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Milestones Overview – Part 2 Jenny Allen | Training and Development Coordinator Spring Testing Training 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Milestones Overview – Part 2 Jenny Allen | Training and Development Coordinator Spring Testing Training 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Milestones Overview – Part 2 Jenny Allen | Training and Development Coordinator Spring Testing Training 2014-2015

2 Agenda General Information – EOC Testing Windows, Times, and Scheduling Online Administration Test Security – Avoiding Irregularities Cell Phones & Electronic Devices Calculator Policy Resources Open Office Quiz Contact Information

3 Testing Expectations All GCA certified staff are REQUIRED to attend state testing administrations and state testing training. These testing dates are considered critical days for staff. Vacation and/or personal time off will not be approved during these testing windows. You may be asked to travel to administer a state test (GHSWT, GHSGT, Georgia Milestones EOCT, Georgia Milestones) as part of your job as a Georgia Cyber Academy staff member. If you are assigned to travel during Georgia Milestones Testing (Former CRCT/EOCT), you could be away for up to two weeks. Please note that if you have a student enrolled at GCA, for test security purposes you will NOT be assigned to your child’s test site (no exceptions). Please make sure that you make arrangements for personal responsibilities prior to the testing window, as lack of childcare and distance will not be excused absences from testing. If you have extenuating circumstances that will prevent you from travel/testing please contact your direct report. Test Dates for the 2014-2015 are listed on the GCA Staff 2014-2015 calendar. Ensure that you mark ALL of the RED testing dates on your calendar since you will not know which tests you will be selected to administer. ALL teachers will be used for the Georgia Milestones Spring administration, the other tests will vary.

4 Milestones Training Schedule Week of 2/20: Milestones Overview Part 1 – EOG Week of 3/6: Milestones Overview Part 2 - EOC Week of 3/27: Roles and Responsibilities Week of 4/10: Let’s Tie Up Loose Ends Accommodations Virtual PD March 24 th 8:30-12:30 Accommodations Changes/Small Group Arrangements Nicole Bahret, Sarah Lucas 504 Accommodations and Emergency 504 Training Zakia Funchess Testing Irregularity Process Scott Dorsey Script for Accommodations & Communicating to Families Sonja Bullock

5 OneNote Tip Create a Notebook in One Note - Testing Create tabs to help organize testing information. Site Team Trainings Family Communications TAKE NOTE : indicates information you may want to add to your training folder.

6 Main Administration EOG End of Grade April 20 th – 24th EOC End of Course April 27 th – May 1st

7 EOC – End of Course End-of-Course (EOC) Measures – Middle/High School Students enrolled in any of the eight core courses identified by the State Board of Education are required to participate in the Georgia Milestones EOC measure at the end of each course. The core course include: 1. Ninth Grade Literature and Composition 2. American Literature and Composition 3. Coordinate Algebra 4. Analytic Geometry 5. Biology 6. Physical Science 7. United States History 8. Economics/Business/Free Enterprise.

8 EOC Examiners The EOC assessments must be administered by a certified educator. During test administration, Examiners are directly responsible for the security of the test and must account for all test materials at all times. All instances of test security breaches and testing irregularities must be reported to the School Test Coordinator immediately.

9 EOC Design End of Course measures may be administered via paper and pencil or online. Paper-pencil assessments will be available during all main administrations. Read-Aloud accommodations will be administered via online testing* (pending GADOE final decision)-slide8 Examiners will have to keep track of administration time for both testing modes.

10 EOC Test Design The online EOC assessments replicate the paper-and-pencil tests in both content and organization, though there may be minor formatting differences. Content area tests consist of selected-response questions, constructed-response questions, and extended writing-response questions, and sample items are provided to acquaint students with the correct procedures for recording answers. Additionally, students will be able to take a short practice test that will familiarize them with the functionality of the online testing format.

11 EOC Design All student constructed responses must be entered into the appropriate sections of answer documents/online form. Answers left on scratch paper, scratch pad or blank areas of test booklet will not be scored.

12 Online Administration

13 Scratch Paper Blank scratch paper (including notebook paper) should be provided to students taking the following EOCs regardless of administration mode: Ninth Grade Literature: Section 3 only American Literature: Section 3 only Coordinate Algebra* Analytic Geometry* Physical Science Economics

14 EOC Design Test Booklets and corresponding answer documents are in the same color family. Form numbers for English Language Arts and Mathematics booklets MUST be matched to answer document that have the same form numbers. *Form A and Form B (This should match with the corresponding booklet) Science test booklets have only one corresponding answer document. Social Studies test booklets have only one corresponding answer document. EXAMINERS MUST ENSURE STUDENTS RECEIVE THE CORRECT BOOKLET AND ANSWER DOCUMENT.

15 Answer Document

16 American Literature

17 9 th Grade Literature

18 Coordinate Algebra

19 Analytic Geometry

20 Physical Science

21 Biology

22 Physical Science

23 United States History

24 Economics

25 Online Administration


27 EOC – Test Tickets On the day of testing, the School Test Coordinator should provide the Examiner with a Summary Test Ticket (identifying the test session and providing the Test Access Code) and Individual Test Tickets for all students scheduled to take part in the test session. These are secure materials and must be delivered immediately before and returned immediately after the test administration. Specific directions for printing test tickets are provided on page 31.

28 EOC – Writing Section ELA Section 3 ( writing )should not be given on the day of another test except in the case of a make-up.

29 EOC Scheduling

30 EOC - Examiners Examiners use the Online Examiner’s Manual to administer the EOC assessments. FILE TRANSFER Examiners should be assisted by at least one Proctor, who may help with room preparation and student monitoring. When 30 students or more are to be tested in one room, the assistance of a Proctor is required.

31 EOC Before starting the test, the Examiner should know how to contact the School Test Coordinator and Site Coordinator without leaving the room unattended. Students may be told to bring a book to read in the event they finish the test early. This material must be unrelated to the content being tested, and students should not be permitted to write or use the computer again once they have completed the test.

32 Test Security The security of the EOC assessments must be maintained before, during, and after each test administration. All school system personnel are prohibited from reviewing the contents of the EOC assessments. All EOC assessments must be administered by a Georgia- certified educator. Test materials must be stored in a locked, secure location when not in use.

33 Test Security Student test booklets and online test tickets must be kept stored in a secure place at all times. Test materials must not be removed from their secure storage location for reasons other than the preparation of materials for testing, actual test administration, and the completion of tasks as prescribed by test manuals. Testing materials should only be issued to persons who have been carefully advised of their responsibilities for test security.

34 Avoiding Irregularities Adhere to test security policies, protocols and procedures. Reinforce the use of active monitoring in testing environments. Immediately report any possible testing irregularities. Properly identify all students who should receive accommodations prior to testing.

35 Test Security When it is necessary to transcribe student responses and demographic information onto a Student Answer Document (due to a soiled answer document or required by an accommodation), this action must be completed by certified personnel in the presence of a witness who also holds a PSC-issued certificate.

36 Avoiding Irregularities If a student is suspected of cheating but there is no proof of his or her action, allow the student to complete the section and/or entire test. In the event of an evacuation or other unexpected event, have a plan in place to quickly secure testing environments and/or materials.

37 Test Security ALL individuals who have the responsibility for handling the EOC assessments are accountable for all testing materials assigned to them before, during, and after the test administration. Any discrepancies should be documented and reported to the School Test Coordinator.

38 Test Security Please follow all instructions in the test manuals exactly. Do not add anything to, or delete anything from, the directions in the test manual. This violates standardized test conditions and may invalidate scores. All testing materials must be collected and returned immediately after the testing session. Please be reminded that test tickets and used scratch paper are considered secure materials and must be handled as such.

39 Test Security Examiners are responsible for turning in materials and site coordinators are responsible for verifying that they do. For example, if an examiner is administering the EOC multiple times during a day, the collection/checking-in of secure materials, should occur multiple times during that day. In other words and by way of this example, examiners should not be in possession of their morning session materials until the end of the school day. Please see Pages 26-40 of the Student Assessment Handbook for additional information.

40 Electronic Devices Students are not permitted to use, or bring into the testing environment, any electronic device that could allow them to access, retain, or transmit information (e.g., cell phone, smartphone, PDA, electronic recording, camera, or playback device, etc.). Announcements must be made prior to testing that such devices are not allowed in the testing environment and that possession or improper use of such devices during testing may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the system's student code of conduct and/or test invalidation. Script has been added to the Examiner’s Manual regarding this topic. This script, as with all script, MUST be read to students.

41 Electronic Devices In the event an examiner confirms during testing that a student is using a device to access, retain, or share information, the examiner must with minimal disruption: 1. collect the device, 2. stop testing that student, 3. remove the student from the testing session, and 4. notify the School Test Coordinator immediately.

42 Electronic Devices In the event such actions are suspected, but not yet confirmed, the examiner must with minimal disruption: 1. collect the device, 2. allow the student to complete testing, 3. notify the School Test Coordinator immediately, and 4. as soon as it is appropriate attempt to confirm whether or not the device has been used in violation of the guidelines above. Simple possession of a device (including the ringing of a phone during test administration) may be addressed in keeping with the system’s code of conduct and does not require an irregularity report to the GaDOE.

43 EOC Scheduling Individual subject areas must be administered on the same or consecutive days within the system. At no time should some students complete a test one week and another group of students complete the same test the following week. Diligent attention must be given to the development of a schedule that protects the security and integrity of the test administration.

44 EOC Scheduling Students may not complete a portion of a section and then complete the remainder of the section later in the day or the next day. This will result in an invalidation of the test. For example, if a student becomes ill during Section I and does not complete that section, the student may not complete the remainder of the Section I upon their return to school.

45 EOC Scheduling Important Note: Due to the nature of the English Language Arts EOCs Ninth Grade Literature & Composition and American Literature & Composition, Section 3 (writing) These tests should be the only content on which a student is assessed on the day it is scheduled either as a main or makeup administration. An exception to this guidance would occur should a student need to make up multiple EOC measures and there are not enough days left in the local testing window to comply with this requirement.

46 EOC Scheduling Examiners must adhere to the testing times prescribed in the Examiner’s Manuals. Additional time is required for disseminating materials, completing forms, and other test protocols. A section may not be stopped until the minimum allotment of time has expired. If students are still productively engaged with the test content, the maximum amount of time, per section, may be given in 10 minute increments. Allowing too much or too little time may result in an invalidation.

47 EOC Re-Test There will be a summer EOC test not EOG.

48 Test Security At the conclusion of each test session, Examiners are responsible for returning all used and unused materials to the School Test Coordinator. For EOC assessments that allow hand-held calculator use, it is required that System Test Coordinators, School Test Coordinators, and Examiners confirm prior to testing and immediately after testing, before dismissing students, that all calculators are cleared of any stored text. A failure to confirm that text is cleared may raise school-wide (and possibly system-wide) security concerns. A failure to take these steps constitutes an irregularity that must be reported to GaDOE.

49 Calculator Policy Allowable Calculators Grades 3 – 5: No calculators allowed Grade 6: Basic four-function calculator with square root and percentage functions Grade 7 – 8: Scientific calculator Coordinate Algebra EOC: Graphing calculator (with functionalities consistent with TI-84 or similar models) Analytic Geometry EOC: Graphing calculator (with functionalities consistent with TI-84 or similar models) Physical Science EOC: Scientific or basic calculator Economics EOC: Scientific or basic calculator

50 Calculator Policy Calculators may not be shared by students. The following devices/features are NOT allowed: 1. For Basic and Scientific calculators, devices that store text and/or have QWERTY keyboards or typewriter-like keyboards. 2. Calculators that have programs stored in the memory other than those that are factory installed 3. No cell phones, personal laptops, minicomputers, pocket organizers, iPods, and personal tablets 4. Calculators with beaming capabilities 5. Calculators with wireless communication technologies and/or Internet access 6. Calculators with built in Computer Algebra System – CAS 7. Calculators that make noise, have paper tape, or that have voice

51 Calculator Policy Requirements regarding the use of graphing calculators: Graphing calculators will be allowed for student use on the Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry EOCs only. Given that many models of graphing calculators possess the ability to store text it is required that System Test Coordinators, School Test Coordinators, and Test Examiners take steps to clear all devices of any stored text both before and after test administration. Details regarding necessary steps to be taken with each graphing calculator will be provided in the 2014-2015 Student Assessment Handbook and associated test administration manuals. Georgia Milestones will provide an online graphing calculator, where allowed, for student use. This feature will eliminate the need for hand-held devices to enter the testing environment. Note: Calculators are not permitted on certain designated sections of each mathematics test.

52 Calculator Policy In 2014-2015, students who test online may use a hand-held calculator, in addition to the calculator provided online. It is imperative that only approved calculators be allowed into the testing environment and that, for those approved calculators that store text, the memory is cleared both BEFORE and AFTER testing. Failure to clear memory both BEFORE and AFTER will result in an automatic invalidation.

53 Calculator Policy 1Basic four-function calculator with square root and percentage functions. 2Graphing calculator with functionalities consistent with TI-84 or similar models.

54 Calculator Policy These are all of the types of calculators that are acceptable for students to use on the test. If it is a scientific or graphing type (circled below), the memory will needed to be cleared.

55 Calculators - How to Clear Memory DIRECTIONS: 1. Start by choosing 2nd MEM 2. Select #7 Reset 3. Choose All Ram if you want to reset the factory settings AND erase any programs. 4. Arrow to the right to ARCHIVE to erase applications and clear archived memory. 5. Arrow to the right to ALL to clear everything from the calculator.

56 Calculator Policy

57 Test Examiners must ensure all calculator policies are implemented and followed. Given that many models of graphing calculators possess the ability to store text, and may prevent that feature from being disabled, it is required that System and School Test Coordinators, and Test Examiners, confirm prior to testing and immediately after testing (before dismissing students) that all graphing calculators are cleared of any stored text. A failure to confirm that text is cleared may raise school-wide (and possibly system-wide) security concerns. A failure to take these steps constitutes an irregularity that must be reported to GaDOE.

58 Mathematics Transition to Non-Calculator Sub-Section Several approaches have been taken to assist examiners (and students) in the transition to the Non-Calculator section. On the last page of Section 1 Sub-Section 1 (for which calculators are allowed), students will be prompted to stop. Students MUST raise their hand and notify their examiner that they are ready for their calculator to be collected.

59 Mathematics Transition to Non-Calculator Sub-Section If students turn the page, they will again be prompted to STOP. Students MUST raise their hand, and give their calculator to their examiner. This language will appear in the online test as well.

60 Mathematics Transition to Non-Calculator Sub-Section All Non-Calculator pages have this unique heading. This heading should be readily visible from a distance. The Examiner’s Manual will also inform the examiner as to the item numbers that comprise the non-calculator section. This ICON will appear in the online test as well.

61 Resources Examiner’s Manual & Online Examiner’s Manual: FILE TRANSFER Assessment/Assessment/Documents/EOC%20Winter%202014%20Online%2 0Examiner%27s%20Manual.pdf Assessment/Assessment/Documents/EOC%20Winter%202014%20Online%2 0Examiner%27s%20Manual.pdf Calculator Policy Document: FILE TRANSFER Training Tab – Share Point

62 Questions? Jenny Allen – Training and Development Coordinator Ext#104 Akosua Joiner- Assessment Coordinator ext#103 Keena Braxton-Testing Logistics Coordinator ext.# 164 Keisha Simmons- HS Testing and Training POC

63 Questions? Open Office Tuesday, March 3rd 1:00 – 1:30

64 Quiz Time! Please complete the Milestones Overview Part 2 Quiz. You will be notified by Thursday, March 4 th if you will need to attend the Milestones Support Session on March 5 th. If you have questions, please contact your lead teacher. Quiz:

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