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Cold War “Hot” Spots LESSON 5.4. KNIGHT’S CHARGE What were the 2 sides of the Chinese Civil War? Who was the Communist leader of China? Why were both.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War “Hot” Spots LESSON 5.4. KNIGHT’S CHARGE What were the 2 sides of the Chinese Civil War? Who was the Communist leader of China? Why were both."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War “Hot” Spots LESSON 5.4

2 KNIGHT’S CHARGE What were the 2 sides of the Chinese Civil War? Who was the Communist leader of China? Why were both the communists and capitalists interested in China? What Happened in many African countries after imperialism ended? Why is Mr. Sliwa so fly?

3 WEIRD DISNEY FACT OF THE DAY! The actual story of the ‘Little Mermaid” is not so sweet… No, after having her tail split by the evil Sea Witch’s potion, the Little Mermaid swims ashore, passes out, and wakes up in searing pain. The Prince finds her amusing, so he takes her back to the palace, where she dances for him—still in searing, hot-knife pain, but she grins and bears it. Of course, the Little Mermaid soon discovers that the Prince is going to marry another woman, and if he does, she’ll dissolve into sea foam, because mermaids have no souls. Her only chance is to convince him to marry her…which she can’t, without her voice. The Sea Witch gives the Little Mermaid another chance, and tells her that in order to survive as a human (because she can never be a mermaid again), she has to kill her prince and let his blood pour over her feet. Well, she doesn’t, and consequently dissolves into sea foam, trapped in limbo.

4 COMMUNISM BECOMES A SPREADING “DISEASE” China has now become Communist! China is the largest Nation in Southeast Asia!

5 KOREA Japan owned/occupied Korea prior to WWII After Japan lost, they were forced to give up control of Korea. Korea did not have a strong enough government to support itself. So….The US and Soviet Union agreed to split it along the “38 th Parallel.” (We’re so nice…)

6 KOREA Kim Il Sung – North Korea Communist Dictator Supported by the Soviet Union _____________________________ Syngman Rhee – South Korea Capitalist Supported by the US Both leaders want to RULE the WHOLE country!

7 KOREA North Korean troops attacked South Korea in June of 1950

8 KOREA North Korea “over ran” South Korea very quickly. The U.S. and U.N. arrived and pushed back North Korea. Newly “communist” China entered to help North Korea and pushed South Korea, the U.S., and the UN back passed the 38 th Parallel. Both sides then hit a stalemate. In 1953, an “armistice” or cease fire, was signed

9 KOREA This ceasefire created what was/is called the DMZ or “Demilitarized Zone.” Demilitarized Zone – line that would divide North and South Korea permanently. There is not supposed to be any fighting here.

10 KOREA Is there still conflict in Korea today? What do you think? DMZ Video

11 KOREAN WAR IMPACT ON AMERICA Immediate Effects: 54,000 Americans Killed 103,000 Americans Wounded Relations with China get worse Armed forces are racially integrated Long-Term Effects: -Military Spending Increases -Relations with Japan Improve -Future presidents will send military into combat without approval

12 JOSEPH STALIN IS DEAD Joseph Stalin dies in 1953 just after the Korean War

13 SOVIET UNION’S NEW LEADER Nikita Khrushchev takes over the Soviet Union! He closes Stalin’s labor camps Ends government censorship And “tried” to co-exist with the capitalist countries

14 EISENHOWER TAKES OVER THE U.S. Eisenhower (famous WWII general)– becomes president of the US the same year that Khrushchev takes over the Soviet Union.

15 NEW LEADERS = NEW CONFLICTS Communist vs. Capitalist battles begin to rise in Asia, Africa, and South America

16 THE SPACE RACE In 1957, the Russians launch the first ever satellite into orbit! SPUTNIK!

17 THE SPACE RACE In response, the U.S. creates NASA and the Soviet Union and the U.S. battle for the triumph of….space! National Aeronautics and Space Administration

18 THE COLD WAR GETS A LITTLE “STEAMY” In 1954, the French lose control of an area that they were attempting to control/colonize…Vietnam. Communists in Vietnam rebel and try to take over the country! The communists in Vietnam are ANGRY. They are not only beating the French, but beating them…Very quickly. France - Vietnam

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