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The Odyssey question guide part II
Books 13-24
Book 13 Describe Odysseus’s journey home from Scheria.
How do the Phaiakians transport Odysseus to Ithaca? What marks their aid as something more than human? What does Poseidon initially want to do to the Phaeakian ship? What decision does Alkinoos make because of the wrath of Poseidon? Why and for how long does Athena want Odysseus to be in disguise? What does Athena instruct Odysseus to do now that he has returned to Ithaca? Whom does Athena instruct Odysseus to visit first?
Book 14 What qualities mark Eumaios as an admirable figure?
How do Eumaios’ words give Odysseus intelligence of the situation in his hall and a sense of Eumaios’ own sympathies? Why is Eumaios not inclined to believe that Odysseus is still alive? Why does Odysseus lie about his identity and story? What image of this “Cretan” emerges from Odysseus’ narrative? What bargain does Odysseus strike with Eumaios? How does Odysseus manage to get Eumaios to lend him a cloak for the night?
Book 15 What motivates Telemachos’ decision to return home? From whom does he part? Who joins him? What new information does the disguised Odysseus learn from Eumaios? Who do you think will be the first person to know Odysseus for who he really is? (inference: explain) What visions or omens are prominent here?
Book 16 What does Telemachos call Eumaios? Why? Describe Athena’s changes to Odysseus’ appearance. What are Odysseus’ first words to Telemachos, and what is their purpose? What special part does Athena play in the recognition of Odysseus by Telemachus? How do the suitors react to the news of Telemachos’ return to Ithaka?
Book 17 What information about Odysseus’ whereabouts does Telemachos choose to tell Penelope? What does he conceal? What does Theoklymenos prophesy to Penelope? How does Odysseus test the suitors? Who recognizes Odysseus right away? How does he recognize him? Describe Melanthios Who makes Odysseus extremely angry? Why does Odysseus want to test his servants and his wife before revealing his identity?
Book 18 Who is Iros, and what transpires between him and Odysseus? What actions are attributed to Athena? What does Penelope say Odysseus’ parting instructions to her were? What trick does Penelope play on the suitors in this book? Which three characters anger Odysseus in this book?
Book 19 What does Odysseus (the beggar) tell Penelope about Odysseus? How does Eurycleia recognize Odysseus? How does Odysseus clear the hall of spears and other weapons? Who is Melantho, and what does she say or do? How did Odysseus get the scar on his leg? Describe Penelope’s challenge for the suitors.
Book 20 Compare Odysseus’ interaction with Athena and Penelope’s with Artemis What sign does Zeus send? Who is Philoitios? Name two people who are cruel to Odysseus the beggar. Who proves himself to be a kind and faithful servant? What is the reaction of Theoklymenos to the suitors’ crazed hilarity?
Book 21 Whom does Odysseus trust to help him defeat the suitors? What is special about the bow Penelope brings out for the contest? Who first tries to string the bow and nearly succeeds? How do the suitors try to make the task of stringing the bow easier? To whom does Odysseus now reveal his identity, and why? Who insists that he be given a chance, and why? Why does Telemachos firmly order his mother out of the hall?
Book 22 What did Odysseus prove about his abilities when he sot the arrow through the twelve axes? Why is that important now? Whom does Odysseus kill first and why? How does Eurymachos plead his case with Odysseus? Whom does Telemachos catch raiding the storeroom of weapons and what do they do with him? Which two servants are spared? How does Odysseus identify the unfaithful maids? What does he do to the unfaithful maids? What is done to Melanthios? What role does Athena play?
Book 23 What is Penelope’s initial reaction to the nurse’s news of Odysseus’ return? What other explanation does Penelope have for the massacre of the suitors? Describe the one last task that Teresias told Odysseus to complete. What will be his reward for this task? What so angers Odysseus about Penelope’s suggestion that his bed be moved outside the bedchamber for him to sleep on? Why must Odysseus travel yet again? How will Odysseus regain the wealth consumed by the suitors?
Book 24 How does Homer round out his account of the suitors? What is the theme of the interchange between Achilleus and Agamemnon, and why might it be fitting for the final book of the epic? How accurate is Amphimedon’s account of the causes of his and the other suitors’ deaths? What is the situation of Laertes, Odysseus’ father, when Odysseus comes upon him? What is the subject of the assembly called hastily in Ithaca, and what is its outcome? What roles again does Athena play in the resolution? What does Zeus decree?
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