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Accident Prevention Manual for Business & Industry: Engineering & Technology 13th edition National Safety Council Compiled by Dr. S.D. Allen Iske, Associate.

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1 Accident Prevention Manual for Business & Industry: Engineering & Technology 13th edition National Safety Council Compiled by Dr. S.D. Allen Iske, Associate Professor University of Central Missouri


3 Automated Lines, Systems or Processes Automation reduces labor costs, speeds up production, and can result in fewer errors. Robots can work in environments hazardous to humans. Robots can move heavy loads and do repetitive tasks. Robots used in assembly, material handling, spray painting, and welding. All computer-controlled processes can be considered automation. Automation can resolve some safety hazards, but its incorporation can also present new safety challenges.

4 Automated Lines, Systems or Processes (Cont.) Technicians can no longer understand the entire system. Systems are now too complex and can have unintended interactions. Safety gains can be cancelled out by increased speeds. Engineers try to prevent accidents by reducing human control. Failures in highly complex automated software programs responsible for controlling chemical reactions, inventories, maintenance activities, and schedules can be the root cause of serious accidents.

5 Manufacturing Philosophy Many newer manufacturing philosophies deigned to enhance corporate competitiveness are only possible with the use of sophisticated automation run by computers. Failures or software errors in these systems can result in serious adverse consequence.

6 Manufacturing Philosophy (Cont.) Process safety management is a term initially applied to OSHA’s 29CFR1910.119. The standard only applies to processes which contain certain highly hazardous chemicals. This systems engineering approach to managing hazards contains many management practices that are easily adopted for use on other systems.

7 Manufacturing Philosophies Up-Front Planning for Safety This philosophy requires management to include safety costs and design in all new equipment, construction, and installation. Design-in Safety Another up-front approach to automated safety. Requires that safety factors are a primary considerations during design process prior to purchase or modification of automated equipment.

8 Manufacturing Philosophies (Cont.) Just-in-Time Methods This method relies on manufacturing with reduced inventories and computerized scheduling which increases flexibility and reduces cost. Computerized Maintenance Management Equipment maintenance is managed through automation. Computers schedule maintenance and track repairs. Improves safety through predictive maintenance.

9 Hazard Identification and Controls Guidelines: Careful identification of hazards during design, installation, and operation Use of interlocking principles and devices where possible Design that ensures maintenance issues can be addressed safely Strategies developed to control the environment where the processes occur

10 Hazard Identification and Controls (Cont.) Types of hazards Hazards vary by industry. Inhalation hazards—dusts and chemicals Burn hazards—high temperatures, acids, bases, steam Radiation hazards—microwaves, gamma radiation for sterilization Pinch hazards—moving parts must be safeguarded Explosions

11 Hazard Identification and Controls (Cont.) Boundaries between restricted and non-restricted areas Boundary that separates restricted work area from areas where workers can work safely Envelope, maximum—area of maximum volume space for all robot part movements Restricted envelope—portion of envelope to which robot is restricted by limiting devices Operating envelope—portion of restricted envelope actually used by robot performing programmed motions

12 Hazard Identification and Controls (Cont.) Visual and mechanical warnings Warnings that alert workers to hazards Includes signs, barriers, flashing lights, rails, lines on floor, or equivalent Signs may need to be in several languages depending on the workforce. International symbols may be necessary. Workers need to be trained in the meaning of the various warning signs. Audible warnings

13 Barriers and Interlocked Barriers Hazard controls Start and stop controls need to be accessible. Robotic controls must be out of restricted area. Awareness barriers are visual barriers that keep workers from reaching into hazards. Perimeter barriers limit entrance into restricted areas. Interlocks are safeguards in which the operation of one control automatically prevents another control from operating.

14 Barriers and Interlock Barriers (Cont.) Maintenance and safety Maintenance and repair personnel must be trained in safety procedures, hazard identification, specific equipment, regulatory standards. Preventive maintenance —helps supervisors anticipate downtimes in production. Predictive maintenance—monitors machines, predicts failures reducing catastrophes. Lockout/tagout—written procedures, protects workers from hazardous energy sources. Various diagnostic aids and procedures help solve maintenance problems.

15 Automated Production Automated materials handling and transport Must be safeguarded because of pinch points and the potential for falling product Conveyors, belts and hoists—continuous transport of material to workstations Automated guided vehicles (AGVs)—vehicle path guided by electromagnetic wires, painted lines or chemical guides. Floors must be kept clean and dry and vehicle should have anti-collision device.

16 Robotic Equipment Robotic Industries Association: definition of robot is “a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices, through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks”. handling devices with manual control automated handling devices with cycles programmable, servo-controlled robots with continuous point-to- point trajectories robots capable of type C specifications, which also acquire information from the environment for intelligent motion.

17 Robotic Equipment (Cont.) Robots have three major components: Manipulator—robotic arm (base through wrist) working in the operating envelope Power supply—pneumatic, hydraulic or electric Control system Non-servo control point-to-point type—pick and place material applications Servo-control point-to-point type—load and unload product Servo-control continuous type—spray painting and finishing operations

18 Hazards of Robotics Hazards within operating envelope Hazards exist within reach of a robot’s arm. Accidents occur when robots start or move unexpectedly, drop objects, or human error. Safeguarding robots—3 categories Safety in the process of manufacturing, remanufacturing, and rebuilding robots Installation of robots Safeguarding of workers exposed to hazards associated with the use of robots

19 Hazards of Robotics (Cont.) Safeguarding personnel Robot teacher—guides robot through its motions which are memorized by a computer. This presents the greatest danger to workers. Robot operator—must be protected from robot movements in the restricted envelope. Maintenance/repair personnel—must use lockout/tagout procedures; operations and any modifications of robotic tasks.

20 Hazards of Robotics (Cont.) Computer-integrated controls Many robots are controlled by computer programs. Lack of standardization among manufacturers and varying human- system interfaces represents a safety challenge to safety managers.

21 Chemical Processes Process safety information Chemical processes have many hazards such as inhalation and explosion hazards. Managers must detail hazard information through written safety policies, engineering and administrative controls, worker training, and PPE. One method is the facility Chemical Process Document (CPD). The CPD is a sort of “cook book” which has all of the safety parameters for the safe operation of a facility.

22 Chemical Processes (Cont.) General information in a CPD: assessment of hazards of materials toxicity information permissible exposure limits physical data thermal/chemical stability data reactivity data corrosivity data hazardous effects of inadvertently mixed chemicals

23 Chemical Processes (Cont.) Design information in a CPD: block flow diagrams or simplified process flow diagrams process chemistry maximum needed inventory acceptable upper and lower limits for items such as temperatures, pressures, flows, and compositions

24 Chemical Processes (Cont.) Mechanical design information in a CPD: piping and instrument diagrams, electrical area classifications, and relief systems design in ventilation system equipment and piping specifications and description of the shutdown and interlock systems design codes employed required or mandatory inspections and maintenance activities

25 Chemical Processes (Cont.) Hazards and risk analysis Safety personnel must ask THREE “Whats”: What can go wrong? What is the probability that something will go wrong? What would be the consequences if something does go wrong?

26 Hazards/Risk Analysis Hazard identification methods: hazard surveys process checklists hazard and operability studies (HAZOP) safety reviews formal informal

27 Hazard/Risk Analysis (Cont.) Other methods “ what if?” analysis failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) fault tree analysis (FTA) event tree analysis (ETA) human error analysis Timing begins early in the process and remains ongoing

28 Chemical Processes and Elements of Process Safety Management Risk assessment usually has four components: What potentially catastrophic incidents could possibly occur? What is the downwind dispersion likely to be in the event of a toxic gas release? What would the impact be on the workplace and community? Can we quantify or conduct a probability analysis for incidence occurrence?

29 Chemical Processes Pre-startup reviews All elements of a process safety management program should be in place and running before beginning the warm-up or startup phase of a facility operation. Reviews should be updated every 3–10 years. High substance hazard index value or large quantities of toxic, flammable, or explosive substances Proximity to a populous area or large work force. Severe operating conditions that can cause corrosion or explosion.

30 Chemical Processes (Cont.) Operating procedure manual Manual that details rules and guidelines for safe operation of the facility position of the person responsible for each facility areas clear instructions for safe operations operating conditions and steps for initial start-up normal, temporary, and emergency operations normal shutdown start-up following a turnaround operating limits (safety considerations apply) descriptions of consequences of deviation steps to correct or avoid deviations safety systems and their functions occupational safety/health considerations

31 Chemical Processes (Cont.) Management of change Changes in technology can impact the workplace and the work environment. Managers must analyze these changes and how they affect safety, operations, and processes. Additional training may be required.

32 Auditing Audits pinpoint deficiencies in safety and processes caused by factors such as changes in personnel or priorities. Audits should be conducted every 3–5 years. Auditing of process safety management is a line responsibility. Outside and inside audits are important and beneficial.

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