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Ms Nombulelo Nxesi ETDP SETA
Select Committee on Education and Recreation Wednesday 26 November 2014
Five-Year Strategy – Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Programmes to respond to the Goals Key Projects Support provided to provinces Overall performance Successes and Challenges 2
Mandate of the ETDP SETA
The core responsibility of SETA is to develop Sector Skills Plan (SSP). The SSP provides the: Profile of the labour force within the sector supply and demand - the current and projected needs of the sector and sector employers It identifies areas of skills growth and skills need It identifies the Strategies & Interventions to address the skills priorities
Strategic Plan Overview - Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals
Increasing the ETDP SETA’s capacity for skills planning Increasing new job entrants with intermediate and high level skills Improving the quality of teaching and learning in the schooling system Enhance youth employability Improve capacity of the ETDP SETA constituencies Improving the quality of ETD provisioning in the sector
8 Programmes to respond to the Goals
Development of a credible Sector Skills Plan Programme 2: Supporting the FET Institutions to be responsive to the ETD sector and national priorities. Programme 3: Teacher Development in support of the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa. Programme 4: Increasing Student Access to and Graduate output in Higher Education and Further Education Institutions. Programme 5: Youth Development for Employability. Programme 6: ETD Constituency Support and Development. Programme 7: Strengthening of the Quality Assurance System and Improving Monitoring and Evaluation for Impact Assessment. Programme 8: Improving Organisational Performance Through Effective and Efficient Leadership, Management and Administration
Programme 1: Development of a credible Sector Skills Plan – Sub-Programmes
To create an institutional capacity for skills planning and mechanisms for addressing skills development needs and interventions in the ETD sector. ETDP SETA constituencies submit quality WSPs/ATRs Scarce and Critical Skills Guide developed and distributed SDFs trained in the use of the scarce & critical skills guide Learner Tracking and Tracing Study conducted Annual Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey conducted Evaluation Study conducted on the ETDP SETA’s programmes
3.2 Programme 2: Supporting FET institutions to be responsive to the ETD sector and national priorities To enhance the capacity of the FET institutions to provide skills development in order to deliver on vocational and occupationally directed programmes in the further education and training sector. FET lecturers trained in PIVOTAL programmes FET managers supported through management and leadership programmes Lecturers supported for industry exposure and integrated learning programmes FET lecturers trained as coaches, assessors and moderators FET Colleges extending the scope to offer ETD learning programmes Students support programmes are in place in all public FET Colleges FET Colleges registered as workplace learning sites
Programme 3: Teacher Development in support of the ISPFTED-SA
To develop competent and professional human resource capital for the schooling sector by supporting the ISPFTED-SA. Support for teachers in LSEN schools to improve learner performance Support and strengthen School and District Management in order to promote functional schools Support one national initiative (DBE/DHET) related to teacher development Support for teacher capacity and practice in the delivery of subject content, pedagogy in gateway subjects Grade 10, 11 and 12 teachers trained on End-User Computing skills Grades 7, 8 and 9 teachers capacitated in subject content methodology School based initial teacher education B.Ed./PGCE to increase the supply of teachers entering the teaching profession
Programme 4: Increasing access to and graduate output in Higher Education and Further Education and Training institutions Focus areas Career guides distributed Bursaries awarded Bursaries renewed Workplace experience for FET College students Workplace experience for UoT students Matric rewrite programme
Programme 5: Youth development through increasing access to workplace learning
To provide the youth with workplace learning and experience in order to achieve competence in occupationally directed programmes for intermediate and high level skills. Internships for young people Learnerships for unemployed youth Skills programmes for unemployed youth Focus areas
Programme 6: Constituency support through skills development
To build capacity of the ETDP SETA constituencies through skills development. Focus areas Support for Trade Unions beneficiaries Support for Political Parties beneficiaries Support for NPOs beneficiaries Support for Private Providers Support for Independent Schools beneficiaries Support for HEIs Support for HESA Support for HEIs SDF Forum Support for Research Organisations Support for SGB beneficiaries Support for LIASA Support for Teacher Unions beneficiaries
Programme 7: Strengthening the Quality Assurance System and improving Monitoring and Evaluation impact To ensure effective and efficient systems for quality provisioning of skills development, credit bearing programmes for the ETD sector and ETDP SETA constituencies. Review of policies SLA with QCTO as an Assessment Quality Partner and setting up of assessment centres Materials developed for occupational qualifications Applications for accreditation and extension of scope for new/emerging providers Occupational qualifications developed and completed Learners who complete programmes to receive certificates Training providers verified (all applications received and processed within the set timeframes) Learners to pilot Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) (ComDev and ECD Programmes) RPL centres set up Programmes evaluated (all applications received and processed within the set timeframes) The ETDP SETA supports the DHET’s Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) sub-sector re-engineering
PROGRAMME 8 Improving organisational administration and management to enhance organisational performance.
Key Projects
Special Projects Organization of Economic Corporation and Development (OECD) Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Review Project ETDP SETA collaborated with DHET to facilitate and coordinate the review of vocational education and training conducted by the OECD to strengthen the South African TVET college systemassays FET Infrastructure A liability of R31,556m was raised in 2013/14 to cover the commitment that the ETDP SETA had made toward the payment of FET Infrastructure a required by DHET. The liability will be reduced by tranche payments over the next two financial years.
Flagship Projects Placement of Career Development Officers (CDOs) in 50 TVET Colleges Project The ETDP SETA placed 200 unemployed graduates as CDOs in 50 TVET colleges for the past three years, increasing it by 113 in 2013/14 to expand the project to TVET college campuses. The project has elevated career guidance provisioning within the TVET colleges. School Administration Assistant Project 1250 unemployment Grade 12 learners placed as school administration assistants in under- performing schools to strengthen their school administration. The second phase of the project is to enrol these learners on programmes related to their work. So far 250 have been enrolled on End-User Computing programme in Limpopo.
Flagship Projects(contd.)
Research Chair Project The ETDP SETA has now established four Research Chairs in four public higher education institutions (HEIs); Wits, UP, NWU and UKZN. This is a multiyear project focusing on strengthening the ETDP SETA internal research capacity by undertaking various research projects on behalf of the SETA. The project is only taking off in earnest now as it normally takes 6 to 12 months to establish a Research Chair at public HEIs. Grade 12/Matric Second Chance Re-write Project This is a project implemented in partnership with the National Youth Development Agency. The partnership has been in place since the 2011/12 financial year and over young people, who failed at least four gateway subjects (Maths, Physical Science, Accounting and Natural Science, have benefited through the programme. For the first time 10 top achievers from the programme were awarded bursaries/scholarships in 2013/14 financial year.
Work integrated learning (WIL) - toward an efficient TVET system
Pass rates Throughput rates Employability Instructors: Technically qualified Pedagogically skilled Industry experienced Curricula: Industry-aligned Students: Opportunities for relevant workplace experience Rigorously assessed 435 lecturers to date have participated in the ETDP SETA’s WIL project 280 are currently in the project for 2014/15
Workplace experiential learning
Supporting students from TVET Colleges and Universities of Technology Students are placed with employers to enable them to: fulfil their curriculum requirements gain experience for employability So far students have been placed.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
An attempt to accelerate the training and the awarding of the NQF Level qualifications to the ECD and Community Development practitioners. Partnerships in place for the establishment of RPL centres: Orbit College in the North West Province UMgungundlovu in KwaZulu-Natal Research has been commissioned for the profiling of the learners who will participate in the RPL project
The ETDP SETA Footprint...
All nine ETDP SETA Provincial Offices are functional We strive to bring service closer to the people Provinces are the implementing wing of the ETDP SETA
Overview of Provincial Participation
The ETDP SETA participated in various Provincial Skills Development Structures and Initiatives, including: Provincial Development Stakeholders’ Consultative Forum Expanded Public Works Programme Provincial Growth and Development Strategy, and The Provincial Skills Development Committees/Forums
Support provided to provinces
Programme 1: Development of a credible Sector Skills Plan Programme 2: Supporting FET and HE Institutions to be responsive to the ETD sector and national priorities Programme 3: Teacher development in support of the ISPFTED-SA Programme 4: Increasing student access to and graduate output in HE and FET Institutions Programme 5: Youth Development for employability
Programme 1 Sub-Programme 3-year target EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC
EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC Total Distribution of Scarce & Critical Skills Guide 8400 Target 780 800 1450 650 600 620 Achieved 788 736 1406 874 604 538 406 492 1034 6878 Training of the SDFs/Sector Skills Specialists in the use of the Guide 3400 350 250 400 100 150 387 162 821 518 646 482 316 399 4137
Programme 2 Sub-Programme 3-year target EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC
EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC Total Lecturers trained on PIVOTAL programmes 750 Target 76 125 79 98 68 Achieved 85 122 88 123 30 77 75 118 794 FET College managers trained on leadership and management programmes 200 26 18 36 28 24 16 14 19 22 203 21 40 34 27 31 13 228 Lecturers supported to gain industry exposure through work integrated learning (WIL) and programmes 500 52 62 66 65 73 43 44 41 56 72 54 435 FET College lecturers trained as coaches, assessors and moderators - 20 320 400 329 38 482 Graduate interns placed and trained (2 per FET college) for student support and career guidance information dissemination 32 12 8
Programme 3 Sub-Programme 3-year target EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC
EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC Total Support for teacher capacity and practice in the delivery of subject content, pedagogy and implementation of CAPS (Grade 10,11 and 12 teachers) 2800 Target 370 230 320 350 270 Achieved 375 239 412 453 351 343 257 344 133 2907 Grade teachers trained in End-User Computing 450 50 61 461 Employed learners trained in learnerships 42 30 72 23 65
Programme 3 (contd.) Sub-Programme 3-year target EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC Total Support of the National Mathematics and Literacy Strategy (Primary school teachers) 1200 Target 250 200 100 150 1600 Achieved 248 291 89 242 231 274 152 222 103 1852 Teacher Assistants to register for B-Ed/PGCE through distance learning - 50 75 25 34 42 102 - 28 256 Support for teachers in LSEN schools 300 33 36 45 66 124 79 494 Support school SMT and district personnel order to promote functional schools 1650 130 400 190 296 143 182 134 393 163 202 1763
In 2013/14 bursary funds were transferred to NSFAS
Programme 4 Sub-Programme 3-year target EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC Total Dissemination of the Learner Career Guides 60 000 Target 7 222 7 522 4 722 8 052 7 850 7 772 6 722 65 156 Achieved 7 921 5 883 6 546 5 915 10 098 7 879 9 222 5 509 7 904 66 877 Bursary Renewals - Full Qualifications 850 423 116 117 193 108 330 72 88 144 1 591 375 103 82 276 73 84 130 1 267 Students Awarded Bursaries - Full Qualifications (New Intake) 1 000 164 50 125 90 56 149 81 54 894 FETs/UoTs Students supported to gain Workplace Experience 700 158 182 181 238 122 222 48 1 384 109 295 210 83 129 1 372 Second Chance/Matric Re-Write Programme 2 800 300 100 200 750 250 261 27 1 490 128 441 131 244 213 132 3 067 In 2013/14 bursary funds were transferred to NSFAS
Programme 5 Sub-Programme EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC National Total
3-year target EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC National Total Unemployed youth placed in the internship programme 1 200 Target 141 129 132 114 140 142 110 152 Achieved 147 75 160 73 368 118 58 113 103 12 1 227 Unemployed youth placed in the learnership programmes 1 650 205 170 195 165 225 144 242 1 646 Unemployed youth trained in part qualifications 500 55 60 32 158 53 298
Programme 1 Overall achievement per programme
Three-year WSPR submission trend per employer size
This shows that since 2011/12 reporting period: there has been steady and consistent increase of a number of WSPR submissions by employer size the ETD Sector is largely made up of small levy paying employers.
SDFs trained in the use of the scarce and critical skills guide
Distribution of the scarce and critical skills guides
Programme 1: Achievements against targets
Strategic Objectives Planned Target Actual Achievement To put in place the research agenda and strategy as well as the skills planning systems including monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment frameworks Learner tracking and tracing study in place Learner tracking and tracing study is underway Annual Stakeholder Survey conducted and completed Annual Stakeholder Survey Report available Evaluation study conducted (workplace experience, internships, learnerships and apprenticeships) Evaluation Study Report available
Programme 2 Overall achievement per programme
Programme 2: Achievements against targets
Strategic Objectives Planned Target Actual Achievement To expand the delivery mechanisms and improve the PIVOTAL programmes 25 FET Colleges extend their scope to deliver ETD occupational qualifications 2012/13: 30 2013/14: 10 50 FET Colleges registered as workplace learning sites To strengthen student liaison services in FET Colleges and enhance career guidance to improve career choices of students in and around the FET Colleges 200 interns trained and placed, 4 per college for student support and career guidance information dissemination 2012/13:200 2014/15: 113
Programme 3 Overall achievement per programme
Programme 4 Overall achievement per programme
Programme 5 Overall achievement per programme
UNEMPLOYED Youth Placed on Internships
Programme 6 Overall achievement per programme
Programme 6: Achievements against targets
Strategic Objectives Five Year Target Actual Achievement To provide support to Trade Unions beneficiaries 500 554 To provide support to Political Parties beneficiaries 450 180 To provide support to NPOs beneficiaries 550 684 To provide support to Private Providers through APPETD and non-APPETD 540 50 To provide support to Independent Schools beneficiaries – NAISA 440 228 To Support Trade Unions Institutes 5 institutes 3
Programme 6: Achievements against targets
Strategic Objectives Five year Target Actual Achievement To provide support to HEIs and HESA 23 To provide support to Research Organisations 100 32 To provide support to SGB beneficiaries 108 To provide support to LIASA 64 To provide support to Teacher Unions beneficiaries 500 1 204
Performance against Transformation Goals
Category Equity Target Equity Figures 2012/2013 Equity Figures 2013/2014 Percentage Count Female 60% 59% 5 917 66% 7 159 PWD 5% 2% 153 4% 427 Youth 48% 4 838 50% 5 368 Rural 4 882 5 342 Black 85% 96% 9 640 98% 10 591 Total Entered 10 072 10 790 ETDP SETA improved its performance in all areas in relation to its equity targets from the 2012/2013 to the 2013/2014 financial years. The organisation has doubled the support for people living with disabilities. The SETA continues to strive to achieve its internally set target of 5% on supporting people with disabilities.
Total number of learners supported
Total supported = 28 896
Programme 7 Overall achievement per programme
Programme 7: Achievements against targets
Strategic Objectives Planned Target Actual Achievement To ensure the DQP strategy in place Policies in line with QCTO requirements Achieved To ensure the development of nationally standardised assessments SLA with QCTO as AQP and setting up of assessment centres SLA as AQP with QCTO is in place To develop materials for 4 occupational qualifications Materials developed for occupational qualifications To ensure accreditation/ extension of scope 100% of applications of new and/or emerging providers’ applications for accreditation or extension of scope are ratified All applications received and ratified
Programme 7: Achievements against targets
Strategic Objectives Planned Target Actual Achievement To ensure that registered occupational qualifications are in place Occupational qualifications developed and completed 4 To process 100% of providers verification applications 100% of learners who complete programmes to receive certificates 13 598 learners certificated on full qualifications 61 215 learners endorsed on Unit Standards based programmes To verify 100% of providers 100% of providers’ applications received for verification are processed Applications received and processed
Programme 7: Achievements against targets
Strategic Objectives Planned Target Actual Achievement To ensure that the approved RPL strategy is in place 200 learners to pilot RPL (ComDev and ECD Programmes) Research commissioned to profile the learners for the RPL project – in progress To establish 2 RPL centres 2 RPL centres are established 2 To process applications for accreditation, extension of scope and learning programme 100% of applications received are processed All applications received and processed To support the re-engineering of the ABET sub-sector through the ETDP SETA participation at national level The ETDP SETA supports the DHET’s ABET sub-sector re-engineering Research on the establishment of community centres currently underway
Successes and challenges
Key Successes Contributed to Improved teaching, learning and administration through teacher development and school administration to make schools work Supported for FET Colleges to be responsive to the ETD and National Priorities Contributed to Youth Development for Employability Two clean audits and an unqualified Audit Report - Demonstration of Good Corporate Governance
Challenges experienced …
Introduction of the New Grant Regulations (12 Dec 2012) resulted in the reduction of mandatory grant from 50% to 20%. This had a bearing in the submission of WSPs. Capping of the budgets – insufficient funds resulting in inability to meet needs of the stakeholders Challenges with the information management system as a result of ageing systems and capacity constraints The SETA lifespan – inability to put long term plans in place
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