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U.S. 231 Intersection Improvement in North Spencer County Heritage Hills High School Thursday, April 30, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. 231 Intersection Improvement in North Spencer County Heritage Hills High School Thursday, April 30, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. 231 Intersection Improvement in North Spencer County Heritage Hills High School Thursday, April 30, 2015

2 Welcome Rickie Clark, INDOT Office of Public Involvement Purpose/explanation of public meeting Meeting format Visit our sign-in table Information packets Submitting public comments Project display area

3 Opening Remarks U.S. 231 Intersection Improvement Indiana Department of Transportation Vincennes District Deputy Commissioner – Russell Fowler Introduction of INDOT Team Design Consultant – HNTB, Inc Recognition of elected and local public officials

4 Stakeholders Community residents & citizens Spencer County Surrounding communities Elected / local public officials Commuters Law enforcement Emergency services Trucking industry Schools Area employment centers

5 U.S. 231 Intersections Purpose and Need Review existing conditions Identify possible future improvements to enhance safety Consider range of alternatives Identify a preliminary recommendation Solicit input on preliminary recommendation

6 Preliminary engineering assessment Examine purpose & need Develop alternatives Identify Project Preliminary design phase Prepare environmental document Finalize project design Deliver Project Project Development Process Jan 2015 Special Hearing April 2015 meeting with community stakeholders

7 U.S. 231 Intersections Purpose and Need Review existing conditions Identify possible future improvements to enhance safety Consider range of alternatives Identify a preliminary recommendation Solicit input on preliminary recommendation

8 Alternatives Safety MobilityAccess Improving safety may impact access and mobility INDOT is working with community to strike the right balance

9 Alternatives analyzed during preliminary engineering assessment No-Action Lowering speed limit Install flashing red beacon on stop signs Install additional signage to warn drivers Install intersection control beacon Refresh pavement markings Realign intersections Construct overpass Close median openings Roundabouts Build interchange Install traffic signals Alternatives

10 Preliminary Recommendation J-Turn Intersection What is a J-Turn It is an intersection that prevents direct crossing and left-turn movements from SR 62 and SR 68. The SR 62 and SR 68 movements are made indirectly by making a right-turn, traveling approximately a quarter-mile on US 231 and then making a U-turn. At the intersection, left-turns are allowed from US 231 to SR 62 and SR 68. The J-turn does not require the US 231 through traffic to stop or yield.

11 J-Turn Intersection Why build a J-Turn? J-turns reduce a significant number of crashes. J-turns reduce the number of conflict points, where one vehicle path crosses another. A standard intersection of a divided highway has 42 conflict points of which 24 are right-angle (t- bone) conflicts. A J-turn intersection has 24 conflict points of which only 4 are right-angle conflicts.

12 J-Turn Intersection

13 From SR 62/SR68 Eastbound/Northbound How does a J-turn work?

14 J-Turn Intersection From SR 62/SR68 Westbound/Southbound How does a J-turn work?

15 J-Turn Intersection US 231 Southbound How does a J-turn work?

16 J-Turn Intersection US 231 Northbound How does a J-turn work?

17 J-Turn Intersection SR 68

18 J-Turn Intersection SR 62

19 J-Turn Intersection Animation – courtesy of WISDOT

20 Submit Public Comments Submit public comments using the options described in first page of information packet: Public Comment Form Via e-mail Participating during public comment session via microphone Verbal comments recorded and transcribed for inclusion into meeting transcript INDOT respectfully requests comments be submitted by Monday, May 11, 2015 All comments submitted will become part of public record, entered into a transcript, reviewed, evaluated and given full consideration during decision making process

21 Next Steps Review public input Finalize recommendation for a project Prepare an environmental document Refine Purpose and Need Refine Preferred Alternative Finalize preliminary design Tentative timeframe for construction Late 2015 – 2016 INDOT Vincennes District Office Contact information located within information packet Visit district webpage to review project information and updates

22 Public Involvement Team INDOT Office of Public Involvement 317-232-6601 INDOT Vincennes District Office Customer Service Center 1-800-279-5758 District webpage:

23 Thank You

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