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University of Denver Rural Satellite Programs – What is emerging?

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Presentation on theme: "University of Denver Rural Satellite Programs – What is emerging?"— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Denver Rural Satellite Programs – What is emerging?

2 Think Tank What are the strategic issues for community based satellite programs in the new online environment?

3 Introductions Name School/ Role Do you have a satellite program – In state, apart from main campus What technologies do you use to deliver the program ( face to face, ITV, on-line, other)

4 DU Rural Satellite Program Background of Program Why a community based approach? What is the community based approach?

5 Questions What is our role and responsibility to local communities who have been supportive in the development of the satellite programs?

6 Rural and Tribal Response What is sustainable? Ethical?

7 Why keep a satellite program? Pros and Cons

8 Recommendations Key strategies and Issues

9 Recommendations Utilize the stakeholders expertise and knowledge of the communities and culture and look at “best fit” for the program. Discuss how the changing program continues to fit into the school’s overall mission. Think of new ways to keep the community connection when students do not meet face to face.

10 Contact Information Wanda Ellingson, LCSW 970-247-9773 Jean East, Ph.D. 303-871-2870

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