the report generation month) displayed under “Number of vouchers under lease on the last day of the month” field in the Voucher Management System (VMS) for that HA As of (MM/YY) The month/year of the latest PHA submission to VMS. Port-outs (b) Count of families ported from the assessed PHA: 12d=Y and 12e > 0 or 15c=Y and 15d > 0 AND the PHA code billed is that of the selected PHA for which the report is generated (12f or 15e=selected PHA). Port-ins (c) Count of families ported to the assessed PHA and were not absorbed: 12d= Y and 12e>0 or 15c=Y and 15d>0 AND 12f or 15e is not selected PHA 50058s Required (a-b+c) Total leased units from the Voucher Management System minus the number of port-outs (Form HUD is submitted by the receiving PHA) plus the number of port-ins (not included in VMS data but Form HUD submitted by selected PHA). This allows adjustments for portability. 50058s Received Number of reports received where Program (1c)=VO or CE and action types are New Admission (2a=1), Annual/Interim Reexamination (2a=2 or 3), Portability Move-In (2a=4), Other Change of Unit (2a=7), Annual Reexamination Searching (2a=9), or Historical Adjustment (2a=14). Difference (Diff) The difference between the 50058s Required and the 50058s Received. Reporting Rate The total 50058s Received divided by the total 50058s Required (shown as a percent). If Required is 0, use ACC Units as the denominator. If Reporting Rate is less than 95 percent, it will be shown in red and bold.

23 Reports Summarized Monthly after the first day of the new Month

24 Click on the Viewer Submodule and then on the Reports Tab

25 Issuance and Expiration Voucher Report – click on the tab and generate the report – (HCV Only)

26 Overlapping Date Report (Both PH and HCV)
Generated when a PHA transmits a new move-in for a family who is currently in the database at another PHA PHAs can use to monitor moves by families who may not have provided adequate notice (or possible data input errors)

27 There are three tabs reflecting different stages of the Overlapping Date function

28 The action is effective the first of the month after the occurrence of the date overlap – first of month after the action is sent by the receiving PHA.

29 Portability Billing Report (HCV Only)
If Port-ins are correctly coded on the HUD-50058, they will appear on this report and the Delinquency Rate will be accurately calculated. PORT – INS

30 If Port-outs are correctly coded on the HUD-50058, they will appear on this report and the Delinquency Rate will be accurately calculated. PORT-OUTS

31 Ensure all Portability Actions are Correctly Submitted on HUD-50058
Receiving PHAs must submit the Action Code 4 (and subsequent actions) for Port-Ins with: Field 12d “Did Family move into your jurisdiction under portability?” marked “Y”, Field 12e “cost billed per month” or 0 if absorbed, Field 12f “PHA code billed” (blank if not billing) PLEASE NOTE: IF NOT SUBMITTED CORRECTLY, THE DELINQUENCY RATE OF THE INITIAL PHA IS ADVERSLY AFFECTED AND THE DELINQUENCY RATE OF THE RECEIVING IS INCORRECT. Losing PHAs no longer send Action Code 5, Port Move-out. This action is generated by PIC.

32 Use SEMAP Report in Reports Submodule to monitor HCV actions that will be used to score SEMAP Certification

33 Click View Entire Report and Click on the + to find possible errors for each indicator

34 Determine if this is a PIC input error on the dates or if this is an accurate submission

35 Use the information under the FSS Indicators to determine that all FSS families are reported
Issues with the reporting is known and will be corrected in future PIC releases (Future date submissions affect the reporting and is not counted on any report other than the Delinquency Report)

36 For correcting HUD Submission errors, access the Error Analysis Report in the HUD Submodule. Select the Reports Tab and click on the Ticket Number.

37 Error Examples

38 Error Examples

39 Error Examples

40 Use the Tenant ID Management Submodule to correct Tenant Identification Errors caused by Incorrect SSNs, Birthdates, Names, Previously Assigned Alternate ID Numbers

41 Click on the Reports Tab to Access the Tenant ID Management Reports
Monitoring these reports on a regular basis should help in eliminating HUD errors due to Tenant ID information.

42 Possible Duplicate Tenant Report
Shows tenants that may be receiving assistance in more than one PHA.

43 Invalid Tenant ID Report
Shows SSNs that are possibly Invalid because they did not pass the initial comparison with SSA data

44 SSNs and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) are compared through data matching with SSA data and can result in errors such as the one below:

45 Chapter 5 of the Technical Reference Guide can be found beginning on Page 183 at the link below:

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