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Susan Harwood Training Grant Program FY 2015 Proposal Webinar: Application Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Susan Harwood Training Grant Program FY 2015 Proposal Webinar: Application Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Susan Harwood Training Grant Program FY 2015 Proposal Webinar: Application Process

2 Agenda  Program Eligibility  Application Requirements  Transparency  Non-viable Applications  Application Review Process  Submittal Deadline  Additional Resource s

3 Eligibility  Eligible Applicants –Nonprofit organizations –State or local government supported institutions of higher education  Not Eligible –Agencies of state or local government –501(c)(4) organizations engaging in lobbying activities

4 Eligibility (cont.)  Must provide proof of nonprofit status –501(c)(3) Letter –Statement from State certifying: Organization is a non-profit; and No earnings benefit shareholders or individuals –Certificate of Incorporation establishing non-profit status  Tribal organizations can submit equivalent documentation

5 Application Requirements  Application Summary  Program Abstract  Technical Proposal  Budget Information  Other Attachments  Forms, Assurances, and Certifications

6 Application Summary  Two-page Word document using 12-point font, double-spaced, and one-inch margins  Include contact information for Project Director and Certifying Representative  Include funding amount, proposed grant category and topic, target audience, affiliations, and Congressional districts impacted

7 Program Abstract  One-page Word document using 12-point font, double-spaced, and one-inch margins  Should include organization’s name, grant category, target audience, proposed training topic(s), key grant activities, and geographical areas that will be impacted  Will be posted as-is on DOL Web site

8 Technical Proposal  Up to 20-page Word document using 12-point font, double-spaced, and one-inch margins  Redacted version will be posted, if awarded  Problem Statement  Administrative and Program Capabilities  Staff Experience  Work Plan

9 Problem Statement  Grant Category  Target Population  Training Topic  Institutional Capacity Needs (Capacity Building only)  Training and Educational Materials

10 Administrative and Program Capabilities  Organization Experience  Occupational Safety and Health Experience  Grant Experience  Distribution Network  Needs Assessment Experience (Capacity Building only)

11  Program Experience of the Organization  Evaluation of Training Activities Experience  Management and Internal Control Systems  Organizational Chart Administrative and Program Capabilities (cont.)

12 Staff Experience  Occupational Safety and Health Experience  Training Experience  Contract Staff

13 Work Plan Overview  Must describe grant activities for 12-month project period  Activities should follow federal grant quarters –What will be done? –Who will do it? –When will it be complete?

14 Work Plan  Work plan quarterly projections  Training materials  Recruiting plan  Training  Training evaluation  Meetings, reporting, and documentation

15 Quarterly Projections Federal QuarterTime Span Quarter 1October 1 to December 31 Quarter 2January 1 to March 31 Quarter 3April 1 to June 30 Quarter 4July 1 to September 30

16 Training Materials  New  Obtained  Required content  Languages other than English  Acknowledgment of DOL funding

17 Training Materials Review and Submission  OSHA review –Includes all materials such as promotional flyers and advertising –Allow 2-3 weeks for OSHA review of materials  Submittal and posting of final materials –Two electronic and two hard-copies –Appendix B outlines formatting requirements

18 Recruiting Plan  Include what methods the applicant plans to utilize to recruit workers from the target audience for the proposed training  Describe past success in reaching the target audience as well as any plans to work with other organizations during the recruiting efforts  All materials developed for recruiting are subject to OSHA review

19 Training – Required Information  Training contact hours  Eligible trainees  Training class size  Training for workers and employers  Train-the-Trainer  Training projections  Constitution Day training* *(Higher Education Institutions only)

20 Calculating Contact Hours AudienceType of Training Length of training (contact hours) Projected Number Trained Total Contact hours per training * Temporary WorkerWorker45002,000 Hard-to-Reach Worker Limited English Proficiency/Low-Literacy Worker2300600 Small BusinessEmployer530150 Hard-to-Reach Worker Limited English Proficiency/Low-Literacy Train-the Trainer 81080 Total 8402,830 Example of Total Number Trained and Contact Hour Projections *Total contact hours per training = (length of training x projected number trained)

21 Training Evaluation  Level 1 Evaluation –Measures participant reaction to training –Includes perceptions of quality and usefulness of training  Level 2 Evaluation –Measures skills, knowledge, attitude that trainee retains as result of training –Can be accomplished with pre- and post-tests

22  Level 3 Evaluation –Gauges impact of training on workers’ activities in the workplace –Conducted 3-6 months after training –Capacity Building Developmental only Training Evaluation (cont.)

23 Meetings, Reporting, and Documentation  Mandatory meetings  Quarterly reports  Close-out reports  Other documentation

24 Other Attachments  Other attachments can include: –Summaries of other relevant organizational experience –Information on prior government grants –Resumes of key personnel –Signed letters of commitment  Maximum of 20 pages

25 Forms, Assurances, & Certifications  Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)  Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A)  Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B)  Combined Assurances (ED-80-0013)  Project/Performance Site Location  SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activit ies

26 Transparency  Publicly Accessible Information – –Program Abstract – All viable applicants –Technical Proposal – Awarded applicants  Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) –Title 29 CFR Part 70, Subpart B –Written request

27 Non-Viable Applications  Not submitted electronically through  Date/time stamp indicates application submission after due date and time  Fails checks and validations in  Does not contain proof of non-profit status  Does not contain all required forms and documents  Proposes training that does not align with the OSHA selected topics (Targeted Topic only)

28 Application Review Process  Selection Process –Program, financial, and technical reviews –Additional factors include geographic, topic, and target audience coverage  Panel Reviews conducted by National Office and Regional Office personnel  Final Decision by Assistant Secretary

29 Application Checklist Forms, Assurances & Certifications SF-424 SF-424A SF-424B Combined Assurance Form Project/Performance Site Location Form SF-LLL

30 Application Checklist (cont.) Program Requirements Application Summary Application Abstract Technical Proposal Organizational Chart Other Attachments

31 Application Checklist (cont.) Financial Requirements Detailed Project Budget Indirect Cost Allocation Evidence of Non-Profit Status Non-Federal Resource Contribution

32 Submittal Deadlines  Targeted Topic and Capacity Building Grants –June 2, 2015 at 11:59 pm ET  Electronic Submittal Only through –Register and/or prior users check registration

33 Additional Resources

34 Important Reminders!  Carefully review the entire FOA  Address all required elements and forms  Use the application checklist in the Full Announcement to ensure everything has been submitted with the application  Don’t wait until the deadline; submit the application early to allow time for corrections if needed  Check to ensure you receive two email confirmations: 1.Acknowledgement of application submission 2.Statement indicating “Received by Agency” or “Rejected with Errors”

35 Additional Information Send questions re: grants via email to: Send questions re: via email to: phone: 1-800-518-4726

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