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The Federal Regulator’s Perspective Industrial Railway Safety Conference Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta April 28, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "The Federal Regulator’s Perspective Industrial Railway Safety Conference Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta April 28, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Federal Regulator’s Perspective Industrial Railway Safety Conference Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta April 28, 2015

2 Currently in force Grade Crossings Regulations (staggered implementation) Railway Operating Certificate Regulations Railway Safety Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations Amendments to the Transportation Information Regulations Railway Safety Management System Regulations, 2015 (SMS) Focus Implementation and program development Guidance and training to Rail Safety personnel Support to industry Accelerated Regulations 2

3 New regulations: Amendments to Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) Regulations (SMS, ROC and GCR) Prevention and Control of Fires Locomotive Voice/Video Recorders (Pilot Project) Environmental Management Plans Access Control ? New or revised rules: Rules governing Key Routes and Key Trains Rules on Train Securement Canadian Rail Operating Rules (CROR) Future Regulatory Priorities 3

4 Bill C-52: The Safe and Accountable Rail Act Tabled in Parliament on February 20, 2015 Proposes amendments to the Canada Transportation Act and the Railway Safety Act Proposed amendments to the Railway Safety Act: part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to strengthen oversight and increase collaboration between communities and the railway industry; and further address issues raised in the Transportation Safety Board’s final report on the Lac-Mégantic derailment. Full text is available on the Parliament of Canada website text is available on the Parliament of Canada website 4

5 Information sharing New regulation-making authority to facilitate the sharing of information between third parties. Reimbursement of costs for fires Allows a province/municipality to request CTA to determine if railway operations were responsible and if so, order the company to reimburse costs incurred in responding to the fire. Safety Management Systems New Ministerial Order to require a company to take corrective measures if the implementation of its SMS risks compromising safety. New Authorities Expanded authorities for the Minister to order any company, road authority or municipality to stop any activity, follow procedures or take corrective measures in the interest of safe railway operations. Enhanced railway safety inspector powers to issue a Notice or Notice and Order to any company, road authority or municipality in the event of a threat or immediate threat to safety. Bill C-52: The Safe and Accountable Rail Act 5

6 Confidentiality of information Allow Transport Canada to protect information provided to the Minister as confidential, unless otherwise specified. Fatigue science Repeal the definition of fatigue science to allow the SMS Regulations to include broader requirements related to fatigue management. Access control Regulation-making authority to place an obligation on adjacent land owners to put up a fence or sign in certain circumstances that compromise the safety of railway operations. General and Board Orders Clarify that old General and Board Orders made under previous rail safety related legislation continue to be in effect under the Railway Safety Act. Other clarifications and administrative amendments to further support a robust railway safety regulatory regime, such as changes to definitions, phrasing in both official languages and regulatory authorities. Other Proposed Amendments: Railway Safety Act 6

7 Pre-April 1, 2015 – railway companies are to make their Annual Submissions in accordance with the current SMS Regulations by March 1, 2015. April 1, 2015 – repeal of the current SMS Regulations and coming into force of the SMS Regulations, 2015. As of April 1, 2015 – TC will fully enforce Initial Key Provisions: Notification of accountable executive and submission of accountable executive’s signed declaration Notification of operational changes Conduct Risk Assessments April 1, 2015 – New Companies – Required to have a full SMS on Day 1 of operations (except for setting Targets and Initiatives - six months after day 1). SMS Transition Plan 7

8 April 1 to June 1, 2015 – TC will follow up on any outstanding findings from previous audits to ensure corrective actions have been implemented. April 1 to October 1, 2015 – Implementation Phase I – TC will promote compliance on new regulations and inform companies on new requirements (with special focus on local railway companies) October 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016– Implementation Phase II – Companies expected to begin following their procedures. TC will continue to promote, educate and may take enforcement action as required. On October 1, 2015 – TC will request that companies submit their Index. As of April 1, 2016 – Implementation Phase III – Full enforcement. Companies are expected to have their full SMS in place. SMS Transition Plan 8

9 On April 1, 2016 – Railway companies and local railway companies operating on main-track will be requested to submit their Targets and Initiatives for Year 2016. On March 1, 2017 – Railway companies and local railway companies operating on main-track will be requested to submit their Annual Report. On March 1, 2018 – Railway companies and local railway companies operating on main-track will be requested to submit their latest Internal Audit Report. Industry guidance: Comprehensive Industry Guide Template for companies new to SMS Template for notifying TC of operational change SMS Transition Plan 9

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