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To be successful today, YOU need: pen/pencil, Do Now half sheet, note sheet YOU HAVE 3 MINUTES TO GET YOUR MATERIALS and FIND YOUR SEAT!! EXPECTATIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "To be successful today, YOU need: pen/pencil, Do Now half sheet, note sheet YOU HAVE 3 MINUTES TO GET YOUR MATERIALS and FIND YOUR SEAT!! EXPECTATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 To be successful today, YOU need: pen/pencil, Do Now half sheet, note sheet YOU HAVE 3 MINUTES TO GET YOUR MATERIALS and FIND YOUR SEAT!! EXPECTATIONS for Do Now: Sitting in YOUR assigned seat… SILENTLY and INDEPENDENTLY… COMPLETE your Do Now… We have 25 days to the EOG - What POSITIVE choices can YOU make today??

2 ANNOUNCEMENTS and AGENDA 1.Go to 2.Click on “Classwork” 3.Scroll down to “Week 32” 4.Download powerpoint for

3 FOOD CHAINS Food CHAINS show what eats what in order to gain the energy it needs to live. Food CHAINS use arrows to show what eats what. Eaten by: Where are the consumers and producers? Producer Consumer Food Chain: Shows what animals eat. The flow of energy is shown with arrows.


5 We call plants producers because they produce energy from the sun directly.

6 Nearly all food chains start with a plant. Green plants are called producers because they produce their own food. Producers: Plants make their own food.

7 Producers are also called AUTOTROPHS AUTO = “makes their own” TROPH = “energy”

8 Animals (and people!) are consumers. Some consume plants to get the energy they need to live. Others consume other animals. (Which are you?) Consumers: Animals that need to eat to live.

9 Consumers are also called HETEROTROPHS; meaning that they cannot make their own energy


11 Animals and organisms that live in water must get nutrients and energy too. Organisms found in ponds, marshes, swamps, rivers, oceans. Aquatic: A food chain that occurs in water.

12 “terrestrial”: relates to anything on the Earth Organisms and animals found on land habitats, like deserts, grasslands, and forests Terrestrial: A food chain that occurs on land.

13 TROPHIC LEVELS “trophe”: means food or feeding Refers to an organism’s position in the food chain Each energy level in an ecosystem Organisms at each energy level take in nutrients and energy from the organisms they eat.

14 INTERCONNECTEDNESS Animals on land eat organisms in water, and animals in water eat organisms that live on land.

15 GROUP ACTIVITY Use the ecosystem bag to map out a food web at your tables You must use ALL of the sun/plant/animal pieces You do NOT need to use all of the arrows Goal: Accurately show the transfer of energy throughout this ecosystem Expectations: Stay with your group Work together The first group to correctly make a food web will earn a surprise!

16 HAVE YOU HEARD OF EXPLODING WHALES? Sometimes when whales die, they wash up on beaches.. Once they die, their internal organs begin to decay (rot) What could be causing this decay? Would this be an example of a producer? Consumer? Or a decomposer?

17 HAVE YOU HEARD OF EXPLODING WHALES? As the bacteria break down the dead whale’s insides… They generate a lot of heat and produce gases that cause pressure to build up inside of the whale Methane Ammonia Hydrogen Sulfide Do you recognize any of these compounds? What should scientists do about this? contents-under-pressure

18 HAVE YOU HEARD OF EXPLODING WHALES? Draw a food chain in your notebooks that ends with the whale being decomposed by bacteria. You must include at least 2 other organisms in the food chain. Label them as either: producer, 1 st -order consumer, 2 nd -order consumer, 3 rd -order consumer, decomposer.

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