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Ryan McClenon Burnett 6th.  Edward U. Condon in 1940 designed a computer game called Nim, in which players avoided picking up the last matchstick. Although.

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Presentation on theme: "Ryan McClenon Burnett 6th.  Edward U. Condon in 1940 designed a computer game called Nim, in which players avoided picking up the last matchstick. Although."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ryan McClenon Burnett 6th

2  Edward U. Condon in 1940 designed a computer game called Nim, in which players avoided picking up the last matchstick. Although the computer won 90% of the time.

3  Thomas Goldsmith as well as Estle Mann Created the first “FPS” as they attached a cathode ray tube hooked to an oscilloscope display, challenging players to fire a gun at a target.

4  In 1950 Claude Shannon created a basic program in which players could play a casual game of chess.

5  In 1955 The U.S Military invented a game in which the Red and Blue team wage war against eachother.

6  John Burgeson Created a baseball simulation game that ran on a 1620 IBM computer.

7  After Dartmouth defeated Princeton 28-14, a computer programmer created the first football game.

8  In 1970 an American Scientist created a game in which overcrowded cells would die while others reproduced. Beautiful patterns would soon to emerge on the screen.

9  Atari introduced one of the first console games named “Pong”.

10  A missing slice of pizza inspired Toru Iwatani to create Pac Man, Later to become one of the best selling games of all time.

11  In 1985 the NES was released, soon reviving the video game industry.

12  Microsoft 3.0 came with a game Solitare installed into it which allowed users to play a classic card game at home on a computer

13  Sony released The Play station which was sold for 100$ less than the Sega Saturn.

14  Was created to be a simple simulation game but later became the best selling computer game of all time and the most popular among female players.

15  Microsoft's Xbox 360 brings high-definition realism to the game market, as well as even better multiplayer competitions on Xbox Live.

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