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Image Stitching
Panoramic Image Mosaics
Full screen panoramas (cubic): Mars: 2003 New Years Eve: Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Gigapixel panoramas & images
Mapping / Tourism / WWT Medical Imaging Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Image Mosaics … + = Goal: Stitch together several images into a seamless composite Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Today’s lecture Image alignment and stitching motion models
image warping point-based alignment complete mosaics (global alignment) compositing and blending ghost and parallax removal Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Readings Szeliski, CVAA:
Chapter 3.6: Image warping Chapter 5.1: Feature-based alignment (in preparation) Chapter 9.1: Motion models Chapter 9.2: Global alignment Chapter 9.3: Compositing Recognizing Panoramas, Brown & Lowe, ICCV’2003 Szeliski & Shum, SIGGRAPH'97 Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Motion models
Motion models What happens when we take two images with a camera and try to align them? translation? rotation? scale? affine? perspective? VideoMosaic Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Image Warping
Image Warping image filtering: change range of image g(x) = h(f(x))
image warping: change domain of image g(x) = f(h(x)) f x f x h f x f x h Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Image Warping image filtering: change range of image g(x) = h(f(x))
image warping: change domain of image g(x) = f(h(x)) f g h f g h Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Parametric (global) warping
Examples of parametric warps: aspect translation rotation perspective affine cylindrical Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
2D coordinate transformations
Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
2D coordinate transformations
Translation Rotation + translation Similarity Affine Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Homography A: Projective – mapping between any two PPs with the same center of projection rectangle should map to arbitrary quadrilateral parallel lines aren’t but must preserve straight lines same as: project, rotate, reproject called Homography PP2 H p p’ PP1 To apply a homography H Compute p’ = Hp (regular matrix multiply) Convert p’ from homogeneous to image coordinates
2D coordinate transformations
Projective transformation or Homography Normalized homogeneous Homogeneous, only defined up to a scale Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
2D coordinate transformations
Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Image Warping Given a coordinate transform x’ = h(x) and a source image f(x), how do we compute a transformed image g(x’) = f(h(x))? h(x) x x’ f(x) g(x’) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Forward Warping Send each pixel f(x) to its corresponding location x’ = h(x) in g(x’) What if pixel lands “between” two pixels? h(x) x x’ f(x) g(x’) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Forward Warping Send each pixel f(x) to its corresponding location x’ = h(x) in g(x’) What if pixel lands “between” two pixels? h(x) x x’ f(x) g(x’) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Forward Warping Non-integer x’ Cracks and holes
Nearest integer coordinate Aliasing Jumping Splatting Distribute to 4 neighbors (weighted) and normalize later Both aliasing and blur Cracks and holes Filling hole with nearby neighbors Further aliasing and blurring
Inverse Warping Get each pixel g(x’) from its corresponding location x’ = h(x) in f(x) What if pixel comes from “between” two pixels? h(x) x x’ f(x) g(x’) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Inverse Warping Get each pixel g(x’) from its corresponding location x’ = h(x) in f(x) What if pixel comes from “between” two pixels? Answer: resample color value from interpolated (prefiltered) source image x x’ f(x) g(x’) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Interpolation Possible interpolation filters:
nearest neighbor bilinear bicubic (interpolating) sinc / FIR Needed to prevent “jaggies” and “texture crawl” Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Interpolation Bicubic Bilinear ɑ: the derivative at x=1
Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Interpolation Window sinc functions Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Image Interpolation All perform high-accuracy low-pass filtering while preserve details and avoid aliasing Bilinear for speed Bicubic and windowed sinc for better visual quality Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Decimation Interpolation: increase the image resolution Decimation (downsampling): reduce resolution Samples are convolved with a low-pass filter before downsampled to avoid aliasing Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Decimation Sample rate : same kernel as interpolation Commonly use r=2
Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Decimation Frequency response Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Decimation Linear filter gives a relatively poor response
Binomial filter cuts off a lot of frequencies but is useful for computer vision analysis pyramid Cubic filter: a=-1 filter has a shaper fall-off than the a=-0.5 filter Cosine-windowed sinc function QMF-9 filter for wavelet denoising and aliases a fair amount 9/7 analysis filter form JPEG2000 Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Prefiltering Essential for downsampling (decimation) to prevent aliasing MIP-mapping [Williams’83]: build pyramid (but what decimation filter?): block averaging Burt & Adelson (5-tap binomial) 7-tap wavelet-based filter (better) trilinear interpolation bilinear within each 2 adjacent levels linear blend between levels (determined by pixel size) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Prefiltering Essential for downsampling (decimation) to prevent aliasing Other possibilities: summed area tables elliptically weighted Gaussians (EWA) [Heckbert’86] Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Resmaple on interpolated signal
To avoid blurring or aliasing Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Motion models (reprise)
Motion models Translation 2 unknowns Affine 6 unknowns Perspective
3D rotation 3 unknowns Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Planar perspective motion
Simplest case: Overlapping photographic prints, scanned pieces Translation and rotation are usually adequate Four unknowns Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Planar perspective motion
Planar Homography Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Planar Perspective Motion
Extract features from images Match features using RANSAC and get inliers Estimate a homography H given pairs of corresponding features Least squares fitting Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Solving for homography
p’ = Hp Can set scale factor i=1. So, there are 8 unknowns. Set up a system of linear equations: Ah = b where vector of unknowns h = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]T Need at least 8 eqs, but the more the better… Solve for h. If overconstrained, solve using least-squares Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Image warping with homographies
image plane in front image plane below Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Plane perspective mosaics
8-parameter generalization of affine motion works for pure rotation or planar surfaces Limitations: local minima slow convergence difficult to control interactively Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Rotational mosaics Directly optimize rotation and focal length
Advantages: ability to build full-view panoramas easier to control interactively more stable and accurate estimates GrandCanyon panorama Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
3D → 2D Perspective Projection
u (Xc,Yc,Zc) uc f Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Rotational panoramas Setting With known f0, f1, solve R10
Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Rotational panoramas More stable for large-scale image stitching algorithms than homography How to solve the unknowns? Update R10 with incremental rotation matrix R(w) to current estimate R10 Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Rotations and quaternions
How do we represent rotation matrices? Axis / angle (n,θ) R = I + sinθ [n] + (1- cosθ) [n]2 (Rodriguez Formula), with [n] = cross product matrix (see paper) Unit quaternions [Shoemake SIGG’85] q = (n sinθ/2, cosθ/2) = (w,s) quaternion multiplication (division is easy) q0 q1 = (s1w0+ s0w1, s0 s1-w0·w1) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Incremental rotation update
Small angle approximation ΔR = I + sinθ [n] + (1- cosθ) [n] ≈ θ [n] = [ω] linear in ω Update original R matrix R ← R ΔR Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Rotational panoramas How to solve the unknowns of R10? Compute the incremental rotation vector w, Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Rotational mosaic Projection equations Project from image to 3D ray
(x0,y0,z0) = (u0-uc,v0-vc,f) Rotate the ray by camera motion (x1,y1,z1) = R01 (x0,y0,z0) Project back into new (source) image (u1,v1) = (fx1/z1+uc,fy1/z1+vc) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Gap Closing Estimate a series of rotation matrices and focal lengths to create large panoramas Unfortunately, accumulated errors Hard to estimate accurate focal length Rarely produce a closed 360 pararoma Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Gap Closing Estimate a series of rotation matrices and focal lengths to create large panoramas Unfortunately, accumulated errors Rarely produce a closed 360 pararoma Wrong focal length: f=510; correct focal length f=468 Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Gap Closing Matching the first image and the last one
Compute the gap angle Distribute the gap angle evenly across the whole sequence Modify rotations by Update focal length Only works for 1D panorama where the camera is continuously turning in the same direction Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Application: Video Summarization and compression
Video summarization by Teodosio and Bender (1993) Video compression and video indexing More info at Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Applications Video stitching the background scene to create a single sprite image that can be transmitted and used to re-create the background in each frame (Lee, ge Chen, lung Bruce Lin et al. 1997) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Image reprojection The mosaic has a natural interpretation in 3D
mosaic PP The mosaic has a natural interpretation in 3D The images are reprojected onto a common plane The mosaic is formed on this plane Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Perspective & rotational motion
Solve 8x8 or 3x3 system (see papers for details), and iterate (non-linear) Patch-based approximation: break up image into patches (say 16x16) accumulate 2x2 linear system in each (local translational assumption) compose larger system from smaller 2x2 results [Shum & Szeliski, ICCV’98] Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Image Mosaics (Stitching)
[Szeliski & Shum, SIGGRAPH’97] [Szeliski, FnT CVCG, 2006]
Image Mosaics (stitching)
Blend together several overlapping images into one seamless mosaic (composite) … + = Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Mosaics for Video Coding
Convert masked images into a background sprite for content-based coding = Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Establishing correspondences
Direct method: Use generalization of affine motion model [Szeliski & Shum ’97] Feature-based method Extract features, match, find consisten inliers [Lowe ICCV’99; Schmid ICCV’98, Brown&Lowe ICCV’2003] Compute R from correspondences (absolute orientation) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Absolute orientation Given two sets of matching points, compute R
[Arun et al., PAMI 1987] [Horn et al., JOSA A 1988] Procrustes Algorithm [Golub & VanLoan] Given two sets of matching points, compute R pi’ = R pi 3D rays A = Σi pi pi’T = Σi pi piT RT = U S VT = (U S UT) RT VT = UT RT R = V UT Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Stitching demo Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Panoramas What if you want a 360 field of view?
mosaic Projection Cylinder Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Cylindrical panoramas
Steps Reproject each image onto a cylinder Blend Output the resulting mosaic Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Cylindrical Panoramas
Map image to cylindrical or spherical coordinates need known focal length Image 384x300 f = 180 (pixels) f = 280 f = 380 Therefore, it is desirable if the global motion model we need to recover is translation, which has only two parameters. It turns out that for a pure panning motion, if we convert two images to their cylindrical maps with known focal length, the relationship between them can be represented by a translation. Here is an example of how cylindrical maps are constructed with differently with f’s. Note how straight lines are curved. Similarly, we can map an image to its longitude/latitude spherical coordinates as well if f is given. Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Determining the focal length
Initialize from homography H (see text or [SzSh’97]) Use camera’s EXIF tags (approx.) Use a tape measure Ask your instructor 1m 4m Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
3D → 2D Perspective Projection
u (Xc,Yc,Zc) uc f Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Cylindrical projection
Map 3D point (X,Y,Z) onto cylinder unwrapped cylinder Convert to cylindrical coordinates X Y Z cylindrical image Convert to cylindrical image coordinates s defines size of the final image unit cylinder Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Cylindrical warping Given focal length f and image center (xc,yc) X Y
Z (X,Y,Z) (sinq,h,cosq) Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Spherical warping φ cos φ sin φ cos θ cos φ
Given focal length f and image center (xc,yc) φ (x,y,z) cos φ sin φ (sinθcosφ,cosθcosφ,sinφ) Y Z cos θ cos φ X Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
3D rotation φ cos φ sin φ cos θ cos φ
Rotate image before placing on unrolled sphere φ (x,y,z) cos φ X Y Z (sinθcosφ,cosθcosφ,sinφ) sin φ cos θ cos φ p = R p _ _ _ _ Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Radial distortion Correct for “bending” in wide field of view lenses
Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Fisheye lens Extreme “bending” in ultra-wide fields of view
Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Other types of mosaics Can mosaic onto any surface if you know the geometry See NASA’s Visible Earth project for some stunning earth mosaics Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Slit images y-t slices of the video volume are known as slit images
take a single column of pixels from each input image Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Slit images: cyclographs
Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Slit images: photofinish
Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
Final thought: What is a “panorama”?
Tracking a subject Repeated (best) shots Multiple exposures “Infer” what photographer wants? Richard Szeliski Image Stitching
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