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Audit of the Sales and Collection Cycle

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1 Audit of the Sales and Collection Cycle
Chapter 14 Audit of the Sales and Collection Cycle

2 Johanna what are the primary transactions in the sales and collection cycle ?

3 Sales (cash sales and credit sales)
Cash receipts Sales returns and allowances Write-off of uncollectible accounts Estimate bad debt expense Page 243

4 Sales & Collection Transaction cycle “credit sales” accounts receivable x.xx sales x.xx “cash receipts” cash x.xx accounts rec x.xx

5 auditing transaction cycles

6 auditing account balances

7 Cash Receipts = beginning Accounts Receivable + Sales - ending Accounts Receivable Sales = end Acc Rec + Cash Receipt – begin Acc Rec

8 Mandeep the SEC requires four criteria be satisfied in order to recognize revenue what are those four criteria ?

9 Revenue Recognition “SEC”
Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists Delivery has occurred or services have been provided Seller’s price is fixed Collectability is reasonably assured EARNED REALIZABLE

10 COSO components of internal control
Control environment Risk assessment Control activities adequate separation of duties proper authorization of transactions & activities p. 166 adequate documents & records page 243-7 physical control over assets & records independent checks on performance Information and communication Monitoring

11 Documents & Records Customer order p. 244 Sales order p. 244
Shipping document p. 244 Sales invoice p. 245 Sales journal p. 245 Accounts receivable trial balance p Remittance advice p Prelisting of cash receipts p. 246 Cash receipts journal p. 247

12 Rachel what is the objective of AU-C section 315?

13 AU-C 315 Assessing RoMM & Understanding the Entity & Its Internal Control
.03 The objective of the auditor is to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, at the financial statement and relevant assertion levels through understanding the entity and its environment, including the entity's internal control, thereby providing a basis for designing and implementing responses to the assessed risks of material misstatement.

14 Brianna What steps must we document to demonstrate a minimal understanding of the accounting system ?

15 The classes of transactions that are significant
page 160/169 The classes of transactions that are significant Procedures by which those transactions are: Initiated & authorized, Documented & recorded what accounting records exist, Processed through the accounting system into the GL, and reported in the financial statements. How the info system captures other events that are significant to the financial statements Reporting process used to prepare the financial statements, including significant estimates and disclosures.

16 Assessing Control Risk significant classes of Transactions
For each Significant Class of Transaction we must document our understanding of the Accounting Process from Initiation ---- into Financial Statements (probably with a flowchart) and assess Control Risk for each of the 5 management assertions


18 Page 59

19 Clint What is the objective of AU-C section 500?

20 AU-C 500 Audit Evidence .04 The objective of the auditor is to design and perform audit procedures that enable the auditor to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to be able to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the auditor's opinion.

21 Assessing Control Risk significant classes of Transactions
For each Significant Class of Transaction for mgmt assertions that we assess CR < MAX we must identify specific Control Procedures

22 preliminary Control Risk assessment significant classes of Transactions
preliminary Control Risk assessment pages 176 & 260 occur complete accurate class cutoff Credit sales med Low Med Cash receipts Payroll Max Cash Disburse Purchasing

23 whenever we assess Control Risk less than Max
Credit Sales Transactions p. 176 Control activity Test of Control Proc Results Of ToC Occurrence med Completeness Low Accuracy Low Classification Low Cutoff med

24 whenever we assess Control Risk less than Max
Cash Receipts Transactions p. 260 Control activity Test of Control Proc Results Of ToC Occurrence Low Completeness med Accuracy Low Classification Low Cutoff Low

25 Test of Controls Cyle. sales & collection Class of transactions
Test of Controls Cyle sales & collection Class of transactions credit sales Table 2 on page 252

26 VOUCH p. 252 see p. 176 Control Risk Matrix

27 Cycle sales & collection Class of transactions credit sales
Substantive Tests of Transactions Cycle sales & collection Class of transactions credit sales Table 2 on page 252

28 vouch

29 Denise Describe Vouching Describe Tracing

30 Test of Controls Cycle sales & collection Class of transactions cash receipts
Table 3 on page 261

31 whenever we assess Control Risk less than Max
Cash Receipts Transactions p. 260 Control activity Test of Control Proc Results Of ToC Occurrence Low Completeness med Accuracy Low Classification Low Cutoff Low

32 Page 261 see CR Matrix p. 260

33 Substantive Tests of Transactions Cycle
Substantive Tests of Transactions Cycle sales & collection Class of transactions cash receipts Table 3 on page 261


35 bank reconciliation page 322

36 page proof of cash

37 page proof of cash

38 Cash Receipts = beginning Accounts Receivable + Sales - ending Accounts Receivable Sales = end Acc Rec + Cash Receipt – begin Acc Rec

39 Iris How do we reduce detection risk ?

40 Lauren What is the achieved detection risk (not planned detection risk) at the start of every audit ?

41 Sumner what is the audit risk model ?

42 Audit Risk Model

43 Page 59


45 cut-off as of 12/31/2014

46 David credit sales In the Sales Journal Are you going to audit the last 25 entries prior to 12/31/14 or the first 25 entries after 1/1/15


48 Laura will you Vouch or Trace ?

49 Makinzie what does the evidence indicate if you Vouch the last 25 entries in the Sales Journal, prior to 12/31/14 to Shipping Documents dated on or prior to 12/31/14?

50 Mitch what does the evidence indicate if you Vouch the last 25 entries in the Sales Journal, prior to 12/31/14, to Shipping Documents which are dated on or after 1/1/15?

51 shipping documents sales (and receivables) cut-off
at the loading dock


53 shipping documents goods shipped in 2014 2015


55 Saul do you want to audit the last 25 orders that were actually shipped prior to 12/31/14 or the first 25 orders that were shipped in January of 2015

56 Stephanie will you Vouch or Trace ?

57 Abhinav what would the evidence indicate if you trace
the last 25 shipments on Dec. 31, 2014 into the 2014 Sales Journal?

58 Adrian what would the evidence indicate if you traced
the first 25 shipments on Jan. 1, 2015 into the 2015 Sales Jnl ?

59 shipping documents goods shipped in 2014 2015


61 Albert what would the evidence indicate if you traced
the first 25 shipments on Jan. 1, 2015 into the 2014 Sales Journal?


63 the client refuses to adjust their
Alyxandria what opinion do we issue while performing substantive tests you find material misstatements in the financial statements the client refuses to adjust their financial statements

64 Emily what opinion do we issue
while performing substantive tests we find material misstatements in the financial statements the client agrees to make the necessary adjustments prior to issuing the financial statements

65 Emmanuel what does it imply about the effectiveness of their internal controls while performing substantive tests you find material misstatements in the financial statements

66 Cash cut off

67 Erin Cash Receipts Journal
Are you going to audit the last 25 entries in CR Jnl the prior to 12/31/14 or the first 25 entries in the CR Jnl after 1/1/15

68 Jake cash receipts - will you Vouch or Trace ?

69 Jesse cash receipts with which financial statement assertion are you most concerned if we are auditing cash receipts?


71 Joyce cash receipts you are Vouching the last 25 entries in the cash receipts journal prior to 12/31/14? describe an example of evidence that supports the recorded balance

72 Kyle cash receipts you are Vouching the last 25 entries in the cash receipts journal prior to 12/31/14 ? describe an example of evidence that indicates Cash Receipts are overstated

73 Maria Cash Disbursements Journal
will you audit the last 25 entries in the CD Jnl prior to Dec. 31st or the first 25 entries in the CD Jnl after Jan 1st 2015

74 Naomi cash disbursements
with which financial statement assertion are you most concerned if you are auditing cash disbursements ?


76 Phil You are auditing the first 25 entries in the CD Jnl dated 1/1/2015 ? describe an example of evidence that would indicate cash disbursements are correct

77 Ariana You are auditing the first 25 entries in the CD Jnl dated 1/1/2015 ? describe an example of evidence that would indicate cash disbursements are understated


79 abc what are two forms of receivables confirmations ?

80 forms of receivables confirmations ?
positive (also blank form) p 291 negative p 291



83 controlling the confirmation process

84 alternative procedures --- p. 294 subsequent cash receipts Or
Vouch from Acc Rec subsidiary ledger To Invoice Invoice To Bill of Lading Shipping Doc To Purchase Order Sales Order

85 aged trial balance page 285


87 ??? with which financial statement assertion might the aged trial balance be helpful ? page 288






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