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Lee Iacocca The Benefits and Costs of Charismatic Leadership

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1 Lee Iacocca The Benefits and Costs of Charismatic Leadership
Andras Török Syamak Bahmanyar

2 „We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems“ Lee Iacocca

3 Outline Short biography Charismatic leadership Power
Personal Position The dark side of Charisma Conclusion and recommendations

4 Short Biography I Born in 1924 Parents were immigrants from Italy
Excelled already in school Received a master‘s degree in mechanical engineering from Princeton Joined Ford in 1946 Became President of Ford in 1970

5 Short Biography II Was dismissed by Henry Ford II
Joined Chrysler immediately afterwards Company was in trouble Iacocca managed to save Chrysler Secured government backed loans Appeared in advertisements Left Chrysler in the early 90‘s

6 Charismatic Leadership
Building a vision Communicating the vision Instilling trust in the vision Unconventional ways to achieve the vision Empowerment

7 Iacocca: Building a vision
Arrived at Chrysler when the company was in big trouble and close to bankruptcy Created the vision of turning the company around, making it profitable and elevating it to the top players in the automobile business

8 Iacocca: Communicating the vision
Linked the vision to the most basic values of followers Iacocca possessed outstanding rhetorical abilities Used metaphors frequently for communication I didn’t take the one dollar a year to be a martyr. I took it because I had to go into the pits.” Lee Iacocca on the question why he cut his salary to 1$.

9 Iacocca: Instilling trust in the vision
Trust through self-sacrifice Cut salary to one dollar („equality of sacrifice“) Trust through expertise Very good reputation in the industry Expert Power “Although my reduced salary didn’t mean I had to skip any meals, it still made a big statement in Detroit. It showed that we were all in this together. It showed that we could survive only if each of us tightened his belt.” Lee Iacocca

10 Iacocca: Unconventional Ways
Brought union representation to the board Chrysler was the first company to do so Appeared in advertisements Introduced money-back guarantees on cars Secured government-backed loans

11 Iacocca: Empowerment Introduced quarterly review system
Managers could set their own goals for the next three months Were responsible for these goals “First, it allows man to be his own boss and to set his own goals. Second, it makes him more productive and gets him motivated on his own.” Lee Iacocca, when asked why he introduced the quarterly review system

12 Power and Charisma Power connected to charismatic leadership
Idolized Leaders Decisions not questioned More autocratic decision-making Referent power Expert power

13 Iacocca: Personal Power
Strong referent power Great skill in verbal persuasion Many employees followed him from Ford Expert Power Very good reputation Invented the Ford Mustang

14 Iacocca: Positional Power
Took the most important decisions by himself Very autocratic Too autocratic??? “Despite what the textbooks say, most important decisions in corporate life are made by individuals, not by committees. My policy has always been to be democratic all the way to the point of decision. Then I become the ruthless commander.” Lee Iacocca on decision-making

15 Dark side of Charisma Charisma does not only have positive effects
Negative charismatics have a personalized power orientation Harms the followers Does not benefit the vision

16 Iacocca: Negative Charisma
Vision Failed to recognize fundamental change in customers‘ needs in the 80‘s Dysfunctional management practices Failure to manage details effectively Creation of in-group/out-group conflict Too autocratic management Succession Did want to leave the company Wanted to hold on to his position

17 Conclusion & Recommendations
Charismatic Leadership can be beneficial More likely in crisis situation If conducted to excessively it rather harms than it does any good Charismatic leader should install measure to prevent this from taking place

18 Measures Create feedback mechanism Encourage feedback Listen to advice
Increases awareness of „bad“ behaviors Encourage feedback No penalty for feedback Reward feedback Listen to advice Do not consider yourself flawless Retrospective thinking Ensures decision quality Learn to accept the status quo Sometimes status quo might be beneficial In this case learn to accept it

19 Thank you for the attention
Good luck with the final exam!!!!

20 Before we end, one final quote by Lee Iacocca
„In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.“

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