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REDEPLOYMENT UMODPC 612-702-03 TOBC 500-500-20.

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Presentation on theme: "REDEPLOYMENT UMODPC 612-702-03 TOBC 500-500-20."— Presentation transcript:


2 References FM 4-01.011: Unit Movement Operations
FM : Mobilization, Deployment, Redeployment, Demobilization FM : Redeployment

3 Redeployment Defined The transfer of a unit deployed in one location:
to another area for employment to home station

4 Redeployment Phases Ph I. Recovery and Reconstitution, and Predeployment Activities Ph II. Movement to and Activities at POE Ph III. Movement to PODs Ph IV. Reception, Staging, Onward Movement & Integration

5 Ph I. Recovery,Reconstitution and Predeployment Activities
After completing military operations, units move to assembly areas to prepare for redeployment Redeployment reconstitution focuses on: Attaining required unit readiness levels Equipment accountability and cross leveling of equipment and personnel

6 Redeployment Planning
Redeployment OPLAN is key document. Normally contains guidance on: Recovery and reconstitution activities Movement of units, individuals and materiel Re-establishment of APS stocks that were drawn during deployment Units develop their redeployment movement plans based on higher hqs plans

7 Key Redeployment Organizations
Army Service Component Command (ASCC) or Army Forces (ARFOR) commander: Plan reconstitution and redeployment of Army forces based on Joint Force Commander (JFC) guidance Identifies organizations responsible for supporting redeployment

8 Key Redeployment Organizations (Cont)
Theater Support Command: Coordinates logistics support for redeploying units including: Field services (laundry bath) Maintenance and customs requirements BBPCT needs

9 Key Redeployment Organizations (Cont)
Installations Receive redeploying units at POD Coordinate and support unit movements from POD to home station or demobilization station

10 Redeployment Transit Areas
Areas designated to support redeployment movement from AO to final destination Includes: Assembly Area (AA) Redeployment Assembly Area (RAA) Marshaling Areas & Staging Areas ASCC/ARFOR will designate transit areas

11 Assembly Area Assembly Area (AA):
Designated for units to assemble in after completion of operational mission Unit moves to AA for initial redeployment preparation AA activities include reorganization, cross leveling of supplies, and preparation for movement to RAA or port area.

12 Assembly Area (notional)
Hazardous Material Area Remove Inventory Package Unit Assembly Area Equipment Reconstitution and Cross leveling P A R K I N G Unit Convoys E N T R A C Unit Assembly Area To POE or RAA Unit Convoys Admin Update AUEL Coordinate Customs and Agriculture Inspections Identify 463L Pallet Requirements Request Theater Movement Equipment Preparation Repairing Cleaning Marking Securing Internal Loads Unit Assembly Area Unit Convoys

13 Redeployment Assembly Area
Redeployment Assembly Area (RAA): RAA focus is preparation for move to POE Normally located in COMMZ RAA may be established due to security concerns, or when AA support is not adequate for redeployment preparation

14 Redeployment Assembly Area (notional)
Unit Assembly Area C O N V Y R E A D L I Vehicle Wash Area Customs and Agriculture Inspections P A R K I N G Unit Convoys E N T R A C Unit Assembly Area Unit Convoys To POE Host Nation/ Contractor Equipment Turn-In Final Preparation and Sterile Equipment Area Unit Assembly Area Unit Convoys ADMIN

15 Theater Staging Base (TSB)
Established to support movements over long lines of communication (LOC) May be required for redeployment of large forces

16 Marshalling Areas Marshaling Areas at POEs:
Final unit preparation area prior to moving to POE operations area Personnel and equipment separated Equipment configured for shipment Generally includes call forward areas (CFA) and sterile areas.

17 Redeployment Routing Redeployment plan identifies redeploying
unit routing Routing considerations include: Size of redeploying force Distance to POE Time available Enemy activity

18 Redeployment Routing Scenarios Redeployment Assembly Area Area of
Operation UNIT TSB POE POD Home Station Assembly Area


20 On Learning

21 On Learning QUESTION 1: What theater level command is
responsible for coordinating & monitoring theater logistics support for redeploying units during movement from assembly areas to POEs? Answer 1: The Theater Support Command (TSC) coordinates theater logistics activities to support redeploying unit movement from AAs to POEs.

22 On Learning QUESTION 2: What transit area is normally
established to prepare a unit for redeployment when threat of attack or insufficient support structure prevents the unit from completing redeployment preparation in the Assembly Area. Answer 2: Redeployment Assembly Areas (RAA) .

23 Supporting Commands,Unit & UMO Redeployment Activities -- Phases II through IV
Phase II. Movement to & Activities at POE Phase III. Movement to POD Phase IV. RSO&I

24 Ph II. Movement to POE Activities -- ASCC/ARFOR
ASCC/ARFOR Actions: Develop OPORD for redeployment -- Provide info for redeployment requirements and procedures Develop redeployment timelines Verify unit movement and readiness data

25 Ph II. Movement to POE Activities -- TSC
Theater Support Command (TSC) Actions: Establish procedures to process APS & excess materiel Establish & operate convoy support centers and POE marshaling areas Control unit movements to POE

26 Phase II. Movement to POE Activities -- Redeploying Unit
Unit & UMO Movement Activities in AA or RAA: Develop and refine the UDL Pack and load containers -- must comply with agriculture and customs requirements Identify BBPCT, container, flatrack and 463L pallet requirements

27 Phase II. Movement to POE Activities -- Unit (Cont)
UMO & Unit Movement Activities in AA or RAA: (Cont’) Conduct wash-down and customs inspection Prepare to provide load teams & drivers to POE Process excess equipment for turn-in If deploying to new theater for operations, draw and receive required equipment

28 Phase II. Movement to POE Activities -- Unit (Cont)
UMO & Unit Movement Activities in AA or RAA: (Cont’) Load equipment, containers, flatracks and 463L pallets -- Coordinate with customs prior to loading containers & military vans (MILVANS) Configure equipment for transport (e.g., convoy, rail)

29 Phase II. Activities at the POE
Units redeploy through APOEs and SPOEs Could also redeploy via rail and road POE procedures are same for redeployment to home station & redeployment to second theater of operations

30 Phase II. Activities at the POE -- TSC
TSC Activities: Control unit moves from combat zone to POE Operate marshaling area/equipment turn-in sites Provide or coordinate DACG & PSA support, as required

31 Phase II. Activities at the POE-- Redeploying Unit
UMO & Unit Movement Activities upon arrival at POE Unit normally moves to POE marshaling area Unit prepares unit equipment & personnel for processing through POE operations areas Send liaison officer to POE operations area and equipment turn-in/issue sites

32 Phase II. Activities at the POE -- Redeploying Unit (Cont)
UMO & Unit Movement Activities upon arrival at POE (Cont’) Move equipment to turn-in sites, as required Move load teams to APOE/SPOE operating areas, as required Load containers that were not stuffed in assembly areas

33 Phase II. Activities at the POE -- Redeploying Unit (Cont)
UMO & Unit Movement Activities upon arrival at POE (Cont’) Finalize movement documentation (UDLs, HAZMAT, cargo load plans, MSLs, AIT storage devices) Conduct customs (if not previously completed in AA or RAA) Conduct final wash-down

34 Phase II. Activities at the POE Redeploying Unit (Cont)
UMO & Unit Movement Activities in POE staging/operating areas: Unit responsibilities & procedures for POE processing essentially same as deployment APOE (marshaling area, alert holding area, call forward area, ready line) SPOE (marshaling area, staging area, vessel loading area)

35 Customs and Agricultural Clearance Procedures
Inspections can occur at any redeployment node (AA, RAA, POE, POD) Redeploying units coordinate inspection times with US Customs officials. Equipment inspection must be completed NLT 24 hours prior to departing POE

36 Customs and Agricultural Clearance Procedures (Cont)
Unit equipment cleaned and laid out prior to inspection Must meet USDA standards - 100% free of soil, vegetation, pests Requires wash racks and steam cleaners Customs normally checks equipment at wash rack area After passing inspection, equipment moves to sterile area

37 Customs and Agricultural Clearance Procedures (Cont)
Containers, pallets, crates inspected by customs as they are loaded / built Unit baggage: Units inspect all baggage for cleanliness & prohibited items before moving to customs inspection point. Customs inspects 24 hrs before departure After inspection, baggage placed in sterile area

38 Customs and Agricultural Clearance Procedures (Cont)
Redeploying Soldiers: Soldiers and carry-on baggage process through customs 4-6 hrs prior to departure When cleared by customs, soldiers remain in sterile area until departure.

39 Ph III. Movement to POD From boarding at POE to offload at POD,
passengers & cargo under USTRANSCOM authority Redeploying unit may provide supercargoes aboard ships Supercargoes secure and maintain unit cargo during transit Perform as unit liaison during discharge operations at SPOD

40 Begin RSO&I processes at POD
Ph IV. RSO&I Units redeploying to another overseas location for operations -- Begin RSO&I processes at POD Units redeploying to home/demobilization stations -- Undergo reception and onward movement activities As RSO&I covered in previous lesson, focus is on redeployment to home/demobilization station

41 Reception Reception process consists of:
Offloading personnel and equipment from strategic or operational transport Marshaling local transportation Reception and onward movement plan developed by Supporting Installation (SI) and Commander receiving the forces

42 Supporting Installation functions
Reception (Cont) Supporting Installation functions Plans / executes return of units from POD -- processes convoy requests & obtains commercial transportation Establishes enroute support sites required by redeployment plan

43 Redeploying Unit & UMO Functions at POD
Reception (Cont) Redeploying Unit & UMO Functions at POD Provide download teams and drivers to move equipment to marshaling area Coordinate required customs and USDA clearance inspection with port operator Perform equipment inspections & process movement documentation UMO coordinates return of all equipment and soldiers with SI reps or ITO

44 Onward Movement Defined as process of moving personnel and
accompanying materiel from reception marshaling / staging areas to their destinations Onward movement mode is typically the same as deployment fort to POE move (e.g., convoy, rail, bus) UMO coordinates with SI and ITO for appropriate convoy clearances, railhead support, and enroute movement support

45 Activities at Destination Installations
Supporting Installation: Provides transportation & MHE/CHE as required to assist unit unloading Redeploying Unit Functions: Unload and turn-in equipment, as required UMO updates AUEL and processes through UMC, and prepares for next possible deployment


47 On Learning

48 On Learning QUESTION 1: What redeployment specific
US Government clearance processes must the unit plan for and undergo in theater prior to departing the POE for CONUS locations? Answer 1: Prior to departing POD: All DoD equipment/cargo is inspected by Customs & USDA Soldiers and their baggage clear customs

49 On Learning QUESTION 2: For units redeploying to home
station in CONUS, who does the UMO coordinate with at the POD for onward movement of personnel and equipment Answer 2: UMOs coordinate with supporting installation ITO reps to arrange/finalize onward movement to home station


51 On Review

52 On Review Question 1: How does the UMO determine
the various transit areas in theater that the unit will use during redeployment? Answer 1: The JFC or ASCC/ARFOR redeployment operations plan or order identifies transit areas. Specific redeploying unit areas are normally identified in the unit’s higher hqs movement plans and orders

53 On Review Question 2: When arriving at the redeployment POE marshaling area, the redeploying unit should provide liaison officers to what organizations? Answer 2: The unit sends liaison personnel to POE operations area for coordination with port operations staff, DACG, and the PSA, and to equipment turn-in sites (as required).

54 On Review Question 3: In what redeployment phase
does the installation have primary responsibility for providing support to units that are redeploying to home station? Answer 3: During Ph IV, (RSO&I), supporting installations normally have responsibility for supporting unit arrival at POD, and onward movement to destination.

55 On Review QUESTION 4: After the redeploying unit
arrives at home station, what are UMO responsibilities for unit movement data? Answer 4: The UMO updates the AUEL and processes changes with the installation UMC.


57 What's Coming

58 U M O D P C Break 10 mins

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