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Warm Up 1.Explain appeasement: 2.3 step Blitzkrieg: 3.3 things Hitler did to eliminate or put down the Jews: 4.What organization stopped the German Luftwaffe.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 1.Explain appeasement: 2.3 step Blitzkrieg: 3.3 things Hitler did to eliminate or put down the Jews: 4.What organization stopped the German Luftwaffe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 1.Explain appeasement: 2.3 step Blitzkrieg: 3.3 things Hitler did to eliminate or put down the Jews: 4.What organization stopped the German Luftwaffe in Britain? How? 5.Why did the US intern Japanese?

2 Warm Up 1.3 Things you enjoyed last quarter: 2.3 Things you did NOT enjoy last quarter: 3.What did we not cover last quarter that you wished we did: 4.What can I as the teacher do better? 5.What should I as the teacher keep doing? 6.What are you most looking forward to this quarter?

3 Chapter 31: The Cold War and Decolonization

4 I. Cold War –A. The United Nations –After WWII, countries perceive Soviet Union as a center of world revolutionary movement –The United Nations is created in 1945 with 50 countries signing the Charter of the UN –UN Charter: renounced war and territorial conquest –The UN provides a venue for debates between the two sides of the Cold War –Impact of decolonization of Africa and Asia: greatly swelled the size of the UN greatly changing the concerns of the body –Concerns of the UN: poverty, discrimination, and country independence


6 B. Capitalism and Communism –Roosevelt and Stalin are opposing sides –Roosevelt wants independence for eastern European countries gained by Russia –Roosevelt cannot upset Stalin bc he needs him to declare war on Japan before the war is over –IMF: After WWII capitalist countries create the International Monetary System and the International Bank –World Bank and the Soviets response: by creating their own communist monetary system for USSR and its controlled countries

7 –US economy is now prospering after WWII –Therefore US helps other countries with the Marshall Plan: –Set up to rebuild war-torn Europe stating that communism is successful in places with economic problems –U.S. spends 13 billion rebuilding Europe –Money is offered to the Soviet Union, but Stalin refuses the aid –3 European organizations attempted for economic recovery: Organization of European Economic Cooperation (1948), European Economic Community (1957), European Community (1970)



10 Communist countries recovers quickly after WWII but in the long run communist countries were unable to match productivity of consumer goods C. West Versus East in Europe and Korea –Truman doctrine v Warsaw Pact: –1947 President Truman issues the Truman doctrine that states the U.S. would give money to countries threatened by Communist expansion afraid communism would spread if unchecked –Warsaw Pact is set up by Soviets in response to Truman doctrine –The eight member countries of the Warsaw Treaty pledged the mutual defense of any member who is attacked


12 UN vs. Warsaw Pact

13 –The Berlin Wall is built (1961) in Germany separating Germany East and West –West Germany is Democracy set up by France and Britain, the Soviets respond by setting up East Germany and making it communist –1948, communist North Korea and democratic South Korea was established –1950 Korean War: –North Korea invades South Korea in 1950 US helps –South China helps North –1953 a truce is established at the 38 th parallel but no peace treaty was concluded



16 Possibly the most well constructed “wall” in the history of the world.



19 Famous picture of East German soldier making a break for freedom.






25 D. US Defeat in Vietnam –Vietnam gains independence from France –Vietnam was separated communist and free –The Viet Cong occupied North Vietnam and the policy of containment was in full swing in US –US President JFK sends military advisors to assist South Vietnam –President LBJ: gained congressional support for unlimited expansion of military deployment against North Vietnam after Gulf of Tonkin incident –Gulf of Tonkin incident: North Vietnam attacks two US destroyers and officially get US involved in Vietnam war –Unable to stop the Viet Cong and their North Vietnamese allies, the United States ended its involvement in Vietnam in 1973

26 –Impact: Casualties to both sides, economic troubles in Vietnam, anti war movement in US, US lost bc they did not want to bring China into the war and start a nuclear war – –

27 E. Race for Nuclear Supremacy –A great fear ran through countries involved in the Cold War –Countries were worried about nuclear warfare Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) –Soviet leader Khrushchev begins to place nuclear missiles in Cuba to counteract U.S. nuclear weapons placed in Turkey –Kennedy finds out that Soviet ships carrying nuclear missiles are heading to Cuba Orders the blockade of Cuba The Soviets turn back –Khrushchev removes the missiles from Cuba and Kennedy promises not to invade Cuba again

28 Cuba is 90 Miles from the Florida Coast

29 The Cuban Missile Crisis : October, 1962

30 Soviet - Cuban Construction


32 Global Thermal Nuclear War ?

33 What’s the Message ?



36 –Europe signs the Helsinki Accords: –Thirty-five states, including the USA, Canada, and all European states except Albania and Andorra, signed the declaration in an attempt to improve relations between the Communist bloc and the West. –Space exploration and its impact: part of the arms race between US and Soviet Union both sides are fearful of “spy satellites” Duck and Cover

37 II. Decolonization and Nation Building –A. New Nations in South and Southeast Asia –1947, India and Pakistan officially gain independence –Pakistan: defined itself in terms of religion, fell under military control –India: became a republic with 90% Hindu population; able to maintain unity and industry after independence

38 –B. Struggle for Independence in Africa –Algeria gained independence but many French still lived in Algeria causing great strife. –French industries: vineyards, oil and gas fields –After WWII France wanted to keep Algeria as a colony a revolt broke out and gained independence in 1962 –Problems with Algerian Independence: border control, overdependence on export crops, lack of national roads and overpopulation –Kwame Nkrumah leads Ghana to independence –Jomo Kenyatta who negotiated the independence and became first president of the Republic of Kenya. –African countries want independence but are too dependent on European money and investments in industries

39 Kwame Nkrumah

40 Jomo Kenyatta

41 C. The Quest for Economic Freedom in Latin America –Guatemala: President Jacobo Arbenz attempts to expropriate United Fruit Company –CIA removes Arbenz from power in Guatemala – –Fidel Castro forced Batista out of Cuba and leads the country in a communist regime –Castro reforms: redistributed land, lowered urban rent, raised wages, seized property owned by US and Cuban corporations –US sets up a blockade in Cuba so Cuba rallies support from Soviet Union –US sees communism in Cuba and attempts to take Castro out of power

42 –Bay of Pigs—US trains Cuban soldiers and attempts to send sea and air support to Cuba –Air support was not sufficient and US failed E_wO34 E_wO34

43 Khruschev Embraces Castro, 1961

44 Bay of Pigs Debacle (1961)

45 Fidel Castro as a Young Revolutionary

46 The Bay of Pigs Fiasco : 1961

47 III. Beyond a Bipolar World A. The Third World –1955, 29 African and Asian countries that gain independence come together and form nonalignment movements or Third World –Purpose of movement: helping nations emerge out of colonialism and gain more weight in the world stage –Superpowers back independence movements and give money B. Japan and China –Both Japan and China were able to take advantage of the superpowers’ preoccupation with the Cold War. –Japan gained greatly from the Cold War –1975 Japan: government develops industries such as electricity, steel, and ship building –China looked to the Soviet Union for support

48 C. Middle East –Israel declares independence in 1948 –1967: Israel takes Palestine; Yasir Arafat wages war against Israel (still going on today) –Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is formed in 1960s and control prices of oil even today!!

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