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Critical Thinking and Texts ‘Bullies and Blacklegs’ by Brenda W Jones.

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1 Critical Thinking and Texts ‘Bullies and Blacklegs’ by Brenda W Jones.

2 What is Critical literacy? Not a new concept. Key characteristics: ‘Encourages pupils to investigate, question and challenge relationships between language and social practices that advantage particular groups over others.’ David Wray, 2004

3 Critical Literacy The meanings of words and texts can’t be separated from the cultural and social practices in which they are constructed. Language isn’t neutral or value free. Some texts fit more easily with the experiences of readers and writers and their views of the world.

4 Critical literacy Critical Literacy is about transforming taken for granted social and language practices or assumptions for the good of as many people as possible ( Freire, 1972)

5 How can we teach Critical Literacy?  textual analysis- history books  Text clustering- conflicting information  Texts for social action-letters to the editor  Critical writing - persuasive writing.

6 Strategies for Encouraging Critical Literacy There are many ways of building a critical literacy perspective into literacy teaching:  Textual analysis:  Choose an extract or article…  What is the subject or topic of the text?  Why might the author have written it?  Who is it written for?

7 Strategies continued….  How do we know?  What values does the author assume the reader holds? How do you know?  What knowledge does the reader need to bring to the text in order to understand it?  Who would feel left out in this text and why?

8 Strategies continued….  Who would feel that the claims made in the text clash with their own values beliefs or experiences?  How is the reader ‘positioned’ in relation to the author? ( as a friend, as an opponent, as someone who needs to be persuaded, as invisible, agreeing with the author’s views?)

9 CARS Checklist  Credibilty  Accuracy  Reasonableness  Support

10 Credibility  How do we know the author is reliable and truthful?  Look for evidence of his/her education, training and experience.  Has the information been reviewed?  How was the information derived?

11 Accuracy  How old is this information?  Are all sides of the story covered?  Who is the information aimed at and why?

12 Reasonableness  Is the information balanced and reasoned or selective and slanted?  Objectivity – a good writer should be able to control biases.  Most truths are ordinary  Does the information contradict itself?  World view?

13 Support

14 Documentation – Are we told where the information came from? Is there a bibliography or other documentation? Corroboration – do other sources support this view? External consistency?

15 References Jones, B.W.( 2001) Bullies and Blacklegs, Gwasg Gomer. Wray, D (2004) Teaching Literacy- Using Texts to Enhance Learning, David Fulton. Wray D, Medwell J, Poulston L and Fox, R (2002) Teaching Literacy Effectively, Routledge Falmer.

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