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FRIPRO call 2015 Information from Department of Research.

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1 FRIPRO call 2015 Information from Department of Research

2 FRIPRO Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 20152 FRIPRO is an open, national competitive arena that covers all fields of research. FRIPRO should promote scientific quality in the forefront of international research, boldness in scientific thinking and innovation. FRIPRO should promote careers for young researchers and mobility for researchers early in their career.

3 Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 20153 FRIHUMSAM (210 MNOK) Humanities and social sciences: archeology, chriminology, cultural studies, demography, economics, esthetics, historical studies, human geography, jurisprudence, linguistics, literature, media- and information studies, pedagogy, philosophy, political science, religion, social anthropology and sociology. FRIMEDBIO ( 345 MNOK) Medicine, health sciences and biology: biology, evolution, health studies, medicine, molecular biology, phsychiatry, physiology and psychology. FRINATEK (210 MNOK) Mathematics, natural sciences and technology: chemistry, computer science, engineering, geoscience, materials science, mathematics and physics. FRIPRO is divided into three activities based to disciplines: FRIHUMSAM, FRIMEDBIO and FRINATEK. When you submit a proposal to FRIPRO, you must choose which activity to submit it to

4 Application types Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 20154 New joint initiative - "FRIPRO Toppforsk" Researcher project Young research talents FRIPRO mobility grant Personal overseas research grant (ongoing deadline)Personal overseas research grant Support for event (ongoing deadline)Support for event Application deadline 27 May Important: You are only allowed to be the project leader of one application: Either FRIPRO Toppforsk, Researcher project, Young research talents or FRIPRO mobility grant.

5 New joint initiative - "FRIPRO Toppforsk" Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 20155 NOK 1.5 billion (budget 2016 1 billion, budget 2017 0,5 billion) over seven years. Joint forces between the universities, the research institutes and the Research Council. The institutions’ contribution is contingent upon an increase of the FRIPRO budget by the Ministry of Education and Research. Projects awarded funding will receive between NOK 15 to 25 million over four to five years. 40-60 research groups will receive funding. Aim: To support pioneering, high-quality research and to enable Norwegian research groups to win more grants from the European Research Council.

6 Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 20156 Important: -Project leaders are forced to apply for a ECR-research grant during the project period. -Project leaders that already have a FRIPRO grant are allowed to apply. -Project leaders planning to apply for the coming SFF call are allowed to apply. If both grants are awarded, the Research Council will coordinate for optimal use of the funds. -Project leaders of a current or earlier SFF center or ECR advanced grant are NOT allowed to apply. New joint initiative - "FRIPRO Toppforsk"

7 Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 20157 New joint initiative - "FRIPRO Toppforsk" Criteria: Ground-breaking nature and potential impact of the research project Scientific approach Principal investigator – Intellectual capacity and creativity The research group Overall assessment

8 Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 20158 The application: Project description can be up to 15 pages (same as for ERC-grant). The form "Allocations Sought from the Research Council" must be completed and attached to the application. The applications should be approved by the management at NMBU. It should be listed in a separate list of applications that NMBU have to send to the Research Council before 29 May. Applications that are on the lists, will be rejected. New joint initiative - "FRIPRO Toppforsk"

9 Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 20159 FRIPRO mobility grant For researchers who have recently or will soon defended their PhD. The dissertation have to be submitted by 1st November the year the proposal is submitted. It should be less than six years since your defense. The PhD must be approved before the project starts.

10 10Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 2015 FRIPRO mobility grant You may apply for funding to cover your own salary and indirect costs, and operating costs (supplies, travel, conference fees, depreciation of equipment, analyses etc.). Project duration: 3 years – two years abroad and one year in Norway. A Norwegian institution is the employer during the entire project period. There will be calls for proposals for this application type in 2015 and 2016. Up to 14 mobility grants will be awarded for each call. Success rate: unknown. Assumed higher success rate than for Personal post- doctoral research fellowships. Applications graded 5-7 are applicable for funding.

11 Young Research Talents Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 201511 For researchers early in their careers that have showed significant talent. Project manager: 2-8 years since the date of the defense and younger than 40 years old at the at the deadline for the call. A typical project manager for a Young research talents project has completed a postdoc and/or holding a research position.

12 Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 201512 Grant amount: 3-7 million NOK. Project duration: 3-4 years. You may apply for - Salaries for positions (PhD, postdoc, project manager, researcher, technician) - Operating costs (supplies, travel, conference fees, equipment, analyses etc.). Low success rate: 5-10 %. Young Research Talents

13 Researcher project Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 201513 For established researchers. Project manager: At least six years since the defense or having competence at associate professorship level. The research idea is of the highest significance. The project manager and project team must be particularly talented, have good track records, and be among the best in their field.

14 Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 201514 Grant amount: 3-9 million NOK. Project duration: 3-4 years. You may apply for - Salaries for positions (PhD, postdoc, project manager, researcher, technician) - Operating costs (supplies, travel, conference fees, equipment, analyses etc.). Low success rate: 5-10 % in recent years. Researcher project

15 Personal overseas research grant Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 201515 Aim: Contribute to more researchers staying at a foreign institution during their fellowship. Only for PhD and post-doctoral fellows funded by ongoing FRIPRO projects. The project leader have to apply on behalf of the candidate. Fixed rates per month. You may receive a grant for 3-12 months. The research stay may be divided into several shorter stays. Ongoing deadline (you may submit your application at any time). Short processing time (usually 4-6 weeks). High success rate: applications are normally granted if the formal requirements are met.

16 Support for event Norwegian University of Life SciencesFRIPRO Call 201516 Support for event is awarded institutions that will host major international research conferences that rotate between different countries. The Norwegian researchers are committed to organizing the event. Ongoing deadline (you may submit your application at any time). Up to 250.000 NOK. Typically high success rate: 70-80 % in recent years.

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