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Industrialization to Imperialism Project Objectives – Understand how the development of Industrialization of the 1600 and 1700s leads to Imperialism in.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization to Imperialism Project Objectives – Understand how the development of Industrialization of the 1600 and 1700s leads to Imperialism in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization to Imperialism Project Objectives – Understand how the development of Industrialization of the 1600 and 1700s leads to Imperialism in the late 1800s and early 1900s. – Expand on given information to improve understanding of the content. – Work with a GROUP to create a project

2 Industrialization to Imperialism Project You will—Rewrite each slide into your own words You will—add relevant names, dates, places examples You will—Add relevant pictures and other graphics that improve understanding You will—avoid using wording provided whenever possible You will—provide a cover and bibliography of sources You will—work as a GROUP to complete this project and group members will have their names on their slides.

3 Industrialization to Imperialism Project Rewrite slides into own words15 points Add relevant names, dates, places examples 15 points Add relevant pictures and other graphics that improve understanding10 points Avoid using wording provided whenever possible 10 points Cover and bibliography of sources 10 points Work as a GROUP to complete this project and group members will have their names on their slides. 10 points Present your project as a GROUP15 points Total 85 points

4 The Following is an EXAMPLE of a GOOD SLIDE

5 Imperialism Efforts to out perform other countries leads to increased Nationalism(strong ethnic, culture, etc. connections to one’s country) – Italy and Germany had uniting states – Eastern Europeans empires (Austrian-Hungary, Russian & Ottoman Turkey) were weakened by trying to become independent Increases in Militaries leads to increased pressures to and willingness to solve issues militarily. – 1906 – modernized battleship (Dreadnought) – Germany – machine guns and other fire arms that were more accurate and faster Increased militaries also leads to increased alliances among European Countries to avoid conflict. – Europe's alliances – Germany, Italy and Austria Triple Alliance They were able to protect each other with no problem – Some alliances were kept secret

6 Industrialism to Imperialism

7 Industrialization A process when a society transfers from Agrarian (farm based) to industrial based economies. Industrialization saw a shift of economic and political power shift away from Monarchs and Nobels toward the Middle Class merchants and professionals Also caused large scale Urbanization and population growth

8 Industrialization Entrepreneurs created Joint-Stock Companies to fund over seas exploration and colonization for the purpose of exploitation—Natural Resources, Labor, Agricultural products Entrepreneurs invest Capital (money, supplies, etc) to pay for startup costs for these operations in exchange for a part of the profit. Some, like the Jamestown Joint-Stock company loose it all. Others become VERY rich.

9 Industrialization The first successful ventures were based on agricultural products, Sugar and Tabaco (and later Cotton) Investors help purchase land, slaves, and building materials, they got repaid when the products were sent back to Europe.

10 Industrialization This process of investment was in place when the first factories were built. England also had a solid legal system that protected investors rights as well as inventors inventions. England also banned all tradesmen who had knowledge of industrial inventions from traveling out of the country.

11 Industrialization The parliaments of Europe’s countries, especially Britain’s, was made up of “Landed Gentry” Landed Gentry were old wealth families mostly reminiscent of the old Nobel Classes. That was because in most countries you had to own a certain amount of land. Many of the newly rich factory owners and other Industrials retired to Country Estates and became Gentry

12 Industrialization The New Gentry class of Industrialists ran for parliament. They also made large loans to other Old Gentry families. This made them more influential. This started to create Governments that cared more about industrial needs.

13 Industrialization Industries Need – Laws to protect their investments and inventions – Labor – Transportation – Resources – Markets for their products – The ability to work with other governments on favorable terms (leads to Imperialism)

14 Industrialization Fraud, Patent, and Copy Right laws are written (but they STRONGLY favor the rich and powerful) Government Regulations favor industries and economic growth over citizens. Debtors prisons and other government facilities take advantage of citizens who fall behind. Strikes and unrest eventually force Industrial Governments and factory owners to make improvements in everyday citizens lives and working conditions. (working conditions, pay, sewers, schools)

15 Industrialization Industrial Economies need strong transportation networks. Large transportation networks require government finance and legal force. Governments invest in large transportation projects (Bridges, Trains, Ports, Canals, Roads) as well as create laws that allow private for profit companies to also invest.

16 Industrialization While countries like Britain had many of the resources they need to become industrialized, others had to engage in trade to acquire needed resources. As Industrialization grew so did the middle class and the demand for luxury goods like sugar, tobacco, coffee, and cotton As output grew so did the need for new markets to sell products The growth of overseas markets led to completion to control overseas markets and resources

17 Imperialism Starts with Nationalism As people move into cities and old aristocratic governments are beginning to be replaced by bourgeoisie middle class industrialist. Industrialist through out Industrialized Europe (and their political counterparts) seek to out do the other industrial countries Industrial output, territory, and military

18 Imperialism Efforts to out perform other countries leads to increased Nationalism(strong ethnic, culture, etc. connections to one’s country) Increases in Militaries leads to increased pressures to and willingness to solve issues militarily. Increased militaries also leads to increased alliances among European Countries to avoid conflict.

19 Imperialism Military alliances and competition leads to increased “proxy” conflicts in colonial holdings.

20 Fill in the Blank about what comes next

21 Bibliography

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