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Badlands National Park, SD

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1 Badlands National Park, SD

2 Chlorofluorocarbons and the Ozone Layer

3 Cast of Characters The stratosphere UV light Stratospheric clouds
~ 15 miles above earth’s surface UV light Stratospheric clouds Gases in the stratosphere NOx Ozone Chlorine Tropospheric pollutants CFCs Halons

4 A Brief History of the Ozone Layer
19th century Stratospheric ozone identified as block for UV 1920s Ozone layer identified Thickness measured Dobson invents ozone spectrophotometer 1924: measurements of ozone layer begin in Arosa 1930s 1st synthesis of CFCs: T. Midgely Low boiling point Nontoxic Not inflammable Applications developed Refrigeration 1950s CFC uses expand rapidly

5 Ozone Layer: Continued
1960s SST fleet proposed NOx catalytic destruction of O3 1970s: fears of O3 destruction Congress axes funds for SSTs Cl implicated CFCs detected in stratosphere Rowland & Molina warn of CFC role 1977: 1st meeting on O3 depletion 1978: US bans nonessential CFC aerosols 1985: Vienna Convention 1987: Montreal Protocol 1991: Phase out CFCs by 1996 US, Europe 2000: Maximum CFC in stratosphere 2010: End CFC use worldwide

6 1987: measuring ozone

7 Ozone Levels In troposphere Limit value: In stratosphere:
110 µg/m3 for 8-hour-average concentrations In stratosphere: Over US: ~ 300 DU Over Antarctica: ~ 117 DU Dobson Unit 27x106 molecules/cm3. Winnipeg is about 200 miles south of Edmonton (and considerably to the east)

8 Stratospheric Ozone Levels: Temporal and Geographic Variation
Oslo, Norway New South Wales, Australia Stratospheric Ozone Levels: Temporal and Geographic Variation




12 Some Recovery of the Ozone Layer Is (Probably) Occurring

13 The Ozone Layer Without Regulation of CFCs
PREDICTED: The Ozone Layer Without Regulation of CFCs

14 Chlorofluorocarbons 102 year residence time
Trichlorofluoromethane: CFC-11 -- 50 yr residence time Dichlorodifluoroethane: CFC-12 -- 102 year residence time

15 Related Compounds Bromochlorodifluoromethane: Halon-1211 --
Bromotrifluoromethane: Halon years Carbon tetrachloride: Halon years Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) Methyl bromide: 0.7 years Methyl chloride


17 Major Uses of CFCs

18 ……. And the Interaction

19 CFCs in the Atmosphere: 1977-1995

20 Remember The Time Line 1930s 1st synthesis of CFCs by T. Midgely Low boiling point; nontoxic; not inflammable Application: Refrigeration 1950s CFC uses expand rapidly 1970s: fears of O3 destruction Congress axes funds for SSTs Cl implicated CFCs detected in stratosphere Rowland & Molina warn of CFC role By 2010, CFC production was officially ended worldwide. How did this happen?

21 Repairing the Ozone Layer: International Action
Chemicals Regulated Halocarbons CFCs HCFCs Temporary replacements for CFCs HBFCs To prevent increasing use HFCs to be phased out?? Methyl bromide Carbon tetrachloride Methyl chloroform 1976: 1st UNEP meeting 1985 Vienna Convention Intergovernmental Cooperation Exchange of information Systematic observation of O3 Monitoring of CFC production Framework agreement No controls or targets 1987 Montreal Protocol adopted Phase-out schedule for regulated chemicals Method for modifying agreement Leeway for developing countries

22 Consumption of chlorofluorocarbons (tonnes of ozone depleting potential) by region and global, 1988–2002

23 Top: CFC Production 1969-2003 Bottom: HFC production 1989-2003
HFCs do not deplete the ozone layer, but they do contribute to climate change.




27 International cooperation seems to have solved the ozone layer problem:
Can we do it again for climate change? What is the role of the US?

28 Badlands National Park, SD

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