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Unit 2 – Belonging/ Determination and Perseverance

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1 Unit 2 – Belonging/ Determination and Perseverance
The Outsiders/Hatchet Vocabulary

2 Unit 2 The Outsiders – V11 reputation (n) – opinion of someone or something based on what happened in the past. suspicious (adj) – feeling that you don’t like or trust something.

3 aloof (adj) – acting distant or indifferent
rivalry (n) – competition over a period of time sympathetic (adj) – showing that you understand how sad, hurt, or lonely someone feels

4 Unit 2 Hatchet: V11 Word Synonym(s) tundra cold landform
visitation meeting; visit lurch uncontrolled movement rudder steering device coma deep sleep ceased stopped turbulence gusts of wind clammy hot and sweaty vague dim; unclear spasm convulsion; pain

5 MP2 The Outsiders – V12 apprehensive (n): worried or fearful about the future gallant (adj.): brave and kind indignant (adj.): angry because you have been insulted or treated badly contempt (n): extreme dislike sullen (adj.): showing that you are angry or in a bad mood by being silent or looking unhappy

6 MP2 Hatchet – V12 Adv. Content
Vocabulary 12 Hatchet Chapters 3-4 Word Synonym spiral decline, worsen, winding wrench tug, pull, jerk, twist agony hurt, suffering, trauma lodge den, lair, hole hummocks dune, hill, hump, knoll evergreens fir, pine tree viciously brutally, savagely, ferociously horde swarm, mass calamity catastrophe, adversity, misfortune remnant remains, fragment

7 MP2 The Outsiders – V13 mourning (v): great sadness because someone has died resemblance (n): people or things that are similar to each other aghast (adj.): suddenly struck with terror, amazement, or horror reluctant (adj.): unwilling and slow to do something conformity (n): to behave in the way that most people behave

8 Unit 2 Hatchet: V13 Word Meaning relative compared to something else
amphibious used on both land and water asset property diminish become smaller pulverize destroy ruefully regretfully twinge sharp pain murky dark and gloomy frantic wild with fear or emotion initial happening at the beginning

9 MP2 The Outsiders – V14 keeled: to fall or faint
2. towheaded: having light, almost white blonde hair mimicked: copied someone’s speech faltered: paused uncertainly diverted: to deliberately take someone's attention from something by making think about or notice other things

10 Unit 2 Hatchet: V14 Word Meaning
cluster………………………. a grouping of similar things glisten………………………..shiny as if wet recede………………………..become faint or more distant numb………………………….lacking sensation crude………………………….not carefully or expertly made merely………………………..and nothing more gorge…………………………..overeat or eat immodestly rivulet…………………………a small stream strain………………………… exert much effort or energy apparent ……………………clearly revealed to the mind or senses or judgment

11 MP2 The Outsiders – V15 abrupt (adj): happening without warning; sudden weary (adj): loss of strength; exhausted of patience prime (adj): first in importance, rank, or quality leery (adj): suspicious; distrustful agony (n): great pain of body and mind

12 Unit 2 Hatchet: V15 Word Meaning
comprised……………………….. consisting of; made up of bluff………………………………… a cliff over a sudden drop; to fool someone snaggly……. ……………………… sticking out; sharp and jagged crest.……………………………….. the highest point; a natural growth on the head of an animal/bird depression…………………………deep sadness; a lower spot on a flat surface lunging…………………………….. moving forward suddenly persistent…………………………. to continue to exist or fight for a cause even when it is hard motive……………………………… what causes a person to think, believe or act a certain way primitive………………………….. not civilized; simple; uncomplicated flailing ………………………. to wave or swing quickly and violently

13 MP2 The Outsiders-V16 Regular Content
1. guardian– one who takes care or is in charge 2. acquit– to find “not guilty” in a court of law 3. circumstance– incident; situation; condition 4. frank– honest; forthright 5. liable– accountable; responsible 6. sagacious– wise; clever 7. vex– displease; annoy; aggravate

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