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Review!!. Describe relative location. Describes where a place is located with other places.

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Presentation on theme: "Review!!. Describe relative location. Describes where a place is located with other places."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review!!

2 Describe relative location.

3 Describes where a place is located with other places

4 In which region of the United States is Georgia located?

5 Southeast

6 Into which hemisphere does the prime meridian place Georgia?

7 Western

8 What is the highest peak in Georgia?

9 Brasstown Bald

10 What is the smallest physiographic (geographic) area in Georgia?

11 Appalachian Plateau

12 What is the largest physiographic (geographic) area in Georgia?

13 Coastal Plain

14 In which region is Atlanta located?

15 Piedmont

16 Why have many of Georgia’s cities and industries grown up along the Fall Line?

17 Rapid flowing rivers were a source of energy

18 The border between the Georgia Piedmont and the Coastal Plain marks the point at which rivers drop in elevation creating waterfalls. This border is known as the

19 Fall Line

20 In which region is the Okefenokee Swamp located?

21 Coastal Plain

22 What river has its headwaters in the mountains of north Georgia and form part of the boundary between Georgia and Alabama?

23 Chattahoochee River

24 What is the primary function of the barrier islands?

25 They protect the beaches from erosion.

26 Who was the first explorer to enter present-day Georgia?

27 Hernando de Soto

28 Why did Hernando de Soto explore much of Georgia in 1540?

29 He was looking for gold

30 The main purpose of the Spanish mission in the barrier islands was to do what?

31 Convert the Indians to Catholicism.

32 The main reason the Spanish explored North America was to do what?

33 Find gold

34 How did de Soto’s march through Georgia change the lives and culture of Native Americans?

35 The expedition resulted in the death of thousands of Native Americans from violence and disease.

36 One of the reasons given for the colonization of Georgia was to serve as a buffer colony. This meant that Georgia was what?

37 What Indians were led by Tomochichi?

38 Yamacraw

39 Protective zone between English and Spanish settlements

40 The 4 reasons for founding Georgia are what?

41 Economic, Charity, Religion, Buffer zone

42 According to the charter, what religious group was not allowed to settle in Georgia?

43 Catholics

44 Where did the Salzburgers first settle?

45 Ebenezer

46 What ship brought Oglethorpe and the first colonists to Charleston, then Savannah, during the winter of 1733?

47 Ann

48 How as Tomochichi significant to the development of early Georgia?

49 He was a mediator between the colonists and the Yamacraw.

50 Who served as the translator for Oglethorpe in his discussions with Tomochichi?

51 Mary Musgrove

52 The Salzburgers moved from their original settlement because

53 The land on which they settled was marshy and not very productive.

54 Where did Highland Scots settle in Georgia?

55 Darien

56 Who were the malcontents of the early Georgia colony?

57 people who were unhappy and constantly complaining about the Rules of 1750.

58 The greatest threat to the Georgia colony came from whom?

59 Spanish in Florida

60 Why did German Salzburgers come to Georgia?

61 Escape religious persecution

62 During which prehistoric period did large game become extinct?

63 Archaic

64 What was the importance of the Battle of Bloody Marsh?

65 It was the beginning of a safe southern frontier for the British.

66 The Latin motto of the trustees, Non Sibi Sed Allis, meant “Not for themselves but for others.” What does this mean?

67 The trustees established Georgia for the purpose of helping the poor, not for the purpose of making themselves rich.

68 Who were the royal governors of Georgia?

69 John Reynolds Henry Ellis James Wright

70 Why have few Paleo artifacts been found in any one place?

71 People moved frequently and did not leave many artifacts in any one place.

72 Which people were the FIRST to make and use pottery?

73 Archaic

74 The early 1800s belief of some people that a state could refuse to enforce a federal law was known as

75 Nullification

76 Which factor resulted in prehistoric Indians making permanent settlements?

77 The Indians began to cultivate plants.

78 The prehistoric culture that developed the bow and arrow for hunting was the

79 Woodland culture.

80 Tomochichi allowed James Oglethorpe to settle on a bluff overlooking which river?

81 Savannah River

82 The oldest known Native American culture in North America was the

83 Paleo

84 Who were the FIRST people to use burial mounds?

85 Woodland culture.

86 Which battle was important because it temporarily kept the Union army out of Georgia after they had taken Chattanooga?

87 Chickamauga

88 What contributed to the lack of success of the Union blockade?

89 Blockade runners slipped through the blockade.

90 What effect did the French and Indian War have on Georgia’s growth and development?

91 Georgia gained new lands, new water access for shipping, ample farmland, and rich forests with timber and naval stores.

92 What law forbade colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains?

93 Proclamation of 1763

94 Who was the female Georgia patriot famous for capturing and killing a group of Tories during the revolution?

95 Nancy Hart

96 Where did the bloodiest one-day battle of the Civil War take place?

97 Antietam

98 The U.S. Constitution was actually singed by only two of Georgia’s four delegates. The two signers were

99 William Few and Abraham Baldwin

100 Which mode of transportation was developing in Georgia just before the Civil War which was very important to Georgia’s war effort and post-war economic development?

101 Railroads

102 Who were the three Georgians who signed the Declaration of Independence?

103 George Walton, Lyman Hall, and Button Gwinnett

104 The fighting of the Civil War in Georgia can be described as

105 heavy along a line from Dalton to Atlanta to Savannah.

106 Which treaty required the Creek to give up all their land east of the Oconee River?

107 Treaty of New York

108 The purpose of the Missouri Compromise was to

109 maintain a balance of slave and free states

110 The chief cash crop in Georgia before the Civil War was

111 Cotton

112 Which people were the FIRST to use the atlatl?

113 Paleo

114 In what state did the Battle of Gettysburg take place?

115 Pennsylvania

116 What was invented in Georgia during the 1790s that quickly changed the state agricultural landscape and led Georgia to develop an economy based on farming?

117 Cotton Gin

118 Who was the Creek leader in the Oconee War between the Creek and the Georgia pioneers?

119 Alexander McGillivray

120 The first written plan for the government of the United States was called the

121 Articles of Confederation

122 How many acres of land could the head of a family receive under the headright system?

123 1,000

124 Why did the U.S. Supreme Court rule against Dred Scott?

125 because Scott was a slave and he was not eligible to sue in court

126 What was the main weakness of the Georgia Constitution of 1777?

127 It gave too much power to the legislative branch

128 The First African Baptist Church in Georgia was established in 1788 under the leadership of Andrew Bryan in?

129 Savannah

130 The Proclamation of 1763 moved Georgia’s southern boundary to the

131 St. Marys River

132 What was the purpose of the headright system in Georgia?

133 It distributed Indian lands to new settlers

134 Who was the commander of the Confederate prison at Andersonville?

135 Henry Wirtz

136 By 1860, the two largest church denominations in Georgia were

137 Methodist and Baptist.

138 Why was Chickamauga important to the North and the South?

139 Railroads

140 Who gave the tract of land that became the University of Georgia?

141 federal government

142 What scandal took place when Georgia’s governor and some legislators were bribed to sell public land to private developers at below-market prices?

143 Yazoo Land Fraud

144 The “Georgia Platform” was a statement supporting

145 Compromise of 1850

146 What discovery led to the Cherokee losing their land in Georgia?

147 gold in Dahlonega

148 The removal of the Cherokee from Georgia is remembered as the?

149 Trail of Tears

150 Atlanta’s military importance to the Confederacy is that it was the

151 industrial and transportation center of the Confederacy.

152 States’ rights can BEST be defined as the belief that states

153 could ignore national laws if they were harmful to the state.

154 What was the first direct tax by Parliament on the American colonies, which caused the colonies to unite against King George?

155 Stamp Act

156 Atlanta at one time was called Terminus because

157 the railroad line ended there at one time.

158 What was George Gist’s (Sequoyah’s) major contribution to the Cherokee culture?

159 He developed a syllabary so the Cherokee could have a written language.

160 Why did the South needed to keep its ports open during the war.

161 To ship and sell its cotton in Europe in exchange for supplies and arms.

162 Describe the different parts of the Intolerable Acts?

163 The British closed the port of Boston until the colonists paid for the tea that was destroyed in the Boston Tea Party. The British required citizens in all the colonies to house and feed British soldiers. The British prohibited the Massachusetts colonists from having town meetings.

164 What is the opening part of the Declaration of Independence called?

165 Preamble

166 Who was the Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court who ruled that Cherokee territory was not subject to state law?

167 John Marshall

168 All the trails along which the Indians were taken ended in the Indian Territory, which is mainly in the present-day state of?

169 Oklahoma

170 Why was William McIntosh, a Creek chief, murdered by his own people?

171 He signed a treaty giving up the last Creek lands in Georgia to the federal government.

172 How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act change the Missouri Compromise?

173 It permitted slavery north of Missouri’s southern boundary.

174 Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

175 Thomas Jefferson

176 Where did the first colonial victory in Georgia during the American Revolution occur?

177 Kettle Creek

178 Lincoln’s election, which man called for Georgia to remain in the Union?

179 Alexander Stephens

180 Who was the leader of the militia who led the forces at the Battle of Kettle Creek?

181 Elijah Clarke

182 In addition to the Cherokee, what Southeastern Native American tribe was removed from Georgia in the 1830s?

183 Creek

184 How was the Emancipation Proclamation a concession to the South?

185 The South could keep their slaves if they stopped fighting.

186 Who was the black soldier who was seriously wounded at the Battle of Kettle Creek?

187 Austin Dabney

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