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Sol-Gel Chemistry Chimie douce
diatoms are making silica glasses from solute silica in water
Chemists at the school of diatoms diatoms are making silica glasses at room temperature from solute silica in water Chimie douce
Silica from the soils is dissolved by water and goes to the sea
Si(OH)4 Fe2O3 SiO H2O Si(OH)4 silicic acid Si(OH)4 Si OH HO ≈ mg/l
Silicic acid is a weak acid
Proton exchange between Si(OH)4 and the aqueous solvant protonation or deprotonation depending on pH Silicic acid is a weak acid Si OH HO
- Silicic acid is a weak acid OH OH OH Si Si Si O HO O
Proton exchange between Si(OH)4 and the aqueous solvant protonation or deprotonation depending on pH Silicic acid is a weak acid pH ≈ 3 OH- - 2- Si OH O Si OH O Si OH HO deprotonation
- Silicic acid is a weak acid + OH Si H2O HO O
Proton exchange between Si(OH)4 and the aqueous solvant protonation or deprotonation depending on pH H+ pH ≈ 3 OH- Si OH HO O H2O - 2- + Point of Zero Charge SiO2 precipitation of silica Silica is soluble at high pH silicates
Precipitation of silica
[Si(OH)3(OH2)] [Si(OH)4] [SiO(OH)3] [SiO2(OH)2]2- , pH Precipitation of silica Si(OH) 4 SiO(OH) 3 - SiO 2 (OH) 2- 6 8 10 12 pH 20 40 60 80 100%
Precipitation of silica via the acidification
Na2O.SiO2 water glass H+ Precipitation of silica via the acidification of an aqueous solution of silicate Precipitated silica Industrial product : charge, chromatography, …. Silica gardens
Aqueous solution of Na2SiO3
Silicate gardens Aqueous solution of Na2SiO3 pH ≈ 12 Metal salt CuSO4 FeCl3 Ni(NO3)2
10 Magic Rocks
Biogenic synthesis of silica by diatoms
Solute silica = Si(OH)4 silicic acid OH HO Si ≈ mg/l Biogenic synthesis of silica by diatoms Si(OH)4 SiO H2O Si(OH)4 7 Si(OH) SiO H2O Condensation Si - OH + HO - Si Si - O - Si + H2O
Synthesis of silica by chemists
R = CH3, C2H5, ... Synthesis of silica by chemists Silicon alkoxide = Si(OR)4 OR RO Si Molecular precursor Si - OR + HO-H Si-OH + ROH Hydrolysis alkoxide water OH HO Si Condensation Si(OR)4 + 2H2O Si(OH)4 + 4ROH Si - OH + HO - Si Si - O - Si + H2O
Polycondensation ≠ precipitation
monomer dimer trimer tetramer particle Si-OH + HO-Si Si-O-Si + H2O M+ + X- MX
inorganic polymerization
silicate silica [SiO4] SiO2 inorganic polymerization drying molecules oligomers colloïds powder mm nm 10 nm Colloidal silica particles
Two basic reactions Hydrolysis Condensation
Si - OR + HOH Si - OH + ROH Condensation Si - OH + HO - Si Si - O - Si + H2O Si - OR + HO - Si Si - O - Si + ROH
Hydrolysis of silicon alkoxides Si(OR)4
Si - OR + HO - H Si - OH + ROH Nucleophilic substitution SN2 coordination 5 O d- Si OR RO d+ H OH + ROH
Polycondensation of silicon alkoxides Si(OR)4
Si - OR + HO - Si Si - O - Si + ROH Nucleophilic substitution SN2 Si O OH d- OR d+ coordination 5 + ROH H
The chemical reactivity of silicon alkoxides is very low
Si(OR) H2O Si(OH) ROH SiO H2O hydrolysis condensation small positive charge d+ of the cation base catalysis acid catalysis PZC electronegativity coordination expansion difficult acid and base catalysis V depends on the pH of water
Silica gel formation no catalyst ≈ 103 hours acid or base ≈ 102 hours
20 Silica gel formation Si(OEt) H2O SiO2 + 4EtOH Catalyst pH Tg (h) nothing HF HCl AcOH 3,7 72 NH no catalyst ≈ 103 hours acid or base ≈ 102 hours bio-silicification ≈ 1 hour c ≈ 1 mole/l c ≈ 10-3 mole/l
Acid catalysis (pH < 3)
RO - Si - OR OR ROH d- protonation of Si-OH or Si-OR that become better leaving groups H+ > H2O Base catalysis (pH > 3) RO - Si - OR OR d+ OH- Si-O- OH- and Si-O- better nucleophile than H2O or Si-OH catalysis does not only speed up the reactions it also controls the shape of the silica particles
Acid catalysis pH < 3 Partial charges dSi dOH A +0.50 -0.06
HO OH A C B H+ Partial charges dSi dOH A B C chain polymers H+ toward the most negative Si-OHd-
Base catalysis pH > 3 Partial charges OH- dSi dOH A +0.50 -0.06
HO OH A C B Partial charges OH- dSi dOH A B C OH- branched polymers OH- toward the most positive Sid+ - OH
Catalysis catalysis speeds up the reactions
And controls the shape of the silica particles RO - Si - O - Si - O - Si - OR O Si OR RO H+ SiO- Acid catalysis Base catalysis end groups midle Si chain polymers branched polymers
nanoparticles fibres
Catalysis controls the shape of silica particles
Si(OR)4 + 4H2O Si(OH)4 + 4ROH SiO2 + 2H2O hydrolysis condensation Acid catalysis (pH < 3) Sol (1-2 nm) Gel pH > 3 ( nm) pH < 3 fast hydrolysis chain polymers microporous gels (pores < 20Å) Base catalysis (pH >3) fast condensation spherical particles (Stöber silica) mesoporous gels (pores > 20Å)
Colloidal silica in diatoms
Girdle bands Raphe 20 m 500 nm 150 nm pH ≈ 5 Silica walls are build up from ca. 5nm particles to give ca. 40nm diameter particles that are organised within the frustule.
Stöber silica monodispersed silica colloids
hydrated silica - SiO2,nH2O
30 hydrated silica - SiO2,nH2O Si(OH)4 SiO H2O Si-OH
water- silica interface
1. Adsorption - dissociation - Si - O - Si - O - Si - H H O H 2. Acid ionisation Si - OH + H2O Si - O- + H3O+
Some definitions Colloid = small solid particle (diameter < 0,1 mm)
Sol or colloidal solution = suspension of colloidal particles in a solvent gravity Brownian motion Brownian motion > gravity
interactions between particles increase with concentration
Sols and gels interactions between particles increase with concentration Percolation sol-gel transition Sol = solid colloidal particles dispersed in a solvent Gel = solvent trapped within a particleframework
colloidal solutions are not stable
Small particles tend to aggregate collision aggregation flocculation
≠ water- silica interface - 3. Electrostatic stabilisation
the surface is negatively charged - ≠
Stabilisation by surface charges = peptisation
Stabilisation of sols + Stabilisation by surface charges = peptisation + H+ Electrostatic repulsion Stabilisation by steric hindrance Grafted polymers
Transition metal alkoxides are highly reactive
toward hydrolysis and condensation Si Ti electronegativity
Coordination expansion is easy
Si(OPri)4 Si4+ = 0,40 Å c = 1,74 Ti(OPri)4 Ti4+ = 0,64Å c = 1,32 Ti Si SiO2 TiO2 [SiO4] [TiO6] SiO2 gelation takes several days Fast precipitation of TiO2 Speed up gelation via catalysis Slow down the reaction via complexation
coordination saturation slowly hydrolyzable complexing ligands
Biogenic Silica Questions and Answers Genetics
40 Biogenic Silica Questions and Answers Genetics which genes are involved in the formation of bio-silica ? Biology which proteins control the formation of silica and how ? Chemistry can we mimic nature and make silica in similar conditions ?
The biologist approach
1. Extraction and characterisation of proteins associated with biosilica Diatom frustules Silaffins N. Kröger et M. Sumper : Regensburg -Germany Glycine Lysine Proline Serine …. Sponge spicules Silicatein D. Morse - Santa Barbara - USA 2. Check their activity toward the condensation of silica
Diatom frustules Silaffins Manfred Sumper
N. Kröger et M. Sumper : Regensburg -Germany Manfred Sumper Silaffins
cationic polypeptides interactions with negatively charged silica
Bio-synthesis of silica by diatoms silaffin dissolution of silica frustules in HF Silaffins Proteins involved in the formation of the silica shell cationic polypeptides interactions with negatively charged silica N. Kröger, M. Sumper, J. Bio. Chem. 276 (2001) 26066
Silaffin = cationic polypeptide
two ‘lysine’ groups linked to long chain polyamines Catalytic activity due to these lysines
Precipitation of silica with silaffins
N. Kröger, M. Sumper, J. Bio. Chem. 276 (2001) 26066 Coprecipitation of silaffins with silica SiO2/ silaffin ≈ 12 1A1 pH = 6,4 silaffins catalysts for the condensation of silicic acid 1A2 Spherical nanoparticles
Sponge spicules D. Morse - G. Stucky - Santa Barbara - USA Silicatein
around organic filaments that behave as templates and catalysts
1. Sponges spicules D. Morse et al. PNAS 95 (1998) 6234 Spicules are formed around organic filaments that behave as templates and catalysts Spicules of Tehya aurantia HF
Silicatein Strong relation of amino-acid sequence between
disulfur bridges serine histidine active site Strong relation of amino-acid sequence between Silicatein and Cathepsin (hydrolase)
2 of the 3 amino-acids of the active site are the same
Silicatein and Cathepsine L 2 of the 3 amino-acids of the active site are the same Serine-26 and Histidin-165
Formation of silica from TEOS
after G. Stucky, D. Morse, PNAS 96 (1999) 361 Silicatein filament before precipitation of silica Cellulose filament No reaction with TEOS 50
nucleophilic activation
Catalytic mechanism Role of the serine-histidine couple Serine-26 nucleophilic substitution Histidine-165 nucleophilic activation pentavalent Si
-O-Si- The chemist approach catalytic role of amino-acids silica
[Si(OH)4]0 + [SiO(OH)3] (HO)3Si-O-Si(OH)3 + OH- Species in aqueous solutions at pH ≈ 7 amino acids -OOC NH3+ Interactions between silica species and amino-acids Electrostatic interactions Hydrogen bonds -NH3+ -O-Si- -COO- HO-Si-
dilute aqueous solution
Precipitation of silica in the presence of amino-acids and peptides dilute aqueous solution of silica pH ≈ 7 peptides + H 3 N COO - NH Lysine Arginine 2 HO Serine Chemical titration number of Si(OH)4 monomers
pH 5.4 6.3 7.2 8.3
Nanoparticles of silica precipitated
from silicic acid in the presence of polyamines M. Sumper et al. Nano Letters 2 (2002) 91 penta propylene hexamine
Amino-acids and peptides
+ H 3 N COO - NH Lysine Arginine 2 HO Serine Chain length Side groups Small effect Precipitation speed increases with ‘n’ Poly-Lysine
-O-Si-(OH)3 Silica condensation in the presence of peptides -COO-
+ H 3 N COO - NH Lysine -COO- -NH3+ -O-Si-(OH)3 HO-Si(OH)3 [Si(OH)4]0 and [SiO(OH)3]- Silica precursors are attracted by the peptide chain They come close together and can react
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