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Published byVictor McKinney Modified over 9 years ago
Advance in the Development of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System Cambodia SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 2 th 2015
CONTENT SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 2 I.General Information II.National REDD+ Strategy III.National Carbon Accounting Ambition and UNFCC Reporting IV.National REDD+ Management Arrangement V.Status of MRV Implementation VI.General aspects of the monitoring system VII.Key challenges for the development of the monitoring system
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 3 I. General Information Land Area: 181,035 Km 2 Cambodia is bordered with : – Thailand: north and west ( 800 km) – Lao PDR: north ( 541 km) – Vietnam: east and south ( 1,228 km) – Coastline: 440 km Climate: Tropical Zone and Two Seasons Population: ~15,424140 million (as of 2014) Density: 85 persons/km 2 Capital City: Phnom Penh GDP Growth: ~ 7% (2014) 60% of population is based on agriculture
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 4 II. National REDD+ Strategy Main Strategy: Support for effective management of Cambodia’s forest, in accordance with existing laws and policies : Innovative Financing models Improving Forest Law enforcement and governance Local forest protection contracts Valuing forest ecosystem services and promoting REDD+ Co- benefit Adopting the nested approach to REDD+ implementation Designing and implementing effective strategies to address drivers from outside the forest sector The driver of deforestation and forest degradation that causes land use change in Cambodia ( migration, Agro-industrial development, land concession, poor ESIA..etc)
5 SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 2 th 2015 III. National Carbon Accounting Ambitions National Carbon Accounting Ambitions Capacity Building on Greenhouse Gas Inventory, LCCS3, Inventory Move from Tier 1 to Tier 2 Production of land cover map 3 time series. UNFCCC Reporting One National Communications submitted (2002) and prepared for 2 nd submit on 2015 Written by consultants from the academe and research sectors
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 2 th 2015 IV. National REDD+ Management Arrangements NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE COMMITTEE - Main Government Coordination mechanism for climate change CAMBODIA REDD+ TASKFORCE - Chair: FA - Deputy Chair: GDANCP - Includes FA, GDANCP, MLMUPC, FiA, MEF, MoI, MRD - Decisions made by consensus REDD+ ADVISORY GROUP - Key Development Partners & Experts TASKFORCE SECRETARIAT - Chair: FA - Vice-Chair: GDANCP - National Coordinator - Taskforce Secretary - Other supporting staff MRV/REL Technical Team Benefit-sharing Technical Team Consultation and Safeguards Technical Team REDD+ Demonstration Technical Team REDD+ CONSULTATION GROUP - NGOs and Civil Society - REDD+ Projects/ Private Sector - Academic Institutions (tbc)
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 7 Initiatives supporting implementation of the Cambodia
8 SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 2 th 2015 V. Status and design implementation MRV system for REDD
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 9 RGC/Council of Ministers - management of all state properties - adopts management plans for state properties - transfers, reclassifies and designates entrusted authorities for state properties Ministry of Economy and Finance - maintains inventory of state properties - executive agent of the RGC in managing state properties, including transfer, sale, lease, concessions, etc - management of state revenue - co-chair of state trust funds 2008 Public Financial Management Law, 2006 Subdecree # 129, 2000 Subdecree #04 Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction - manage cadastral administration of state immoveable properties - issue title/ownership certificates to all immovable properties - management of maps of Cambodia 2001 Land Law, 1999 Subdecree # 62 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - general jurisdiction for forests and forest resources (PA management under MoE) - registration of permanent forest estates Forestry Administration: - responsibility for the Permanent Forest Estate - developing and implementing national forest programme (including community forestry) - studying and collecting data on all state forests - conducting assessments of national forest carbon stocks - developing forest carbon trades - reforestation Fisheries Administration: - responsibility for flooded forest and mangrove areas - developing and implementing national fisheries plan (including community fisheries) 2002 Forestry Law, 2008 Subdecree #188, 2006 Fisheries Law Ministry of Interior (inc. NCDD) - subnational administration (prov/dist/comm) - commune development plans & funds identify functions to be transferred to sub- national councils (NCDD) 2008 Organic Law Ministry of Environment - management of Protected Areas - review environmental impact assessments - CDM interim designated national authority General Department (GDANCP): - developing and implementing National Protected Areas Strategic Management Plan - responsibility for international environmental conventions Department of Climate Change of GDANCP: - cooperate with relevant institutions to : develop national climate change strategies, and carbon credit policy, manage climate change trust funds; Secretariat of NCCC - UNFCCC focal point: negotiations, implementing UNFCCC decisions and preparing national GHG inventory reports - coordinating implementation of CDM and carbon credit projects 2008 Protected Areas Law, 1993 Royal Decree, 2008 Subdecree #37, 2009 Subdecree #175 Ministry of Rural Development - Recognize indigenous communities for registration with MoI 2001 Subdecree Institutions involved in MRV
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 10 National MRV/REL The MRV technical teams was inform and advise the REDD+ taskforce on their respective areas ( ToR and work plan for the MRV TA team) Several meetings and workshops have been held including a GHG workshop and training in respective technical areas (eg. Remote sensing, GIS, use of tools, LCCS, allometric equations, and forest inventories in the testing size of difference method and stratification) The key tools that MRV Cambodia will develop to support its national forest monitoring system area 1) Multipurpose National Forest Inventory 2) Satellite Land Monitoring System, and 3) GHG inventory for the reporting of emissions and removals from the land use, land use change and forestry sector.
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 11 Two functions of a National Forest Monitoring System for REDD+ Satellite Land Monitoring System National Forest Inventory GHG Inventory NATIONAL FOREST MONITORING SYSTEM MRVMONITORING Web Interface Community Monitoring Other Forest-Related Monitoring Systems Forest area change Forest carbon stocks Forest- related GHG emissions and removals OUTPUT To monitor outcomes of REDD+ Local knowledge, data and validation Data sharing, transparency Integrate with existing systems
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 12 Outcome 4: MRV/REL Indicators 4.1: Assessment of Institutional arrangement and staff capacity has been completed; submission of at least three proposals to TF for decisions required to establish the national forest monitoring system; key professional staff able to describe MRV components, and institutional roles and responsibilities 2014 Results: MRV/REL Technical team met regularly. Proposals on Forest Definition, Land Use classification, Reference period, REDD+ activities and other recommendations presented to the Taskforce Next steps for 2015 Completion of Assessment of MRV/REL TT Capacities
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 13 Indicators 4.2: Recommendations have been provided to establish and decide on National forest definition, land-use classes, carbon pools and reference period; Zero-forest map has been developed 2014 Results: 2 nd Land Cover Classification training held Land Use classification and Forest Definition for REDD+ established Report ‘Satellite imagery and index maps for the forest monitoring system of Cambodia’ issued Next steps for 2015 Completion of Zero-Forest map (forest mask) Outcome 4: Develop monitoring system plan
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 14 Indicators 4.3: Web-based satellite monitoring system developed; monitoring system includes data on past and current forest cover changes 2014 Results: Joint development of a land use and land use change map series by FA, UN-REDD, JICA and FFPRI – 2005/2006 map; completed – 2010 and 2013/2014 map; in progress First version web-platform developed; Training conducted; Structure of web-platform agreed. Next steps for 2015 Completion of the land use and land use change series Development of web-platform Outcome 4: REDD+ activity data and satellite forest monitoring system
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 15 Indicators 4.4: National forest inventory has been designed; existing carbon stock and emission data has been identified and catalogued in a database; existing emission factors and inventory data is accessible through web-based platform 2014 Results: NFI design and field manual developed Emission factors developed based on collected data Data catalogued with only locations of inventory plots to be displayed in the web-platform. Next steps for 2015 Development of area specific allometric equations and emission factors for inundated forests Outcome 4: National forest inventory and REDD+ emission factors
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 16 Indicators 4.5: Data sharing procedure between institutions and archiving system developed; interim GHG inventory for the LULUCF sector 2014 Results: 2 GHG Inventory trainings conducted with MRV/REL Technical team Data holdings and data sharing procedures template developed Existing/Collected data catalogued; Database Software/System option reviewed; data management system designed Next steps for 2015 3 rd GHG inventory training and completion of interim GHG inventory Deployment of database and database management system Outcome 4: GHG inventory and data system
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 17 Indicators 4.6: REDD+ drivers, national circumstances, and land- use and forest policy have been assessed; preliminary design of the REL framework developed 2014 Results: Study and national workshop on “Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation” conducted Developed Outline and Components for consideration for Forest Reference Level (FRL) for Cambodia Next steps for 2015 REDD+ driver validation workshop Further Driver Quantification studies (e.g.. woodfuel contribution) Completion of National Circumstances and RL/REL framework background document(s) Outcome 4: Cambodia RL/REL framework
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 18 ActivityProgress 1 1. Setting institutional framework 2. Policy dialogue facilitation 3. Stakeholder engagement 4. Access to information 5. Grievance mechanism 2 1. National Strategy 2. Policy support for line agencies 3. Valuation of costs and benefits 4. Benefit sharing mechanism 5. National REDD+ fund 6. Registry options 7. Safeguards information system 3 1. Development of subnational guidelines 2. Subnational capacity building 4 1. MRV/REL Technical Team 2. Develop monitoring system plan 3. REDD+ activity data and satellite forest monitoring system 4. National forestry inventory and emission factors 5. REDD+ activity data and satellite forest monitoring system 6. Cambodia RL/REL framework
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 19 VI. General aspects of the monitoring system 6.1Emission Factors-Methodology use for current estimation TYPES OF CARBON POOLTIER LEVEL Above Ground Biomass (AGB)Tier 1 and Tier 2 Below Ground Biomass (BGB)Tier 1 and Tier 2 LitterTier 1 Dead WoodTier 1 and Tier 2 SoilTier 1 Cambodia intend to develop country specific emission factor value
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 20 6.2Emission Factors-Methodology use for future estimation Further improvement of NFI sampling design Development of area specific algometric equations and emission factors for inundated forests Under UNREDD Phase II: Guidelines for field data collection, Biomass estimation,.. Will be produce How to intergrade field inventory with Remote Sensing
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 21 6.3 Stratification System Design Proposal of Multipurpose National Forest Inventory (NFI) Subsequent work is undertaken on the NFI Manual and Field Forms. The recorded data will preliminary consist of following ‘baskets’: The proposed NFI design covers all 5 carbon pools which have to be reported under the UNFCCC.
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 22 Systematic sampling Uplands: 6 km x 6 km Wetlands: 4 km x 4 km 2nd phase sampling Mangroves: 3 km x 3 km (at 2nd phase) Design Proposal of Multipurpose National Forest Inventory (NFI)
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 23 6.4 Activity Data Cambodia Land Monitoring Proposal (i)As the baseline map, “2014 map” will be produced by using 2013 & 2014 satellite image data (LANDSAT 8). This map will cover the full country surface (Forest/Non- Forest) and will function as a basis for future monitoring future land use and land use changes; (ii)Two Historical maps will be used to derive historical land use and carbon stock change development (i)By upgrading of existing 2010 FA map of 2010. Verification of the map will be done by using ALOS AVNIR2 data for inaccessible areas. (Size of forest and non-forest area may change as the result of upgrading or modification). And consideration of other data sources for non-forest areas. (ii)By translating the 2005/2006 FA map in a comparable legend. Verification of this map has already been carried out by GRAS. And consideration of other data sources for non-forest areas (iii)Additional maps/data points will be considered 2005/0620102013/14
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 24 A. Determine methodology and step forwards 1.Establishment of forest land cover definition and 2.Land cover classes represented by experts 3.Semi-auto classification method 4.Field check for image verification points and correction result 5.Set up RS database system for future monitoring of forest 6.Produce FLCover information map 2014 and report submitted to international communities (COP21)
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 25 Following elements need to be determined: Scale and minimum mapping unit Legend (land cover class) Source data (which satellite data?) Production method (semi-automatic classification, manual editing…etc) Accuracy By when is the deadline could be achieve ? B.Scope of Work of Map Production
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 26 For Base map2014 Development Technical aspects developed: - Analysis of Land Cover produced in Cambodia (MRC, MoE, FA, JICA, FAO- GLCN Vegetation map Blasco and others ) - Two National Workshops Land Cover Classification System (organized by UN-REDD) - Selection Forest Definition (MRV/REL technical team) - Develeopment Legend (MRV/REL technical team) - Selection MMU (MRV/REL technical team) - Collection and selection Satellite (Landsat8 with negligible cloud cover) - Atmospheric correction of Landsat 8 images (by FFPRI) - Mosaic production (UN-REDD) - Segmentation (UN-REDD in collaboration with FFPRI) - Collection of ancillary data (plantation, ground truth and consulting of national experts)
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 27 Technical aspects under development: - Visual interpretation by FAO and FA - Collection of visual information from Google Earth - Collection of very high resolution images for verification and accuracy assessment
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 28 CLASS name 1Evergreen Forest 2Pine forest 3Bamboo 4Forest regrowth 5Semi-Evergreen Forest 6Deciduous Forest 7Mangrove coastal 8Mangrove rear 9Flooded Forest 10Tree Plantation 11Rubber Plantation 12Palm oil Plantation 13Pine Plantation 14Crop generic (agricolture) 15Paddy rice 16Built up Area 17Village 18Grass 19Woodshrub 20Rock outcrop 21Sandy beach 22Water FOREST CROP SETTELMENT S GRASS BARE 22 main classes with 13 forest cover classes have been defined with LCCS3 guide tool. All the 13 classes are consistent to the past forest assessment conducted by FA and. A second stratification will be produced in order to defined the wetland classes. Base line map in year 2014 and two historical data in year 2005 and 2010
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 29 The final goal is the production of a Land Cover/Use Map for REDD+ for the year 2013-14 with the following characteristics: -Adequate - Consistent - Complete - Transparent The MAP will be the basis for REL calculation and REDD+ reporting and monitoring
ACCURACY ASSESSMENT FOR LAND COVER Forest cover assessment 1992/93, 96/97(MRC/GTZ) Forest cover assessment 2002 (FCMCPP) Verified by FRM/ SGS, 2006(DANIDA/Dfid) Verified by GRAS Copenhagen. Forest cover assessment 2010(ITTO/DANIDA) Verified by GRAS Copenhagen. SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 30 National forest cover assessment Accuracy assessment for land cover in REDD+ Land Cover 2005 – Conduct by FA-FAO Land Cover 2010- Conduct by JICA-CAMREDD will use ALOS for accuracy check Land Cover 2013/14 – communicated with GRAS Copenhagen for verified
In future Update forest/land cover every 5 years and improve of the accuracy assessment Use of Digital image classification or in combination with visual interpretation Use of radar data images especially for cloud covered areas Capacity building in digital image classificaton including radar processing and analysis SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 31
VII. Key Challenges for the development of the monitoring system Development of database manage system for MRV Standardization of diversified sources of information to have standard database structure in MRV system Institutional Arrangement Availability & cost of satellite imageries Sustainability of funding support SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 32 External assistance requirement QA/AC technical support Capacity building, emerging tools and techniques, software and hardware The most critical areas od cooperation between the countries in the region Data sharing, source book reference material, methodology, join research project, technology transfer.
SDCG-7 Sydney, Australia March 4 th – 6 th 2015 33 Thank You For Your Attention Mrs. Sar Sophyra Contact address: FORESTRY ADMINISTRATION #40 Norodom BVLD, Daun Penh, Phnom Ppenh, CAMBODIA. Email:
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