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1-1 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Chapter.

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1 1-1 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Chapter 1 BSBIND201A—Work effectively in a business environment

2 1-2 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Contents Work within organisational requirements (BSBIND201A/1.1 – 1.6) Work in a team (BSBIND201A/2.1 – 2.5) Develop effective work habits (BSBIND201A/3.1 – 3.3) Summary

3 1-3 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Introduction What is an office? The components of an office are: people records/data equipment other resources, e.g. supplies, office space.

4 1-4 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Introduction: What is an office? continued The three major roles and responsibilities of an office in supporting a business are: 1.Secondary role 2.Complementary role 3.Controlling role Office Functions Business Functions Support

5 1-5 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Organisational requirements (BSBIND201A/1.1) Organisational goals and objectives Business and performance plans: –Annual budgets stipulate expected profits and expenditure required to achieve those goals. –Performance plans determine how the budget plan is to be performed and by whom. Control process: –Establish standards and methods for measuring performance. –Actually measure performance. –Compare standards with performance. –Take corrective actions.

6 1-6 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Organisational requirements (BSBIND201A/1.1) continued Organisational policies and procedures Ethical standards and values: –Internal standards are usually set by senior management. –External standards can be derived from other organisations or other departments in the business. –Predetermined standards are those developed in the planning process and based on careful study and analysis. Business ethics: –Individual staff privacy to be considered. –Prevent unlawful disclosure of new products before they are completed and released on the market. –Loyalty to company is necessary regarding financial deals or product performance.

7 1-7 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Organisational requirements (BSBIND201A/1.1) continued Work Requirements and Responsibilities Three areas of communicating information in the workplace Operating office equipment so that documents can be produced Understanding organisational procedures Communicating effectively internally and externally

8 1-8 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Utilise a working knowledge of employee and employer rights and responsibilities (BSBIND201A/1.2) Your responsibilities as an employee: Arrive on time and work the agreed hours. Carry out work with skill. Obey lawful instructions from employer. Follow the business’ policies and procedures. Follow safety rules. Be courteous and helpful. Respect colleagues’ and customers’ cultural differences. Be honest. Dress in an appropriate manner.

9 1-9 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Utilise a working knowledge of employee and employer rights and responsibilities (BSBIND201A/1.2) continued Your rights as an employee are: payment of the right wage for the job you do protection from unfair dismissal sick leave, annual leave, public holidays, family leave and long service leave to have amended or invalidated an unfair contract of employment which is not covered by an industrial award or a contract for services freedom to belong to or not belong to a union. (from

10 1-10 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Utilise a working knowledge of employee and employer rights and responsibilities (BSBIND201A/1.2) continued As an employee you should be aware of the following areas of workplace law: The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ensures your important personal information such as your tax file number is not disclosed. The Fair Work Bill 2008 (Cth) outlines the minimum wage, award rates, overtime and other entitlements for Australian workers, including unfair dismissal rules.

11 1-11 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Duty of care, legal responsibilities and organisational goals and objectives (BSBIND201A/1.3) The Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission Act 1986 This act deals with discrimination in the following areas: age disabilities human rights race sex religion employment education

12 1-12 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Duty of care, legal responsibilities and organisational goals and objectives (BSBIND201A/1.3) continued The Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989 Under OH&S legislation businesses are obliged to provide: safe premises safe machinery and materials safe systems of work information, instruction, training and supervision a suitable working environment and facilities. (from

13 1-13 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Duty of care, legal responsibilities and organisational goals and objectives (BSBIND201A/1.3) continued The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) The Act means it is against the law to: discriminate against you because of your sex, marital status, or pregnancy sexually harass you dismiss you from your job because of your family responsibilities. (from

14 1-14 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Duty of care, legal responsibilities and organisational goals and objectives (BSBIND201A/1.3) continued Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) –provides for business, financial products and services Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) –regulates organisations regarding Corporate Law and securities, legislation, courts, tribunals, the Australian Stock Exchange, chartered accountants and all other aspects of business, local and overseas Australian Securities and Investments Commission –regulates and enforces company and financial services laws concerning disclosures in financial statements

15 1-15 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Duty of care, legal responsibilities and organisational goals and objectives (BSBIND201A/1.3) continued Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Government regulator for business compliance involving consumer and business rights: –small business complaints –supply refusal –unfair business practices –advertising guidelines –pricing –country of origin –eBusiness

16 1-16 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Duty of care, legal responsibilities and organisational goals and objectives (BSBIND201A/1.3) continued Trade Practices Act 1974 Restrictive trade practices include deceptive practices that businesses might engage in, such as: –land sales misrepresenting improvements –car salespeople promising low mileage –agreements between ‘competitors’ to fix price –mergers to control and dominate market share. Consumer protection for practices such as: –misleading statements –coercion at place of residence (door-to-door sales) –pyramid selling –non-compliance with safety standards.

17 1-17 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Identify roles and responsibilities of colleagues and supervisors (BSBIND201A/1.4)

18 1-18 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Identify standards and values detrimental to the organisation (BSBIND201A/1.5) Types of standards include: internal standards – set by top management and filter down external standards – set by other organisations such as the government and industry bodies predetermined standards – set by a budget or strategic plan.

19 1-19 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Recognise behaviour that contributes to a work environment (BSBIND201A/1.6) The way we work effects those around us and our business.

20 1-20 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work in a team (BSBIND201A/2.1–5) The principal aim of the team is to cooperate to complete work tasks and reach corporate goals. Some organisations label work groups as teams. However, a team will have a shared goal and all members of the team will strive to achieve that goal whereas a work group consists of individuals working independently of each other. Team work is based on sound interpersonal skills: –ability to discuss issues –problem negotiation –sharing of knowledge and skills

21 1-21 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work in a team (BSBIND201A/2.1–5) continued Group Norms are behaviours that are expected by all members of a group or team. Group norms may include: – using a courteous and helpful manner at all times – completing allocated tasks as and when required – seeking assistance from an appropriate person if difficulties arise – using active and effective listening – questioning to clarify instructions. Group cohesiveness—team members share similar socio-economic backgrounds, have similar attitudes and respect each other’s relative competencies.

22 1-22 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work in a team (BSBIND201A/2.1–5) continued The purpose of any team in a business is to achieve the corporate goals. Methods to achieve a decision that a team can employ are: decision made by authority without group discussion decision made by authority after group discussion decision by averaging opinions after group discussion decision made by an expert decision by majority vote decision by consensus.

23 1-23 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work in a team (BSBIND201A/2.1–5) continued Negotiate and agree on work goals and plans Team work helps to share the work load –Individuals become specialised. –Teams can share tasks to achieve satisfactory results. –Team supervisors should allow a degree of freedom among team members in setting individual goals and priorities. Deadlines become challenges and team spirit will encourage individuals to perform to the best of their abilities.

24 1-24 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work in a team (BSBIND201A/2.1–5) continued Teams can be either formal or informal: Formal teams are established by management to perform specific tasks in order to meet organisational goals, e.g. project team. Informal teams are those that form ‘naturally’ in the workplace and are subject to common interests or friendships, e.g. footy tipping ‘club’.

25 1-25 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work in a team (BSBIND201A/2.1–5) continued Group dynamics—teams are subject to the combined personality of their members: Teams create ‘synergy’, where the sum of their parts is more than the whole, i.e. 2 + 2 = 4 (work group), but the team will be 2 + 2 = 5! Teams can enhance the quality of the workplace environment, but sometimes they can be downright destructive. Working in a team entails interpersonal concerns such as: –inclusion –control –acceptance.

26 1-26 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work in a team (BSBIND201A/2.1–5) continued Teams that are too rigid or controlled are subject to ‘groupthink’, which can lead to tunnel vision. To maintain a team in top form it is necessary to: –have a quiet environment so that new ideas can be floated and discussed without interference –keep a private place or ‘personal’ space –keep teams effective by keeping them small in size, e.g. 5–15. Teams can be ‘built’ through such techniques as: –matching team members to the task –welcoming contributions –clearly defining objectives –choosing a team leader to match the team dynamics.

27 1-27 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work in a team (BSBIND201A/2.1–5) continued Work group or team?

28 1-28 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) Balancing priorities Monitor your own work performance. Deal with competing work demands. Plan for the occasional technological breakdown with backup files and hard copy. Ask for feedback on your performance. Personalise your workstation (within corporate guidelines). Organise your work space. Use electronic aids to better manage your time.

29 1-29 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued Time management strategies Prioritise your own work schedule. Listen actively and effectively: –Does the body language match the verbal language? –Does the speaker get to the point or dither around? Question actively and effectively: –Know when to use open and/or closed questions. Are you effective or efficient? Know your job. Understand your abilities and skills. What are your values and attitudes (relative to work)?

30 1-30 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued Dress and behaviour codes Does your workplace demand a specific dress code, e.g. business suit/attire for all staff, or is there a corporate uniform supplied? Are you over-/under-dressed for your particular work group or department? Is dealing with clients given top priority or do internal dealings come first? Is there a code of conduct or mission statement which explains corporate goals and objectives?

31 1-31 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued What do you think has changed in the past 80 years?

32 1-32 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued Efficiency versus effectiveness Working efficiently is assuming that your work objectives and goals are correct and achieving these goals with the resources given. Working effectively is choosing the goals and choosing, from a number of alternatives, the best way to achieve those goals.

33 1-33 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued Identify work and personal priorities To help you work more effectively make sure of the following: you know your job your aptitudes, abilities and skills meet the requirements of the job your personality and interests suit the job you have the correct values and attitudes for the job

34 1-34 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued Acting on instructions within time limits: Identify and analyse the problem. Listen to what is said as in business communications: – writing makes up 11% of the total – reading makes up 15% of the total – speaking makes up 32% of the total – listening makes up 42% of the total. Effective listening prevents misinformation and improves: – morale, rapport and trust – teamwork.

35 1-35 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued Monitor your own work performance Factors that can effect your work performance from your day-to-day work environment are: competing work demands technology and equipment constraints environmental factors such as workplace hazards, risks and controls budget constraints and lack of resources.

36 1-36 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued Factors that can effect your work performance from your work/life balance are: family commitments an extra part time job clubbing and partying until late during the week studying at night and completing assignments bad habits that may affect your health stress at work from many factors.

37 1-37 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued Feedback on your performance Annual staff appraisals are a means of providing you with meaningful feedback on your work performance. Areas of weakness in performance can be seen as training opportunities for improvement in employee skills and an opportunity to address system glitches. Recommendations to improve competency include mentoring from colleagues.

38 1-38 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Work Habits (BSBIND201A/3.1–3) continued Workspace habits Personalise your work station Many offices will be open plan and you will be able to personalise your area within that space. Organise your workspace Your workspace should be organised and tidy. You should organise your workspace into three areas: –the primary work area that is used most often –the secondary work area for items used occasionally –the reference area that is out of easy reach for those items used the least

39 1-39 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e by Horsfall and Turner Summary The office performs three major roles: secondary, complementary and controlling. All offices have a formal and an informal organisational structure. There are rights and responsibilities for both employees and employers. Laws and Acts determine what can and should be done in determining equal employment opportunities. In any office there are work teams that can provide positive synergy to get jobs completed. Good work habits help you prioritise your work schedule and work more effectively.

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