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Planetary Science. Why? Since Astronomers find it difficult or impossible to visit most astronomical objects, nearby objects are examined and comparisons/extrapolations.

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Presentation on theme: "Planetary Science. Why? Since Astronomers find it difficult or impossible to visit most astronomical objects, nearby objects are examined and comparisons/extrapolations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planetary Science

2 Why? Since Astronomers find it difficult or impossible to visit most astronomical objects, nearby objects are examined and comparisons/extrapolations made.

3 Earth First We examine our planet for a basic knowledge of planetary processes.

4 Vital Statistics 4.5 billion years old, 8,000 miles in diameter, 6 X 10 24 kg (6 million million million million kilograms), Orbits the sun in 365.24 days, Turns on its axis once every 24 hours.

5 Crossection: Thin (5-30 mile) crust 1800 miles of mantle (made of magma, similar to lava) Outer core of liquid iron Inner core of solid iron.

6 Interior examined: Earthquake waves make good acoustic ‘x- ray’ to probe the layers, Density calculations indicate heavy core, Magnetic fields denote iron.

7 Hot as Hell! Due to radioactive decay, High pressure (lots of weight squeezing in) Residual heat from formation, impacts

8 Heat Escapes Heat escapes from the core via convection rolls in the mantle. This heat causes eruptions through the crust of volcanoes and rifts. This energy drives Plate Tectonics


10 Continental Drift NOT floating on water like lily pads! Seven large plates carry the continents (not just landmass) around on the crust, skidding on the mantle. Where plates meet (plate boundaries) earthquakes, subduction, volcanoes.

11 Why Us? Because of the surface area to volume ratio of a large rocky planet, its internal heat takes billions of years to escape. Compare this with smaller rocky worlds!

12 Atmosphere Any volume of gases that surrounds a planet is called an atmosphere. Our mixture of O 2 and N 2 is called “air”. In an atmosphere, weather develops due to differential heating. Weather changes the surface of the planet as much as plate tectonics.


14 Look Out Below! Another major producer of surface features is asteroidal/cometary impact. This causes small and large craters, and in extreme cases, mass extinctions. Evidence of cratering is erased by weather, but the earth has been hit about 20 times as much as the moon.

15 Robert Duval or Bruce Willis? Neither! We cannot protect ourselves from impacts unless we know many years in advance.

16 Our Little Buddy The Moon

17 Vital Statistics ¼ the size of Earth; 1 / 80 the mass of Earth; 1 / 6 the gravitational pull of Earth; About 28 days to orbit the Earth. Always keeps one side towards us, therefore its “day” is 28 days long. No permanent “dark side of the moon”; Bone dry, no atmosphere.

18 Formation and Age Almost as old as the Earth. Formed by two impacts about 4 billion years ago. An object about ½ the size of Earth hit our planet, scattering debris from Earth and the impactor that gradually condensed into our moon. We know this because of the ratio of isotopes we found in the lunar soil WHEN WE VISITED THERE IN 1969-1973!

19 Tides Caused by differential gravity, the different gravitation pulls from the Moon on opposite sides of the Earth. The side that faces the Moon experiences the greatest gravitational force that causes the oceans to bulge. The Earth’s center feels a lesser pull that drags it away from the far side, leaving a bulge of water.

20 With thanks to Lock Haven University

21 Highs and Lows As the World Turns [sic] various landmasses move into these bulges and experience high tide. Six hours (1/4 turn) later, these same landmasses are out of a bulge and experience low tide.

22 Spring and Neap Tides When the Sun and Moon are lin a line with the Earth, the Solar Tides add to the Lunar Tides and the variation of high and low is great: Spring Tides (no seasonal meaning). One week later, the Sun and Moon at at right angles with the Earth, and tidal variation is small: Neap Tides. Solar Tides are about 1 / 3 Lunar Tides.

23 Near and Far The prefix “peri” means near; the prefix “ap” means far. Therefore perigee means nearest the Earth in orbit, and aphelion means farthest from the Sun in orbit. So, tides are extra big at perigee for the Moon and perihelion for the Earth.

24 Phases

25 Lunar Eclipse (safe to view)

26 Solar Eclipse (dangerous to view!)

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