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CIDCO’s Brainstorming Workshop “Better Planning for JNPT Influence Area” A. K. Bose, Chief Manager (Traffic), Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Mumbai, India.

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Presentation on theme: "CIDCO’s Brainstorming Workshop “Better Planning for JNPT Influence Area” A. K. Bose, Chief Manager (Traffic), Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Mumbai, India."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIDCO’s Brainstorming Workshop “Better Planning for JNPT Influence Area” A. K. Bose, Chief Manager (Traffic), Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Mumbai, India March 2, 2015 Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust JN Port Expansion Plans 1

2 JN PORT: India’s Premier Container Port Ranked 1st among all Major Ports w.r.t. Solid Cargo Traffic handled 2013- 14 (April- March) Land Area: 2,987 Hectares Largest Container Port in India Port commissioned for cargo operations on 26th May, 1989 JN Port Trust (earlier Nhava Sheva Port Trust) was formed in 1982 2

3 India’s Maritime Segment: JN Port’s Positioning Kandla: 1) 87.01(15.66%) 2) 29 (0.39%) Mormugao: 1)11.74 (2.11%) 2)22 (0.29%) N. Mangalore: 1)39.37 (7.09%) 2)50 (0.67%) Cochin: 1) 20.89 (3.76%) 2) 351 (4.70%) V.O. Chidambarnar 1) 28.64 (5.16%) 2) 508 (8.81%) Chennai: 1)51.11 (9.20%) 2)1,468 (19.67%) Kamarajar (Ennore): 1) 27.34 (4.92%) 2) Nil Vizag: 1)58.50 (10.53%) 2) 263 (3.52%) Paradip: 1)68.00 (12.24%) 2) 9.00 (0.12%) Kolkata: 1)41.39 (7.45%) 2)563 (7.54%) Mumbai: 1)59.19 (10.65%) 2)41 (0.55%) JNPT 1) 62.33 (11.22%) 2) 4,161 (55.74%) Gujarat Maharashtra Karnataka Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Odisha Goa Kerala JN Port ranked 1 st among all Indian Major Ports w.r.t. Solid Cargo Traffic handled 2013-14 (April-March) 1) Total Traffic in Million metric tonnes per annum. (%Share of Total cargo w.r.t. Major Ports Total Cargo Traffic)- 2) Container traffic : in 000’ TEUs (%share) JN Port Container Traffic: Market share of 55.74% among all Major Ports of India 3

4 Cargo Handling Facilites Terminals JNPCTNSICTGTICTLIQUID CARGO TERMINAL SHALLOW DRAUGHT TERMINAL TOTAL QUAY LENGTH (Mtrs.)680600712 300-Sea 280-Shore 445 1,992 –CTRS 1,025-OTHRS MAXIMUM DRAFT (Mtrs.)14 14-Out 10-Inner 10-Max.-- DESIGN CAPACITY (Million TEUs Year) (Million Tonnes/Year) 1.25 15.62 1.2 15 1.8 22.55.5 0.15 2.77 4.4 61.39 REEFER POINTS (Nos.)3207728801,972 RMQCs (Nos.)/ Loading Arms 9810 -- 10 3 30 10 RTGCs (Nos.)18294087 RMGCs (Nos.)53311 Yard Area (In Hectares)61.4925.8447.24 142 Tanks Capacity: (710,619 MT) 9.9 144.47 4

5 Cargo Handling Infrastructure JNPCT (Port owned terminal) : Commenced in May 1989. Capacity of 1.25 million TEUs p.a. NSICT (DP World operated terminal on BOT): Commissioned in April 1999, capacity 1.2 million TEUs p.a. GTI Container Terminal (APM Terminal on BOT) – Commenced in October 2006, capacity of 1.8 million TEUs p.a. A twin berth Liquid Cargo Terminal of BPCL & IOCL from October 2002. Capacity of 5.5 million tonnes p.a. Shallow Draft Berth of 445 meters length was developed by JNPT to handle feeder container vessels, dry bulk cargo vessels and other general cargo vessels, commissioned in September 2002. Capacity 1.5 Lakh TEUs p.a. and 0.9 million tonnes others  33.54 Kms long main harbour channel with draught of 14 mtrs. Depth of outer berths-16.5 mtrs Below Chart Datum.  Flotilla: Total Tugs: 8, Pilot Launches: 6, Passenger Launches: 2, High Speed Patrolling Launches:2.  9 Railway sidings / Capacity of 27 container trains (90 TEUs /train) per day.  Gateway connectivity with 34 Inland Container Depots (ICDs).  33 Container Freight Stations (CFSs) including one CFS owned by the Port.  Road connectivity by four-laned road from National Highways. TERMINALS FACILITIES 5

6 Cargo Profile Trend in Cargo Handled (last 5 Years) CARGO PROFILE 2013-14: 62.33 MMT % CTR Traffic (Mil TEUs) 87.38% (4.06) 87.73% (4.27) 88.59% (4.32) 89.80% (4.26) 88.61% (4.16) 6

7 Certifications and Financial Performance JNPT is the only major port in India to have these four port certifications: ISO 9001:2008 Standards for Quality Management System ISO 27001:2005 Standards for Information Security Management System ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System (obtained in 2011) OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety Management System (obtained in 2011) JN Port’s Certifications JN Port’s Financial Performance 7

8 Major Expansion Projects 8

9 Major Core Projects 4th Container Terminal & Marine Terminal for Liquid Cargo BPCL Jetty Shallow Berth GTIPL JNPCT NSICT 330 meters extension Multi Modal Logistics Park Port Based SEZ 9

10 Major Future Development Projects Cargo Handling Projects Deepening and widening of Main Harbour Chnnel and JN Port channel Phase-I  JNPT has successfully completed the deepening and widening of the existing channel to accommodate up to 14 mtrs. draught vessels (i.e. +6000 TEU vessels).  Length of Navigational channel: 33.54 Kms  Cost: Rs.1,370.65 crores.  Date of completion: 28 th April, 2014. Phase-II  Dredging for deepening and widening of the channel from 14 mtrs. to 15 mtrs. in planning stage.  Estimated cost: Rs.2,800 crores (approx.)  Length of Navigational channel: 33.54 Kms  Consultant is appointed for preparation of DPR in December 2014.  Consultant will submit the DPR in August 2015.  Project is expected to be complete by end of 2017. 10

11 Major Future Development Projects Cargo Handling Projects Stand-alone container handling facility with a quay length of 330 m towards the North on DBFOT basis:  Project comprises of construction 330 mtrs. container berth, approach bridges, extension of guide bund, reclamation of 27 ha area for container yard, and container handling equipments.  Estimated Cost: Rs. 600 Crores. Concession period: 17 years  Concession Agreement signed with Nhava Sheva (India) Gateway Terminal Pvt. Ltd., an SPV of DP World, on 19 th June 2013. Revenue Share offered : 28.09%.  Date of award of concession: July 3, 2014  Capacity: 0.8 million TEUs (10 million tonnes)  Partial commissioning by March-2015.  Completion of entire project: July 2, 2016.  Current Status: Wharf construction is completed. Construction of approach bridges and guide bund is in progress, reclamation for container yard in progress.  4 RMQC;s received in December, 2014.  Partial operation may start shortly. 11

12 Major Future Development Projects Cargo Handling Projects Development of 4 th Container Terminal on DBFOT Basis:  Concession Agreement with M/s. Bharat Mumbai Container Terminals Pvt. Ltd., an SPV of Port of Singapore Authority (PSA), signed on May 6, 2014.  Estimated Cost: Rs.7,915 crores (Ph I: Rs.4,719 Corres, Ph II: Rs.3,196 Crores)  Berth Length: 2 Kms, Capacity: 4.8 million TEUs (60 million tonnes).  Area for back-up facilities: 200 hectares.  Estimated throughput: 5.5 million TEUs  Commissioning of Phase-I: (1 km Berth) of this project having 2.4 million TEUs (30 million tonnes) capacity will be completed by November 2017.  The Phase-II (1 km Berth) of the project with additional 2.4 million TEUs (30 million tonnes) capacity will be completed by November, 2022.  JNPT has submitted application for diversion of mangroves for construction of road and rail access under Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 on 18th July 2014.  On completion of conditions precedent, the concession is awarded on December 22, 2014. 12

13 Major Future Development Projects Cargo Handling Projects Construction of Mooring Dolphin:  Project Cost: Rs.10.08 crores.  Capacity addition: 1 million tonnes per annum.  Date of award: January 23, 2014.  Scheduled date of Completion: March 2015 Future Port Projects:  Satellite Port near Tarapur or Vijaydurg  Dry Port/ Industrial Park near Wardha and Jalna.  Chabahar Port project at Iran Construction of Additional Liquid Cargo Terminal  Project Cost: Rs. 955 crores.  Capacity: 7.5 million tonnes  Status: As advised by the Ministry of Shipping, the project is re-structured. Expected commissioning: : 2019.  RFQ will be invited shortly. 13

14 Major Future Development Projects Connectivity Projects Widening of Highway linkages to 6/8 laning:  Widening of 43.9 kms length of NH-4B, SH-54 and Amra Marg linkages to 6/8 lanes along with 2 lane Service Roads at an estimated cost of Rs.3,220 crores, by SPV formed by JNPT, NHAI and CIDCO, i.e. Mumbai-JNPT Port Road Company Ltd.  NHAI is the implementing agency. Foundation stone of this project was laid by the Honourable Prime Minister of India on August 16,2014.  NHAI has now informed that the project is to be executed on EPC mode in four civil packages at a total cost of Rs.3,220.56 crores.  JNPT is ready to lend Rs.500 crores in the next three years to SPV/NHAI at an interest rate equal to the base rate of SBI. The balance amount will be raised by commercial borrowing by the SPV. The Port is ready to collect user fee at the Port entry gates and pass on the user fee receipt to the SPV.  Status: EFC document, RFQ & DPR documents forwarded by NHAI to the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.  NHAI has invited the RFQ’s, which will be received on March 16, 2015. Rail Connectivity Project:  The Ministry of Railways has planned for a Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) connecting JN Port with the Northern hinter-land, being taken up by the Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd.  Expected date of completion: March 2017 14

15 Major Future Development Projects  Total Area: 277.38 Ha.  Expected Investment: Rs. 4,000 crores. Expected Commissioning: End of 2017  Direct and Indirect Employment generation for approx. 1.5 lakh persons.  To be executed by Special Purpose Company (SPC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of JNPT.  Ernst & Young-TCE has been appointed as overall Advisor of the project  Conceptual Master Plan submitted by them is approved by the Port.  Letter of approval (LOA) received from Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Notification issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.  Foundation stone laid by the Honourable Prime Minister of India on August 16, 2014.  Environmental clearance for SEZ Phase-I received on December 5, 2014.  L&T Infrastructure Engineering Ltd., in association with VITYA Consultants Pvt. Ltd. has been appointed as a consultant for preparation of Detail Design / Detail Master Plan on 21 st Oct. 2014 and the work is in progress.  Area- levelling, construction of compound wall and other activities have been taken up. Port Led Development: Port Based Multi Product SEZ 15

16 Major Future Development Projects Multi-Modal Logistic Park and Dry Port :  100 hectares of land near the Jasai Rail Yard (near the Port area) identified.  Consultant for preparing conceptual note of the project has been appointed.  The Port is in the process of appointing a consultant in the 1 st quarter of 2015 for preparation of DPR for the project.  MMLP includes: Covered Warehousing, Open Storage, Paved Stacking Areas, Circulating Areas, Truck Parking, Repair facilities for containers, trailers/trucks and handling equipment, Consultant shall prepare block cost estimate and detailed financial module for the project.  Dry Port facilities to sort out dedicated terminal-wise rakes will be provided adjacent to MMLP. Supporting Infrastructure Projects Centralized Parking Plaza:  Total Area: 45 ha. Parking capacity – 2,000 TTs.  Phase-I: 22 hectare area. Cost: Rs.15.47 crores. The work awarded to M/s Thakur Infra-projects Pvt. Ltd., has commenced in February 2014 and is expected to be completed by May 2015.  Phase-II: Port has received the tenders for development of 23 hectare area for parking plaza. The estimated cost is Rs.24.34 crores.  Technical evaluation is completed. Price bids were opened on February 13, 2015. Expected completion by March 2016.  Proposed facility includes Dormitories for truck drivers, Auto Repairs Zone and Customs set-up for examining EXIM consignments. 16

17 Major Future Development Projects Supporting Infrastructure Projects Modernization of Port Owned Terminals - JNP Container Terminal:  Commissioning of 3 Super Post Panamax RMQCs was completed in February-2015.  Shifting of 3 old RMQCs from Main Container Berth to Shallow Draught Terminal was completed in January-2015.  Total cost of the above entire project: Rs.98.8 crores.  Commissioning of 6 RTYGCs will be done by the end of October-2015. Total cost: Rs.59.6 crores. Construction of Additional Refer Yard:  JNPT is having 320 reefer storage points in the Port owned Container Terminal, and proposes to enhance it to 576 Nos.  Estimated Cost: Rs.17 crores  Work order issued on December 24, 2014 to M/s. Larsen & Toubro Ltd..  The project completion period is 9 months. 17

18 Initiatives taken by Port to ease congestion 18

19 Supporting Infrastructure Creation: Ports Initiatives  Parking Plots developed by JNPT:  Parking Area at Tank Farm – 6.5 Ha – Work competed on 28.03.2012  Parking area next to PUB - 6 Ha – Tendering is completed, work is in progress.  Total parking capacity available at present - 8,400 vehicles  Average vehicles visiting JNPT each day: 6,500  2 Dedicated parking plots of 6 hectares allotted to GTIPL and NSICT each. All trailers meant for respective terminals to be routed through these parking plots. These parking plots will have the facilities like Toilets, Bathrooms etc. 19

20 Creation of additional Infrastructure – Ports initiatives  Road Development undertaken by JNPT:  JNPT CFS to SH-54: Construction of 2 Km new road was completed.  PUB to Chandni Chowk: Widening of existing road is completed.  Chandni Chowk to SH-54: Construction of service road along the main road leading to Karal Junction is completed.  JNPT CFS to North Gate: New alternative road to connect JNP CFS to North Gate - Work in planning stage, proposal submitted to Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management authority for clearance.  Underpass at Karal: Construction of low height underpass for light vehicles as a deposit work through Central Railway at a cost Rs.3.39 Crores.  Rail Over Bridge: Construction of 4 lane road over bridge over existing railway crossing near Nhava-Sheva Police Station. The work is commenced in Oct.-2014 and expected to be complete in May-2016. Total cost of the project is Rs. 53.49 crores of which JNPT will share major portion of Rs. 41.49 crores.  Uran-Sheva Road: Widening and 4 laning of Old Uran-Sheva Road up to Phunde and SH-54 - Planning stage. 20

21 Steps taken to Streamline the road traffic by JN Port: Ports initiatives  Port is also creating additional escape route from Speedy CFS (DBC Logistics) end and widening entire Port road, both from JNPT gate to “Y” junction and from “Y” junction to Karal junction.  To ease the movement of passenger vehicle, port is in the process of widening road near Sonari Village and providing an escape route from CFS Junction to National Highway. Service roads is also being developed.  Doing away with Form 13 and Form 11.  Introduction of Inter Terminal Movements: JN Port started Inter Terminal Movement, which will-  Reduce number of vehicles on roads.  Reduce distance covered by trailers  Reduce Truck Turn Round Time.  Evacuate import containers faster.  Save fuel and reduce pollution 21

22 Partnering with Police Dept., State Govt., Customs and CIDCO  16 Traffic Police are deployed to streamline the road traffic heading towards the Port. One Jeep and mobile crane is given for patrolling and monitoring the traffic. 2 Hectares of space provided to RTO for parking seized vehicles.  Follow up with the Police authorities for removal of parked TTs on the roads. Issue taken up with Customs to stop “On Wheel” inspection, instead these trailers / containers to be routed through Buffer Yard.  To empower them, on request of Port, all internal roads were declared ‘No Parking Zone’ by RTO.  To monitor traffic congestion on main road, the Port has constituted a dedicated squad, which is inspecting traffic condition thrice a day.  The regular maintenance and repair of internal roads is main focus area of Port Planning & Development Department and the Chief Manager (PP&D) is inspecting road maintenance work on daily basis.  For creation of additional parking facility, the work is progressing on a war footing, at the same time, the Port is also streamlining the operation of existing parking space to optimize its usage. 22

23 Partnering with Police Dept., State Govt., Customs and CIDCO  Unauthorized Empty Yard: Control on the unauthorized empty yards along with NH-4B and State Highways and complete stoppage of the parking of trailers waiting for entering the yards, on these highways. Due to these yards, trailers puncture the lane of the traffic, creates congestion and cause accidents.  Uncontrolled set up of Dhaba, Hotel and Repair Shops on both the highways. Trailers are parked on the road itself. Repair works are carried out on the roads due to non availability of parking space.  Weigh Bridges: When any trailer wants to take the weight of the cargo loaded, it turns to the weigh bridges which the driver finds at the opposite side. Drivers take a 90 degree turn for crossing to the opposite road, which chokes all the trailers coming behind him, often leading to accidents.  Immediate action on the unauthorized parked vehicles on both sides of the roads within port premises and on the Highways. These roads are already declared as “No Parking Zone”.  Increase in strength of Traffic Police on NH-4B, SH-54 and other arterial roads for regular patrolling. 23

24 Partnering with Police Dept., State Govt., Customs and CIDCO  Encroachment of land: Any widening of road project will get hampered unless such encroachments are removed.  Installation of street lights on road, stretching from Karal Bridge to JNPT Township.  No proper or large parking plaza planned in Dronagiri Area, as a result trailors parking in National Highway. Additional plots for truck parking to be provided in Dronagiri Node.  Requirement of additional arterial roads / Service Roads.  Regular inspection to be carried out for the upcoming CFS as well as existing CFSs particularly regarding designated parking space of CFS (shown in their plan while approval was given by CIDCO).  Request to Maharashtra Government for early completion of the coastal road. 24

25 Thank You Navi Mumbai, India ISO Certified : ISPS Compliant 25

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