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Section 2: Sparta and Athens

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1 Section 2: Sparta and Athens
Chapter 9: The Greek World Section 2: Sparta and Athens

2 Spartans Build Military Society
Spartan Society was dominated by the military Their social system was created by a man named Lycurgus after a slave revolt. To make sure the revolt never happened again he increased the military’s role in society.

3 Spartans Build Military Society
Boys and Men in Sparta The most important aspect of life in Sparta was preparing for battles. Boys were looked at from birth. If he was not healthy he was taken outside of the city and left to die. Healthy boys were trained early to be soldiers. Soldiers between 20 and 30 lived in army barracks and seldom visited their families. They remained in the army till they were 60. The most important qualities of a good soldier were self-discipline and obedience.

4 Spartans Build Military Society
Girls and Women in Sparta Had more rights than other Greek women because their men were often away at war. They did not spend time spinning cloth or weaving. Those tasks were the jobs of slaves. They also spent time training as well. They believed this would help them bear healthy children.

5 Spartans Build a Military Society
Government Sparta was led by two kings Elected officials had more power than the kings Ran Sparta’s day to day activities Handled dealings between Sparta and other city states Sparta’s government was set up to control the helots, or slaves. Slaves grew all the crops and did many other jobs

6 Athenians Admire the Mind
Sparta’s main rival in Greece was Athens. In addition to physical training, the Athenians valued education, clear thinking and the arts.

7 Athenians Admire the Mind
Boys and Men in Athens Boys from rich families worked to improve both their bodies and their minds. They learned to read, write, and count as well as sing and play musical instruments. They learned about Greek history and legend. Boys from poor families did not get any education. In Athens, most of the boys from poor families became farmers and grew for the wealthy.

8 Athenians Admire the Mind
Girls and Women in Athens Unlike boy, girls did not receive any education. Learned tasks like weaving and sewing. Despite the democratic society in Athens, women there had fewer rights than women in many other city-states. They could not serve in any part of the city’s government Leave their homes, except on special occasions Buy anything or own property Disobey their husbands or fathers.

9 Sparta and Athens Fight
Athenian Power After the Persian Wars many city-states formed an alliance. An alliance is an agreement to work together. The strongest member of the Delian League was Athens. They began to treat other league members as subjects, refused to let them quit, and used the league’s money.

10 Sparta The Peloponnesian War
After the Persian Wars, many cities in southern Greece, including Sparta banded together as well making the Peloponnesian League. Greek cities feared Athens would control Greece and so Sparta declared war that began the Peloponnesian Wars. The Peloponnesian War was a war between Athens and Sparta that threatened to tear all of Greece apart.

11 Sparta and Athens Fight
The Peloponnesian War Athens would not come out of the city and fight. Sparta burned crops in the fields around Athens, hoping they would run out of food and be forced to surrender. The Athenian navy escorted in food and attacked Sparta’s allies forcing them to send troops to their defense. Disease struck Athens killing thousands. After 10 years of neither side availing, they called a truce. Years later Athens unsuccessfuly attacked Sicily and lost most of the Athenian navy.

12 Sparta and Athens Fight
The Peloponnesian War Sparta took advantage of this weakness, and attacked Athens cutting off their food supply completely. Starving and surrounded, the Athenians surrendered. After defeating Athens in the Peloponnesian War, Sparta became the most powerful city-state in Greece. Sparta controlled Greece for many years, until other city-states started to resent them leading to a period of war and control shifting from city-state to city-state leaving Greece open to attack from outside.

13 History Make a timeline of the important historical events
Name of Event 1 Name of Event 2 Name of Event 3 Name of Event 4 Name of Event 5 Name of Event 6 1st Date 2nd Date 3rd Date 4th Date 5th Date 6th Date Description of Event

14 Interesting Facts List some interesting facts about Greek Heritage Month

15 Greek Heritage Leaders
Choose three leaders of Greek heritage and discuss their lives and accomplishments

16 Arts and Literature Provide examples of art and literature that are significant to Greek Heritage Month

17 How We Celebrate List some ways we celebrate Greek Heritage Month around the nation

18 Conclusion Provide a brief summary of your presentation

19 Questions & Answers Invite questions from the audience

20 Resources List the resources you used for your research

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