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Web Editing in ArcGIS for Server

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Presentation on theme: "Web Editing in ArcGIS for Server"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Editing in ArcGIS for Server
Gary MacDougall Ismael Chivite

2 Agenda The basics of Web Editing in ArcGIS Server
Web Editing scenarios Typical Server Configurations Q&A

3 Feature Services in ArcGIS
From simple sketching to sophisticated web editing Web Browsers Desktop iPhone Handhelds And Tablets Feature Service

4 What is a Feature Service?
3 Client renders features Added in ArcGIS 10 Designed for web editing Push changes into the geodatabase over the internet Also excellent for querying Fetch geometries and attributes Client renders features (Thematic mapping, maptips…) Stateless, quick, RESTful service 1 2 Query Geometry Attributes Add Delete Update 4 Feature Service Geodatabase How Feature Services work? (Simplified)

5 What are Feature Templates?
A shortcut to the things that people edit Feature Template defines: Symbol Editable and read-only attributes Default values Preferred drawing mode Authored in ArcMap, used by all clients Structured data collection with an intuitive user experience

6 The Services Directory view
of your Feature Service Your Map Service It’s Feature Service Templates

7 How to create a web editing application?
Prepare your data and templates Create Feature Service Use\Create Application

8 Feature Service Basics Demo
Authoring the Map and Editing Templates Publishing the service Using it

9 Agenda The basics of Web Editing in ArcGIS Server
Web Editing scenarios Typical Server Configurations Q&A

10 Web Editing Scenarios Attachments Editor tracking
Ownership Based Data Access Handling complex symbology/geometries Disable geometry edits Editing versions Sophisticated Web Editing

11 Web Editing Scenarios Attachments Editor tracking
Ownership Based Data Access Handling complex symbology/geometries Disable geometry edits Editing versions Sophisticated Web Editing

12 Web Editing Scenarios Attachments Editor tracking
Ownership Based Data Access Handling complex symbology/geometries Disable geometry edits Editing versions Sophisticated Web Editing

13 Feature Service usage web editing patterns I
3 Client renders features Render features in the client (Feature Layer) Fetch all at once (Snaphsot mode) Or as needed (On demand mode) Subset of ArcGIS symbology No more than a few hundred features in display* Careful with large polys/polylines Take advantage of maptips (popups) 1 2 Query Delete Add Update Geometry Attributes Feature Service Geodatabase * Be smart about using scale dependencies, generalize, filter… Render features client-side

14 Feature Service usage web editing patterns II
Rendering features server-side Render features in the server (Map service) Refresh map after every update Features being edited displayed in client Through FeatureLayer Selection mode Full symbology Many and complex features Use MSDs whenever possible 1 Get Map Get Feature to be updated & render 2 4 Get Map Again Commit change 3 Map Service Feature Service Geodatabase Render features server-side

15 Web Editing Scenarios Attachments Editor tracking
Ownership Based Data Access Handling complex symbology/geometries Disable geometry edits Editing versions Sophisticated Web Editing

16 Web Editing Scenarios Attachments Editor tracking
Ownership Based Data Access Handling complex symbology/geometries Disable geometry edits Editing versions Sophisticated Web Editing

17 Editing Widgets in ArcGIS Web Mapping APIs
Utility objects for speeding up custom editing apps Template picker and edit toolbar Template Picker Attachment editor and Attribute Inspector

18 Sophisticated Web Editing

19 What is the Geometry Service?
Web Browser An ArcGIS Server service for geometry manipulation Enhanced in ArcGIS 10 & 10.1: Offset, Trim/Extend, Reshape, Auto- Complete Cut, Difference, Intersect, Union REST interface only Use in combination with Feature Service To aid in editing workflows Cut, Reshape… Also validating business rules! Geometry Service Feature Service Geodatabase

20 What are Server Object Extensions?
Web Browser That’s how you extend ArcGIS Server With new web services To access fine grained ArcObjects Implement business logic on your server Accessible via REST and SOAP Multiple applications for editing Validating topology Rebuilding network datasets Implementing validation rules Your Service Feature Service Geodatabase

21 The challenge is the user experience
Adding many tools is an easy and often unnecessary part Build focused editing apps The necessary tools, no more The workflow drives the design, not the opposite! Start by selecting the right client Do not reinvent the wheel Do not push the technology beyond its comfort level Or your users! Develop if needed

22 Internet Editing for ArcGIS Desktop tool
For sophisticated editing or ‘disconnected’ scenarios A Map Service that you can edit from Desktop Check-in/Check-out Geodatabase Replication Enterprise Geodatabase ArcGIS Desktop

23 Summary ArcGIS Server 10 features built-in web editing capabilities
Enabling many exciting applications Crowd sourcing, geocollaboration, web editing… New Feature Service Out of the box editing clients Viewer ArcGIS Viewer for Flex ArcGIS Web Mapping APIs Geometry Service and Server Object Extensions


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