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Unit 7b - Evolution The Tree of Life.

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1 Unit 7b - Evolution The Tree of Life

2 Taxonomy Taxonomy is the science of classifying and naming organisms.
Based on shared physical characteristics. Invented by Carolus Linnaeus in the 18th century. His real name was Carl von Linne…

3 Binomial Nomenclature
Binomial Nomenclature - each organism has a Latin two-word name consisting of its genus and species. The genus is always capitalized. If you type a name, it is in italics – Homo sapiens If handwritten, it is underlined – Homo sapiens

4 “King Phillip Came Over For Great Sushi.”
Linnaeus’s 7 Groups Kingdom – the most general group. Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species – the most specific group. “King Phillip Came Over For Great Sushi.”


6 The 6 Kingdoms Animals – includes microscopic animals, shellfish, and humans Plants – mosses, ferns, and trees Fungi – mushrooms, yeast, and mold Protista – amoeba, euglena, and algae Eubacteria – “true bacteria” with over 10,000 species; some are helpful, some are harmful. Archaebacteria – “ancient bacteria” with only a few hundred species; most live in harsh environments like seawater, hyrdrothermal vents, and swamps.

7 How do you break up the kingdoms?
Number of Cells - Single celled or multi-celled. Cell Type - Prokaryotes or eukaryotes. (Does it have a true nucleus or not?) Nutrition - Autotroph or heterotroph (Does it make its own food through photosynthesis/ chemosynthesis or not?)

8 Using a Dichotomous Key
A dichotomous key is a series of paired “either/or” statements based on observable traits. Dichotomous Key to Represented Birds 1 a. The beak is relatively long and slender Certhidea b. The beak is relatively stout and heavy Go to 2 2 a. The bottom surface of the lower beak is flat and straight Geospiza b. The bottom surface of the lower beak is curved Go to 3 3 a. The lower edge of the upper beak has a distinct bend Camarhynchus b. The lower edge of the upper beak is mostly flat Platyspiza

9 Adaptive Radiation and Convergent Evolution
Adaptive Radiation – a common ancestor divides into multiple species over a long period of time. (Ex: Galapagos finches) Similar  Different Convergent Evolution – different species living in a similar environment evolve to have similar features. (Ex: whales and fish) Different  Similar

10 Co-Evolution Coevolution - When two species evolve together and need each other for survival. Symbiosis – any relationship where two organisms of different species live closely and interact. Niche - An ecological niche is the role and position a species has in its environment - how it meets its needs for food and shelter, how it survives, and how it reproduces. A species' niche includes all of its interactions with the biotic and abiotic factors of its environment.

11 Relationships in Ecosystems
There are 5 kinds of relationships and 3 kinds of symbiosis (#1-3): Mutualism – two species, both benefit (+,+). Commensalism – two species, one benefits and the other isn’t helped or harmed (+,0). Parasitism - a species harms another/lives off of it without killing it (+,-). Predation - one species eats another (+, -) Competition - one species; individuals compete to survive (-,-). Speciation can occur.

12 Cladograms Cladogram – a diagram that shows the evolutionary relationship between organisms. Uses primitive and derived traits to make groups.

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