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NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR KHARIF CAMPAIGN 2015 (7th & 8th April, 2015) Promotion of pulse through Inter-cropping in Kharif season GROUP - II DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ANDHRA PRADESH
S No Category Unit Total 1 Total Geographical Area Lakh Ha 160.97 2 Gross Cropped Area 68.18 3 Net Cropped Area 51.39 4 Gross Irrigated Area 35.30 5 Net irrigated Area 24.48 6 Number of Farm Holdings Lakh Nos. 76.21 i) Marginal 49.84 ii) Small 15.91 iii) Others 10.46 7 Total area operated by 80.96 21.60 22.51 36.85 8 Average Annual Rainfall mm 966.1 9 Cropping Intensity % 1.33 10 Irrigation Intensity 1.44 1
District-wise, Month-wise rainfall status during 2014-15
Kharif 2014 & Rabi 2014-15 Achievements (Abstract)
(Lakhs tones) Sl.No. Crop Normal Production (Expected) Kharif Rabi Total 1 Rice 76.11 50.24 31.87 82.11 2 Pulses 10.42 1.26 7.78 9.04 3 Total Foodgrains 109.14 56.18 57.28 113.46 4 Oil Seeds 9.85 3.50 2.34 5.84 5 Cotton 12.78 28.24 0.17 28.41 NOTE: This year the food grain production as per 2nd advance estimate of DES is LMTs, in spite of 36%deficient rainfall during this year.
Variety wise Agency wise quantity of seed distributed during 2014-15
Crop Quantity of seed distributed Contingency K-2014 Total Area covered in ha Variety Kharif Rabi APSSDC Redgram LRG-41 5699.9 20 31.52 ICPL-85063 547.52 ICPL-87119 18.56 148.48 NSC 6266 Green gram LGG-460 677.38 6862.3 8672.8 Black gram LBG-752 907.52 14652 PU-31 414.08 647.5 549.48 Bengal gram JG-11 57939
Variety wise Agency wise quantity of seed Available for the year 2015-16
Crop/ Variety Availability in Qtls APSSDC REDGRAM LRG-41 NSC GREENGRAM LGG-460 TM-96-2 0.00 TOTAL BLACKGRAM PU-31 920.00 LBG-752
Critical Interventions to increase Pulses Productivity and Production
Introducing high yielding location specific new varieties in Pulses like , S.No Name of the Crop Varieties 1 Red gram ICPL-85062, ICPL 85063, ICPL 87119, LRG-30&LRG-41 2 Black gram PU-31,LBG-20, LBG -752, LBG -645, LBG -623 3 Green gram LGG-407, LGG -460 4 Bengal gram JG-11,JAKI-9218 Increasing the area under pulses in Rice fallows in 4.0lakh ha. Popularization intercropping of Red gram with other pulses and oilseed crops like ground nut in Anantapur districts. I ncreasing the area of Green gram & Black gram during summer (11000 ha). Raising Red gram on Rice bunds (15870 ha). Growing short duration varieties of millets and pulses in remain unsown during kharif 2014 as contingent crop.
Impact of NFSM on pulses
Popularization of redgram on rice and commercial crop bunds in 15870ha during kharif. it is proposed to cover 40,000/ha during kharif. Popularization of red gram as inter crop with Ground nut, Cotton, Black gram/Green gram and millets. The productivity of pulses compared to with Increase in area of 1.15 lakh ha of Black gram/Green gram in rice fallow and during summer compared to last year It is proposed to cover 40,000ha as summer pulse during , and till now it is covered in an area of 52850ha . An area of ha was covered under millets and short duration pulses as contingent crop in delayed & low rain fall areas. Timely spraying of Neem oil in redgram reduced the incidence of pod borer. Spraying of 2% urea solution during Kharif to withstand intermittent drought. Year Red gram Green gram Black gram 565 610 781 585 656 825
Strategies for Red gram
Promoting inter cropping of Red gram with other crops like G.nut, Commercial crops (cotton&Mesta) Timely pest management through Neem Oil at Flower bud 5 ml/lit to reduce Maruca Growing f Hybrid red gram (ICPH-2740,ICPH-2671)on Rice and commercial crops field bunds Promotion of short duration variety PRG-158 in low rainfall & terminal moisture stress areas. Promotion of transplanted red gram.
Strategies for Black gram& Green gram
Foliar nutrition of 10g/lit in Saline Soils. Increasing the area in rice fallows and as summer pulse. Two crop sequence under rainfed during kharif/rabi in place of monocropping (Green gram followed by bengal gram)
Strategies for Bengal gram
Drought tolerant,high yeilding wilt tolerant varieties. Growing preceding short duration kharif crop (blackgram/greengeam/setaria) to increase the net returns per unit area.
Area in "Lakh Hectares" Yield in "Kgs/Ha" Production in "Lakh Mts"
STATEMENT OF TARGETTED A.Y.P OF Pulses FOR (Vs) IN ANDHRA PRADESH ( as per 3 rd A.E) Area in "Lakh Hectares" Yield in "Kgs/Ha" Production in "Lakh Mts" Sl. No Name of the Crop Area Yield Production % dev 1 Redgram 1.51 2.09 38.4% 481 585 21.6% 0.73 1.22 68.0% 2 Bengalgram 3.17 4.75 49.7% 1114 1250 12.2% 3.53 5.93 67.9% 3 Greengram 1.67 1.49 -10.9% 599 690 15.2% 1.00 1.03 3.0% 4 Blackgram 3.41 3.02 -11.4% 681 848 24.5% 2.32 2.56 10.2% 5 Horsegram 0.36 0.40 9.8% 452 674 49.1% 0.16 0.27 65.9%
Seed Rolling Plan for Kharif 2015,2016,2017 (Pulses)
S.No Crop Normal Area % of Area for SRR SMR Areav to be covered under SRR Quantity of certified seed rewquired Quantity of seed required Quantity of seed required Remarks % of demand B/S F/S C/s 1 Redgram 2.04 75 100 1.53 15300 2 153 LRG-41 9180 92 60% PRG-158 3060 31 20% ICRISAT var 1530 15 10% ICPH-2740 Total Green gram 0.28 54 40 0.1512 2419 60 LGG-460 1693 42 70% MGG-348 242 6 WGG-337 121 3 5% TM96-2 Others Black gram 0.2 58 0.116 1856 46 LBG-752 1114 28 LBG-645 186 5 LBG-685 PU-31 278 7 15% 93
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