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Bell Work 3/31/15 THE MOON 1. What is this a picture of?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work 3/31/15 THE MOON 1. What is this a picture of?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work 3/31/15 THE MOON 1. What is this a picture of?
On your desk: PRIDE Card Pencil/Pen I.N. 1. What is this a picture of? 2. Describe how you think it was formed. THE MOON

2 Update your Table of Contents!!!
Title Date Page # 1. Water 1/6/15 7 2. The Atmosphere 2/11/15 33 3. Meteorology 2/27/15 41 4. Climate and Seasons 3/18/15 53 5. Moon 3/31/15 ??

3 THE MOON Formation of the Moon:

4 Formation The Moon probably formed as the result of a collision between Earth and a Mars-sized object about 4.5 bya when the solar system was forming. The material ejected from Earth and from the striking object eventually clumped to form the Moon.

5 Breaking it down.... Impact- Mars sized body collided with Earth
Ejection- Parts of Earth’s mantle and crust were ejected into space Formation- Gravity causes the ejected material to clump together forming the moon

6 Exploring the Moon Astronomers have learned a lot about the Moon from observations with telescopes.....However, most knowledge of the Moon comes from explorations by space probes and from landings by astronauts.

7 Exploring the Moon The first step toward reaching the Moon was in 1957, when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik I. Four years later, Yuri A. Gagarin became the first human in space.

8 Exploring the Moon On July 20, 1969, the Apollo program landed Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission.


10 Is the moon far away??? Yes… and no
It’s the closest object to us in the solar system Avg. distance from Earth is 380,000 km (236,121 miles) It takes about 3 days in a rocket ship It would take 3 weeks if you were traveling at 500 mph

11 Size

12 Weight

13 The Moon’s Surface Does the moon glow?? NO.....It’s the Albedo!
Albedo- the percentage of incoming sunlight that its surface reflects.

14 What are the light colored areas?
What are the dark colored areas? Maria Highlands

15 The Moon’s Surface Lunar highlands are heavily cratered regions of the Moon that are light in color and mountainous. Maria are dark, smooth plains where the craters have been filled with lava from when the moon was tectonically active

16 The Moon’s Surface The craters on the Moon, called impact craters, formed when objects from space crashed into the surface. The material blasted out during these impacts fell back to the Moon’s surface as ejecta. Some craters have long trails of ejecta, called rays, that radiate outward from the impact site.

17 The Moon’s Surface Rilles are meandering, valley like structures that might be collapsed lava tubes.

18 The Moon’s Properties Earth’s moon is unique among all the moons in the solar system. It is one of the largest moons compared to the radius and mass of the planet it orbits.

19 The Moon’s Properties It is a solid, rocky body, in contrast with the icy compositions of other moons of the solar system. The Moon’s orbit is farther from Earth relative to the distance of most moons from the planets they orbit.

20 The Moon’s Properties The Moon is made up of minerals similar to those of Earth—mostly silicates! The highlands = lunar breccias, formed by the fusion of smaller rocks during impacts. The maria = basalt that contains no water.

21 The Moon’s Properties Scientists infer from seismic data that the Moon, like Earth, has a layered structure, which consists of the crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, and core.

22 What is it like on the Moon?
No air No oceans (water) No clouds No life Less gravity- 5/6 (83%) less!! If you weigh 120lbs on Earth you would weigh 20lbs on the moon Lots of dust

23 /yt/watch?v=2iSZMv64wuU
Tour of the Moon /yt/watch?v=2iSZMv64wuU

24 Warm-up 4/1/15 1. Have you ever wanted to travel to the moon?
On your desk: PRIDE Card Pencil/Pen I.N. 1. Have you ever wanted to travel to the moon? 2. List 5 factors you would need to consider. (less gravity, food supply,…)

25 Background knowledge about surviving on the Moon!
Visiting the Moon Background knowledge about surviving on the Moon!

26 ……on the Moon!

27 Warm-up 4/2/15 1. How was the moon formed?
On your desk: PRIDE Card Pencil/Pen I.N. 1. How was the moon formed? The moon was formed as a result of a collision between Earth and a mars-sized object. The debris from the collision clumped together to form the moon. 2. Describe how the Moon is different today then it was billions of years ago. The moon has cooled and now has craters all over its surface.

28 ……on the Moon!



31 Moon Landing (Myth Busters)

32 Bell Work 4/6/15 On your desk: PRIDE Card Pencil/Pen I.N. 1. Is it more beneficial to have a self-inflating life raft or a magnetic compass if you were stranded on the moon? 2. Why?? A self-inflating life raft: You can use the carbon dioxide canister for propulsion! There is no use for a compass… the Moon has no magnetic field!

33 The Earth-Sun-Moon System

34 It’s Just a Phase Moon Phases Moonlight is reflected sunlight
From Earth we see different amounts of the Moon’s lit surface The amount seen is called a “phase” Phases are caused by the changes in the relative position of the moon, Earth and sun.


36 Draw this diagram in your notes.
Use page 112 to color and label each phase of the Moon. **Draw in the counter-clockwise rotation!! BLACK = Shadow YELLOW = Albedo


38 Moon phases (Waxing)… New moon Waxing crescent First quarter
We can’t see the lit half of the moon Waxing crescent We see ¼ of the moon from Earth First quarter We see ½ of the moon lit Waxing gibbous We see ¾ of the moon from Earth

39 Reflection of the sunlight during a Full Moon…
On Earth we see the reflected light off of the moon. Full moon we see the whole moon lit… but really only ½ is lit

40 Moon phases (Waning)… Waning gibbous Last quarter Waning crescent
We see ¾ of the moon from Earth Last quarter We see ½ of the moon from Earth Waning crescent We see ¼ of the moon from Earth


42 Bell Work 4/7/15 Draw the shape and label it. A. B. C. D. QUARTER FULL
On your desk: 1. PRIDE Card 2. Pencil/Pen 3. I.N. QUARTER Draw the shape and label it. A. B. C. D. FULL CRESCENT GIBBOUS

43 Moon phases (Waxing)… New moon Waxing crescent First quarter
We can’t see the lit half of the moon Waxing crescent We see ¼ of the moon from Earth First quarter We see ½ of the moon lit Waxing gibbous We see ¾ of the moon from Earth

44 Reflection of the sunlight during a Full Moon…
On Earth we see the reflected light off of the moon. Full moon we see the whole moon lit… but really only ½ is lit

45 Moon phases (Waning)… Waning gibbous Last quarter Waning crescent
We see ¾ of the moon from Earth Last quarter We see ½ of the moon from Earth Waning crescent We see ¼ of the moon from Earth

46 Why do we always see the same side of the moon?!
Synchronous ORBIT!! Rotation=Revolution

47 Moon Phase Flip Book!! Label each phase
Shade in each phase Shadow = Black Moon Phase = Yellow 3. Cut out all squares 4. Staple flip book together

48 Bell Work 4/8/15 Number 1-11. (One line per #)
On your desk: Pencil/Pen I.N. PRIDE Card Flip Book Number (One line per #) Be ready for a quick quiz on Moon Phases!!!

49 Quick Quiz!!!

50 1. Name this phase!

51 2. Name this phase!

52 3. Name this phase!

53 4. Name this phase!

54 5. Name this phase!

55 6. Name this phase! Look closely!

56 7. Name this phase!

57 8. Name this phase!

58 9. Name this phase!

59 10. Name this phase!

60 11. Name this phase!


62 1. Name this phase! Waxing Crescent

63 2. Name this phase! Waning Gibbous

64 3. Name this phase! Third Quarter

65 4. Name this phase! Waxing Gibbous

66 5. Name this phase! Waning Crescent

67 6. Name this phase! Look closely! Waxing Gibbous

68 7. Name this phase! Full Moon

69 8. Name this phase! New Moon

70 9. Name this phase! Waning Gibbous

71 10. Name this phase! Waning Crescent

72 11. Name this phase! Waning Gibbous

73 Moon Phase Song:

74 Bellwork Quiz! (open note)

75 Moon Phase Memory!!


77 Bell Work 4/8/15 On your desk: Pencil/Pen I.N. PRIDE Card

78 Bell Work 4/9/15 What lunar phase is it today?
On your desk: Pencil/Pen I.N. What lunar phase is it today? What lunar phase will it be April 12th? What lunar phase will it be April 22th?

79 Bell Work 4/10/15 What lunar phase is it today?
On your desk: Pencil/Pen I.N. What lunar phase is it today? What lunar phase will it be April 13th? What lunar phase will it be April 18th?

80 Bell Work 4/13/15 What lunar phase is it today?
On your desk: Pencil/Pen I.N. PRIDE Card What lunar phase is it today? What lunar phase will it be April 20th? What lunar phase will it be April 28th?


82 What does the Earth revolve around? What does the Moon revolve around?
Warm-up 4/14/15 On your desk: Pencil/Pen I.N. PRIDE Card What does the Earth revolve around? What does the Moon revolve around?

83 Eclipses and Tides

84 The moon rotates and revolves around the Earth
The changing relative positions of the moon, Earth and sun cause the phases of the moon, eclipses and tides.

85 Motions of the Moon Synchronous Orbit
The moon rotates once on its axis in days. It takes the same time to revolve around the Earth = days Synchronous Orbit 85

86 Occur when: Moon’s shadow hits Earth OR Earth’s shadow hits moon When an object in space comes between the sun and a third object it casts shadow on that object = eclipse

87 Most months the moon is a little above or below the sun in the sky
Most months the moon is a little above or below the sun in the sky... but sometimes ....the moon passes directly between the Earth and sun, blocking light from the sun

88 Umbra – the darkest part of the moon’s shadow, it is cone shaped
Where the point of cone hits Earth, no light from the sun can be seen = total solar eclipse

89 Penumbra – larger part of moon’s shadow that is not as dark
Part of sun is visible through the penumbra People in the penumbra see a partial eclipse Not safe to look at the sun during a partial eclipse because an extremely bright part of the sun remains visible

90 Lunar Eclipses occur during the full moon when the Earth is directly between the sun and moon
Moon is in Earth’s shadow

91 Earth’s shadow has an umbra and penumbra
When moon is in Earth’s umbra – you see a total lunar eclipse You can see total lunar eclipse from anywhere on Earth

92 Most lunar eclipses, Earth, the moon and the sun are not quite in line = partial lunar eclipse
Moon passes partly into the Earth’s umbra

93 Think About: Positions of the Moon, Earth and Sun Umbra/Penumbra Partial vs Total Moon Phases Sizes of the Moon, Earth and Sun In your notes, describe the difference between a solar and a lunar eclipse.

94 Pair Share: Come up with a statement to share with the class!
Think About: Positions of the Moon, Earth and Sun Umbra/Penumbra Partial vs Total Moon Phases Sizes of the Moon, Earth and Sun Pair Share: Come up with a statement to share with the class!

95 Bill Nye- The Moon a/action/yt/watch?v=EWg0ZNMUt6U

96 Start Study Guide!! (due next week)



99 Eclipse Model

100 Warm-up 4/16/15 1.What is an umbra?
The darkest part of the moon’s shadow, it is cone shaped 2.What is the penumbra? The larger part of moon’s shadow that is not as dark 3.Are they associated with solar or lunar eclipses? BOTH!

101 Rise and fall of ocean water that occurs every 12.5 hours
Water rises for 6 hours and then falls for 6 hours Caused by differences in how much the moon’s gravity pulls on different parts of Earth

102 High tides occur on the side of the Earth closest to the moon
due to the moon’s gravity pulling on the water They also occur on the side of the Earth farthest from the moon. The moon’s gravity pulls on the Earth more strongly than it pulls on the water leaving it behind


104 Sun’s gravity pulls on Earth’s waters
During a new moon – sun, moon and Earth are nearly in a line. Gravity of sun and moon pull in same direction Combination of forces produce tide with greatest difference between low and high tide, we call it a Spring Tide. Spring Tides – occur twice a month during full and new moons

105 During moon’s 1st and 3rd quarter, the line between the Earth and the sun is perpendicular to the line between the Earth and moon. The Sun’s pull is at right angles to the moon’s pull. Produces a Neap Tide = least difference between high and low tide Occur twice a month

106 In your notes, explain the difference between spring tides and neap tides. Include a diagram!!


108 Charting the Tides

109 Target TEST TIME! Warm-up 4/13/15 Take out your Study Guides!!
Review for 10 minutes  Target TEST TIME!

110 Warm-up 4/14/15 1. Based on the highest high tide and the lowest low tide, on which days did a spring tide occur? Day 3 Day 17 Day 31 2. Based on the lowest high tide and the highest low tide, on which days did a neap tide occur? Day 9 Day 24

111 Warm-up 4/15/15 1. Who were the first people to walk on the Moon? Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin 2. What was the name of that mission? Apollo 11

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