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Outline of JICA’s Assistance prepared for
NEP Workshop on Off-Grid Electrification Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Myanmar Office January 29th, 2015
JICA’s Support for Electric Power Sector
Sector Planning National Electricity Master Plan (Technical Cooperation completed) Follow-up Assistance of NEMP for generation and transmission planning (Technical Cooperation planned) Power Generation Urgent Rehabilitation and Upgrade in Yangon ($140M Loan signed) Infrastructure Development in Thilawa ($100M Loan signed) Baluchaung No.2 Hydropower ($70M Grant signed) Power Transmission National Power Network Development 500kV Phase I ($250M Loan pledged) National Power Network Development 500kV Phase II (Loan under study) Power Distribution and Electrification Power Distribution Improvement in Yangon ($60M Loan pledged) Power Distribution Improvement in Major Cities (Loan under study) Rural power infrastructure development Phase I ($50M Loan signed) Rural power infrastructure development Phase II (Loan under study) Advisor for YESB (Being dispatched since 2012) Capacity Development of Power Transmission and Distribution Engineers (Technical Cooperation planned) (Total Committed Investments: approx. $670M)
ODA Loan for rural power infrastructure development
JICA’s On-Going Support for Off-Grid Electrification ODA Loan for rural power infrastructure development Grassroots technical assistance for rural electrification and technology transfer Assistance for studies by private sector on off-grid small scale hydro
1. ODA Loan for Rural Power Infrastructure Development
Name of the Project Regional Development Project for Poverty Reduction (Phase I) (Maximum 17 billion yen, L/A signed on 7th June, 2013) Purpose: To improve the living standards of people in regional areas by constructing and rehabilitating local infrastructures that are urgently needed, thereby contributing to development and poverty reductions. Project Site Seven Regions and Seven States (nationwide) Scope of the Project (1) Comprised by total of 79 sub-projects to rehabilitate and expand the following local infrastructures: Road and Bridge (21 sub-projects) Electricity (28 sub-projects) Water Supply (30 sub-projects) (2) Consulting Services Executing Agency: Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development (Overall Executing Agency) Ministry of Construction (Road and Bridge) Ministry of Electric Power (Electricity) Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development (Water Supply)
1. ODA Loan for Rural Power Infrastructure Development (Contd.)
Main Features in Electric Power Sector under the Regional Development Project Extension of transmission/distribution line (66kV, 33kV, 11kV, 400V) Rehabilitation of substations and replacement of transformer Replacement/installment of diesel generator of 128 number (25kV ~ 500kV) including extension of mini-grid (400V) Preparation of Phase II Feasibility Study for Phase II will be started in FY 2015 NEP will be taken into account in the study
Project Period: Dec 2014 ~ Dec 2016
2. Technical Assistance for Off-Grid Electrification Project Name: Electrification of non-electricity areas and technology transfer in Yangon Region Project Period: Dec 2014 ~ Dec 2016 Target: 347 households in Myay Taing village and Ahta Yaung village, Taikkyi Township, Yangon Executing Agency: DRD, MoLFRD Scope of the Project Technical transfer for villagers on solar panel Pilot electrification project by solar panel Capacity development of technical engineers
3. Assistance for Studies by Private Sector on Off-grid Micro Hydro
Studies by Japan’s private firms which have technical expertise and advantages in small scale hydro with small flow and low drop Joint Venture between Japan and Myanmar private firms will be established by the end of 2015 Micro Hydro 5kW ~ 50kW installed in Japan Micro Hydro 1kW ~ 15kW installed in Japan
Coordination with grid extension plan
Lessons Learnt and Implications from Our Experience Coordination with grid extension plan Different information/plan between ESE and DRD, MEPE and ESE, and union and local governments Villagers to reach grid shortly requesting off-grid electrification as well! Other actors of off-grid electrification Some small-hydro facilities along with irrigation channels/reservoirs are managed by ID (MoAI); however, ID’s role in off-grid electrification remains unclear More analysis needed for the role and responsibility of “village committees”
Other actors of off-grid electrification (contd.)
Lessons Learnt and Implications from Our Experience (contd.) Other actors of off-grid electrification (contd.) Schedule Two of the constitution: Medium and small scale electric power production and distribution that have the right to be managed by the Region or State not having any link with national power grid, except large scale electric power production and distribution having the right to be managed by the Union Financial Contribution of Beneficiaries (e.g. villagers) Universal tariff (e.g. 35Kyat/kWh) or additional contribution to O&M and/or capital cost (e.g. installment of diesel generator) Any financial assistance to beneficiaries in case of additional contribution (subsidies, loans)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Thank you very much! Yoshifumi TOKUSHIGE Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Myanmar Office
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