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Chapter 11 Review What did George Washington recommend be built at Harpers Ferry?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Review What did George Washington recommend be built at Harpers Ferry?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 11 Review

3 What did George Washington recommend be built at Harpers Ferry?

4 Federal Arsenal

5 What kind of labor force did the North depend on?

6 Immigrants

7 What kind of labor force did the South depend on?

8 Slave

9 The nation was able to remain united because of what?

10 Compromise

11 What was the biggest and most serious disagreement between northern and southern states?

12 Slavery

13 What is all the activity involved in the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services?

14 Economy

15 By 1860, what accounted for over 50% of the value of all U.S. exports?

16 Cotton

17 What are products sold to another country?

18 Exports

19 States that permitted slavery were called?

20 Slave states

21 States that did not permit slavery were called?

22 Free states

23 Explain the Compromise of 1850

24 California admitted as a free state Part of Texas given to New Mexico Slavery banned in D.C. Stronger fugitive slave law passed Slavery in N.M. and Utah decided by popular sovereignty


26 What group tried to convince people that slavery was evil and that slave owners were sinners?

27 American Anti- Slavery Society

28 What kind of government was needed in the North?

29 Strong Federal Government

30 What kind of government was needed in the South?

31 States Rights

32 Explain why different kinds of governments were needed in the North and South

33 North - Strong Federal Government, to provide services like transportation, regulate immigration, and protect industry from imports

34 South - States Rights, the rights of the state precede over the rights of the federal government

35 Explain the Missouri Compromise

36 Missouri entered as a slave state Maine entered as a free state Line drawn from Missouri’s southern border westward, slavery south of line

37 What is the principle of states’ rights?

38 the principle that the rights and responsibilities of the states should take precedence over the rights and responsibilities of the federal government

39 The war of 1846 resulted in annexation of land taken from

40 Mexico

41 What political party formed as a result of the Missouri Compromise?

42 Republican

43 This was a network of houses and other places used to help slaves escape to the North.

44 Underground Railroad

45 John Brown’s beliefs were modeled after those of his father-

46 Owen Brown

47 As a young man in Pennsylvania, what did John Brown do to help slaves?

48 Underground Railroad

49 What newspaper publisher in Illinois was killed by a pro slavery mob?

50 Elijah Lovejoy

51 Fiery speaker against slavery

52 William Lloyd Garrison

53 What are the first ten amendments to the constitution refereed to as?

54 Bill of Rights

55 Because of all the fighting, what was Kansas called?

56 “Bleeding Kansas”

57 the right of those living within an area to decide upon an issue, such as whether to allow slavery

58 popular sovereignty

59 Pro slavery men from Missouri who crossed the state line to vote and scare anti slavery voters were called what?

60 Border Ruffians

61 Where John Brown and his followers massacred five proslavery settlers. After his raid on this town, John Brown became a fugitive

62 Pottawatomie Creek

63 Town in Kansas burned and plundered, marking turning point in struggle for Kansas

64 Osawatomie

65 Who was the Massachusetts senator that was beaten with a cane on the floor of the Senate by Preston Brooks?

66 Charles Sumner

67 John Brown is best known for leading an attack on the arsenal at

68 Harpers Ferry

69 What name did Brown use while planning his strategy?

70 Isaac Smith

71 What is the willful damage or destruction of machinery, materials, or property?

72 Sabotage

73 Who was contacted to take command of the forces at Harpers Ferry?

74 Robert E. Lee







81 President during John Brown’s raid

82 James Buchanan

83 Where was the trial held?

84 Charles Town




88 What were the charges against Brown?

89 Treason, murder, insurrection

90 the crime of trying to overthrow the government.

91 Treason

92 Another name for rebellion

93 insurrection

94 What do we call a person who suffers death in support of a belief, cause or principle?

95 Martyr

96 Method of execution for John Brown

97 hanging

98 What was John Brown’s plan?


100 Take over the federal arsenal Attract a slave army Led the slaves in rebellion

101 What went wrong with John Brown’s plan?

102 Train telegraphed for help Townspeople rallied against them Brown wanted to fail

103 The first person to organize opposition to the Harpers Ferry insurrection

104 John Starry

105 What were the general feelings of northerners and southerners regarding John Brown’s raid?

106 The South condemned it. Many northerners thought Brown was a martyr.

107 Are the following characteristics of the North or South economy?

108 Plantations

109 South

110 Commerce

111 North

112 Small Farms

113 North

114 Trading

115 North

116 Cash Crops

117 South

118 Aristrocrats

119 South

120 Federalist

121 North

122 States Rights

123 South

124 Free States

125 North

126 Child Labor

127 North

128 Immigrant Workers

129 North

130 Manufacturing

131 North

132 Tobacco

133 South

134 Slave States

135 South

136 Industry

137 North

138 Cotton

139 South

140 Manual Labor

141 South

142 Shipping

143 North

144 Slave Labor

145 South

146 Dangerous working conditions

147 North

148 Indigo

149 South

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