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Effects of Weathering, Erosion and Deposition

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1 Effects of Weathering, Erosion and Deposition
Texas Ecoregions Effects of Weathering, Erosion and Deposition

2 Factors Affecting Our Ecoregions
Weathering – chemical and physical break down of rocks into sediment Erosion – the movement of sediment from one place to another Deposition – the placement of sediment after being carried from place of origin

3 Types of Weathering Chemical weathering – changes mineral composition of rocks. Physical weathering–rocks are broken into smaller pieces.

4 Piney Woods #1 Color Green
It is the wettest region of the state. This allows for a lot of decomposition which results in nutrient-rich soils. W.E.D. W- Soil is produced from weathered granite. E-Very little erosion occurs here because forests and grass holds soil in place D- Sediments are carried and dropped along the river route

5 Oak Woods and Prairies #2 Color Gray
W.E.D. This area receives a moderate amount of rain which shapes the land. W- E- D- Trees and grass prevent too much weathering, erosion and deposition.

6 Blackland Prairie #3 Color Red
W.E.D. This area receives a moderate amount of rain which shapes the land. W- E- D- Trees and grass prevent too much weathering, erosion and deposition.

7 Gulf Coast Prairie and Marshes #4 & #5 Color Dark Blue
W.E.D W- Waves rock mechanical weathering. E- Waves cause beach and sediment erosion D- Sediments can be deposited along the beach and carried out to form sand bars

8 South Texas Plains #6 Color Light Blue
The area is known as “Brush Country” due to the shorter trees and many shrubs. W.E.D. W- Wind and rain weather the terrain E- Overgrazing of the land has allowed nutrient-rich topsoil to erode way making it hard for grass to grow D- river can carry sentiments to different areas

9 Edwards Plateau #7 Color Brown
W.E.D W- rock is physically weathered where sheets of rock are peeled away from the surface. E- Wind and rain erode the rock D- sediment is carried by rivers to create the soil

10 Llano Uplift #8 Color Yellow
W.E.D. W- Limestone rock formations with caves formed by chemical weathering E- Wind and rain erode the rock D- sediment is carried by rivers to create the soil

11 Rolling Plains #9 Color Light Green
W.E.D. W- rivers weather the area forming canyons E- rivers erode the land forming canyons D- material from erosion is deposited at the mouth of river and river beds changing its shape.

12 High Plains #10 Color Purple
W.E.D. W- weathering of rock by water flowing through the Red River. E- Palo Duro Canyon was formed by water erosion. Wind erosion occurs where there are little to no plants D- The water deepens the Palo Duro Canyon by moving sediment downstream.

13 Trans-Pecos #11 Color Orange
W.E.D. W- Flashfloods cause rock to weather E- Winds erode rock causing sand dunes D- Soils are a result of weathering and erosion.

14 Western and Eastern Cross Timbers
This is a small, thin region running North to South on either side of the prairies and plains. The soil is not as prone to flooding because it allows water to infiltrate very easily. The region is described as rough, hilly terrain.

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