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22.2 Climate Zones Chapter 22 March 9 th, 2015. Climate Zone Types Tropical Middle Latitude Polar ** Because precipitation in each zone varies… There.

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Presentation on theme: "22.2 Climate Zones Chapter 22 March 9 th, 2015. Climate Zone Types Tropical Middle Latitude Polar ** Because precipitation in each zone varies… There."— Presentation transcript:

1 22.2 Climate Zones Chapter 22 March 9 th, 2015

2 Climate Zone Types Tropical Middle Latitude Polar ** Because precipitation in each zone varies… There is MORE THAN ONE CLIMATE IN EACH ZONE!!

3 Tropical Know for high temps Located in equatorial regions Rain Forest Central Africa, South America (Amazon), Central America, SE Asia) Humid/warm Annual rainfall 200 cm Desert largest belt across N. Africa and SW Asia Very little precip. Hot days/cold nights Annual rainfall < 25 cm.

4 Tropical Cont. Savanna large open grassland/drought resistant shrubs Small temp range Alternating wet/dry periods. Annual rainfall at 50 cm.

5 Rain Forest Savanna DEsert

6 Mid Latitude Winter Average Maximum Temps < 18°C Summer Average Minimum Temps >10°C Marine West deciduous trees, dense forests, mild summer/winter Frequent rainfall Small temp range Steppe drought resistant veg, cold/dry winter-warm/wet summer Annual precip < 40 cm Large temp range

7 Mid Latitude Cont. Humid Continental wide variety veg, evergreens, variable weather Annual precip > 75 cm Large temp range Humid Subtropical broadleaf and evergreen trees/high humidity Annual precip ~ 75-165 cm. Large temp range Mediterranean broadleaf and evergreen trees, long/dry summer & mild/wet winter Annual precip ~ 40 cm. Small temp range

8 Steppe Marine West Humid Continental Mediterranean

9 Polar Average Temps at or below freezing! Subarctic evergreen trees, short/cool summers, long/cold winters Annual precip 25-50 cm. Largest annual temp range Tundra treeless plains/9 months of below freezing Annual precip 25 cm. Avg temp below 4 o C Polar Icecap little/no life, temp below freezing year-round, high winds Avg temp below freezing Low annual precip

10 Local Climate Microclimate – Climate of a SMALL area EX: Rural, Urban, Suburban Influenced by – elevation, proximity to water, human built structures Heat Island – occurs in cities Building absorb & radiate heat more than vegetation

11 Highland Climates Elevation increases – temperatures decrease Highland Climates – mountainous regions Large variations in temps & precipitation over short distances

12 Large Bodies of Water Affect climate Due to the high specific heat of water Water holds heat energy in Therefore, precipitation nearby increases

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