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Applied Management Science for Decision Making, 2e © 2014 Pearson Learning Solutions Philip A. Vaccaro , PhD



4 Multiple Choice 1. Intermittent flow operations:
a. involve close management of workers. b. generate a high product mix. c. have few schedule changes. d. have high turnovers of raw materials and work-in-process inventories. 2. Continuous flow operations: a. utilize general-purpose equipment. b. are capital-intensive operations. c. have unpredictable material flows. d. have work centers grouped together by function ( department ).

5 Multiple Choice 3. Repetitive manufacturing:
a. assembles pre-made parts into finished goods. b. produces one basic product with minor variations. c. Is characterized by very low equipment utilization. d. utilizes highly trained, flexible labor. 4. Design capacity is: a. sustainable capacity. b. capacity dictated by the firm’s built-in organizational constraints. c. theoretical capacity. d. actual output.

6 Multiple Choice The stepping-stone method is used to:
a. obtain an initial ( 1st ) solution. b. balance source supply and destination demand. c. evaluate occupied cells ( routes ) for possible cost reductions. d. evaluate empty cells ( routes ) for possible cost reductions. Which of the following statements is true? a. evaluation paths selected must be as short as possible. b. evaluation paths may contain diagonal movements. c. occupied cells may not be bypassed if turning move- ments are desired. d. all occupied cells of each solution must be evaluated.

7 Multiple Choice 7. The intent of the load-distance model is:
a. to minimize the number of workers. b. to minimize idle time per cycle. c. to minimize materials and/or information movement costs within a process layout. d. none of the above. 8. Which of the statements about line-balancing is true? a. if a precedence relationship exists between tasks A and B, they cannot be assigned to the same work station. b. if a line’s balance delay factor is maximized, its efficiency is maximized. c. the theoretical minimum number of work stations can never be achieved, hence the name “theoretical”. d. if the cycle time is reduced, productivity will increase.

8 Multiple Choice 9. Hybrid or combination layouts:
a. were developed by Henry Gantt in 1901. b. require the use of work-in-process inventories between the pure layouts. c. are similar in their characteristics to fixed-position layouts. d. are rarely encountered in industry. 10. Which of the following statements is true? a. line-balancing attempts to eliminate bottleneck tasks via product redesign and better worker training. b. the efficiency of an assembly line cannot be improved by selecting a different task assignment heuristic for the line-balancing process. c. an assembly line is perfectly balanced when there are an equal number of tasks in each work station. d. “efficiency” is defined as an assembly line’s ability to meet desired daily output.

9 Multiple Choice The Behavioral School approach to job design which
attempts to make a worker a “co-manager” is: a. job enlargement. b. job enhancement. c. job rotation. d. job enrichment. The 5 categories of activities ( operation, transportation, inspection, delay, and storage ) are used in which of the following methods of process analysis? a. gang chart. b. simo chart. c. multiple activity chart. d. motion economy chart.

10 Multiple Choice The procedure that involves performance ratings
and allowance factors is : a. historical experience. b. work sampling. c. direct time study. d. pre-determined time study.

11 True or False In cross-docking, labeled and presorted loads are received directly at the warehouse dock for immediate re-routing. TRUE FALSE A job shop helps a firm follow a differentiation marketing strategy. Group technology layouts are used to convert assembly lines into job shops.

12 True or False 17. The Northwest-Corner technique produces a deliberate cost- efficient solution for the transportation algorithm. TRUE FALSE Work sampling is widely used to analyze repetitive jobs. The maximum allowable cycle time guarantees that the firm will meet its daily production quota.

13 True or False 20. The direct time study method makes allowances for unscheduled interruptions, unusual delays, and unusual mistakes on the part of the worker. TRUE FALSE In the transportation problem, the number of cells in an evalua- tion path should always be an odd number such as “5”, ”7”, or “9”. One of the limitations of the transportation algorithm is that it cannot minimize shipping costs between two levels of the supply chain.

14 True or False Nine ( 9 ) welders who perform the identical short-cycle job were observed by a time and motion engineer over six ( 6 ) cycles each. The total time recorded was three-hundred-ten ( 310 ) minutes. The performance rating for a particular welder was established at ninety-two percent ( 92% ). Additionally, each welder is granted a twelve percent ( 12% ) allowance for personal needs, fatigue, and routine delays. 23. The observed time ( OT ) for this job is minutes. TRUE FALSE The normal time ( NT ) for the selected welder ≈ minutes. The standard time ( ST ) for the selected welder ≈ minutes.

15 True or False Nine ( 9 ) welders who perform the identical short-cycle job were observed by a time and motion engineer over six ( 6 ) cycles each. The total time recorded was three-hundred-ten ( 310 ) minutes. The performance rating for a particular welder was established at ninety-two percent ( 92% ). Additionally, each welder is granted a twelve percent ( 12% ) allowance for personal needs, fatigue, and routine delays. observed time ( OT ) = 310 / ( 9 x 6 ) = normal time ( NT ) = x .92 = standard time ( ST ) = / ( ) =

16 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
A firm desires to achieve a production rate of seventy-five ( 75 ) units per six ( 6 ) hour day, utilizing an assembly line. The table below lists the nine ( 9 ) tasks that must be performed to produce each unit as well as the sequence in which they must be performed.

17 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Task Predecessor ( s ) Time ( in seconds ) A none 60 B C 120 D E 180 F G D,E,F H I G,H

18 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
For your convenience, a precedence relationship ( s ) diagram has been included below. The tasks are shown as nodes. The sequence require- ments are shown by arrows. The required standard task times are shown within each task’s respective node: B 60 H 120 D 60 A 60 I 60 C 120 E 180 G 60 F 60

19 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
REQUIREMENT: The maximum allowable cycle time. B. The theoretical minimum number of work stations. C. The balanced assembly line under the longest operating time ( LOT ) assignment heuristic. D. The balance delay factor of the assembly line. E. The efficiency of the assembly line.

20 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Maximum Allowable Cycle Time Total available production time Daily production quota = 6 hours x 60 x 60 75 units = 21,600 seconds 75 units = = seconds

21 Multiple Choice 26. In problem one, the maximum allowable cycle
time is: a seconds. b seconds. c seconds. d seconds.

22 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Theoretical Minimum Number of Work Stations Total time to produce one unit Maximum allowable cycle time = 780 seconds 288 seconds = = ≈ 3

23 Multiple Choice 27. In problem one, the theoretical number of
work stations is: a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

24 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
CANDIDATE(S) FOR TASK 1 IN STATION 1 B 60 H 120 D 60 A 60 I 60 C 120 E 180 G 60 F 60

25 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) Production Time Idle Time

26 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
CANDIDATE(S) FOR TASK 2 IN STATION 1 B 60 H 120 D 60 X A 60 I 60 C 120 E 180 G 60 F 60

27 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) C (120) Production Time Idle Time

28 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
CANDIDATE(S) FOR TASK 3 IN STATION 1 B 60 H 120 D 60 X A 60 I 60 X C 120 E 180 G 60 F 60

29 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) C (120) B (60) Production Time 240 Idle Time 48

30 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
CANDIDATE(S) FOR TASK 1 IN STATION 2 X B 60 H 120 D 60 A 60 X I 60 X C 120 E 180 G 60 F 60

31 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) E (180) C (120) B (60) Production Time 240 Idle Time 48

32 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
CANDIDATE(S) FOR TASK 2 IN STATION 2 X B 60 H 120 D 60 X A 60 I 60 X X C 120 E 180 G 60 F 60

33 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) E (180) C (120) D (60) B (60) Production Time 240 Idle Time 48

34 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
CANDIDATE(S) FOR TASK 1 IN STATION 3 X B 60 H 120 X D 60 X A 60 I 60 X X C 120 E 180 G 60 F 60

35 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) E (180) H (120) C (120) D (60) B (60) Production Time 240 Idle Time 48

36 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
CANDIDATE(S) FOR TASK 2 IN STATION 3 X B 60 X H 120 X D 60 X A 60 I 60 X X C 120 E 180 G 60 F 60

37 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) E (180) H (120) C (120) D (60) F (60) B (60) Production Time 240 Idle Time 48

38 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
CANDIDATE(S) FOR TASK 3 IN STATION 3 X X B 60 H 120 X D 60 X A 60 I 60 X X C 120 E 180 G 60 X F 60

39 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) E (180) H (120) C (120) D (60) F (60) B (60) G (60) Production Time 240 Idle Time 48

40 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
CANDIDATE(S) FOR TASK 1 IN STATION 4 X X B 60 H 120 X D 60 X A 60 I 60 X X C 120 X E 180 G 60 X F 60

41 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 1,152 Station 1 2 3 4 Total A (60) E (180) H (120) I (60) C (120) D (60) F (60) B (60) G (60) Production Time 240 60 780 Idle Time 48 228 372

42 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 1,152 Station 1 2 3 4 Total A (60) E (180) H (120) I (60) C (120) F (60) D (60) B (60) G (60) Production Time 240 60 780 Idle Time 48 228 372 2nd SOLUTION

43 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
240 sec sec sec + 60 sec 288 sec x 4 stations Line Efficiency = 780 seconds 1,152 seconds = = %

44 Multiple Choice 28. In problem one, the efficiency of the assembly
line is: a. 64% b. 68% c. 70% d. 72%

45 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balance Delay Factor 48 sec + 48 sec + 48 sec sec 288 sec x 4 stations = 372 seconds 1,152 seconds = = %

46 Multiple Choice 29. In problem one, the balance delay factor is:

47 Multiple Choice 30. In problem one, the tasks assigned to work
station ‘one’ are: a. A,C b. A,C,E c. A,C,D d. none of the above.

48 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) C (120) B (60) Production Time 240 Idle Time 48

49 Multiple Choice 31. In problem one, the tasks assigned to work
station ‘two’ are: a. E,D b. E,F c. E,D or E,F d. F,B,H,D

50 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 864 Station 1 2 3 Total A (60) E (180) C (120) D (60) B (60) Production Time 240 Idle Time 48

51 Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Balancing under the LOT assignment heuristic Cycle time 288 seconds 1,152 Station 1 2 3 4 Total A (60) E (180) H (120) I (60) C (120) F (60) D (60) B (60) G (60) Production Time 240 60 780 Idle Time 48 228 372 2nd SOLUTION

52 Transportation Problem
WAREHOUSE 1 2 3 4 PLANT AVAILABILITY PLANT A 50 PLANT B 30 PLANT C 70 DEMAND 60 20 40 TO FROM $19 $22 $25 $17 30 20 $24 $21 $19 $21 30 $29 $16 $21 $26 10 20 40 150 150

53 Transportation Problem
REQUIREMENT: Evaluate the empty cells via the stepping-stone technique. A-3 B-1 B-3 Do not attempt to evaluate any other empty cells Do not attempt a transfer operation Show all supporting calculations via “T” accounts Problem 2

54 Transportation Problem
EVALUATE EMPTY CELL A-3 WAREHOUSE 1 2 3 4 PLANT AVAILABILITY PLANT A 50 PLANT B 30 PLANT C 70 DEMAND 60 20 40 TO FROM - $19 $22 $25 $17 + 30 20 $24 $21 $19 $21 30 $29 $16 $21 $26 10 + 20 - 40 150 150

55 Transportation Problem

56 Multiple Choice 32. In problem two, the evaluation number for
empty cell ‘A-3’ is: a b. + 4 c. -10 d. +10 e. none of the above.

57 Transportation Problem
EVALUATE EMPTY CELL B-1 WAREHOUSE 1 2 3 4 PLANT AVAILABILITY PLANT A 50 PLANT B 30 PLANT C 70 DEMAND 60 20 40 TO FROM $19 $22 $25 $17 - 30 20 + $24 $21 $19 $21 + - 30 $29 $16 $21 $26 10 20 40 150 150

58 Transportation Problem

59 Multiple Choice 33. In problem two, the evaluation number for
empty cell ‘B-1’ is: a b. + 9 c d. + 7 e. none of the above.

60 Transportation Problem
EVALUATE EMPTY CELL B-3 WAREHOUSE 1 2 3 4 PLANT AVAILABILITY PLANT A 50 PLANT B 30 PLANT C 70 DEMAND 60 20 40 TO FROM $19 $22 $25 $17 30 20 $24 $21 $19 $21 - + 30 $29 $16 $21 $26 10 20 - 40 + 150 150

61 Transportation Problem

62 Multiple Choice 34. In problem two, the evaluation number for
empty cell ‘B-3’ is: a b. + 4 c d. + 3 e. none of the above.

63 Transfer Operation Problem
Given the following transportation algorithm intermediate solution: Problem 3 WAREHOUSE 1 2 3 4 PLANT AVAILABILITY PLANT A 50 PLANT B 30 PLANT C 70 DEMAND 60 20 40 TO FROM $19 $22 $25 $17 30 20 $24 $21 $19 $21 30 $29 $16 $21 $26 10 20 40 150 150

64 Transfer Operation Problem
REQUIREMENT: Perform a transfer operation on empty cell A-4. What are the new allocations for A-4’s evaluation path? DO NOT COMPUTE THE NEXT INTERMEDIATE SOLUTION OR ITS COSTS

65 Transfer Operation Problem
CELL A - 4 TRANSFER OPERATION WAREHOUSE 1 2 3 4 PLANT AVAILABILITY PLANT A 50 PLANT B 30 PLANT C 70 DEMAND 60 20 40 TO FROM $19 $22 $25 + $17 30 20 - $24 $21 $19 $21 30 $29 $16 $21 $26 10 + 20 40 - 150 150

66 Multiple Choice 35. In problem three, the evaluation number for
empty cell ‘A-4’ is: a b c d e. none of the above.

67 Transfer Operation Problem
CELL A - 4 TRANSFER OPERATION WAREHOUSE 1 2 3 4 PLANT AVAILABILITY PLANT A 50 PLANT B 30 PLANT C 70 DEMAND 60 20 40 TO FROM $19 $22 $25 + $17 30 20 - $24 $21 $19 $21 30 $29 $16 $21 $26 30 + 20 20 - 150 150

68 Transfer Operation Problem
NEW ALLOCATIONS FOR CELL A-4 EVALUATION PATH WAREHOUSE 1 2 3 4 PLANT AVAILABILITY PLANT A 50 PLANT B 30 PLANT C 70 DEMAND 60 20 40 TO FROM $19 $22 $25 $17 30 20 $24 $21 $19 $21 30 $29 $16 $21 $26 30 20 20 150 150

69 Multiple Choice 36. In problem three, the new allocation for cell
‘A-4’ is: a. 15 b. 20 c. 25 d. 30 e. none of the above.

70 Multiple Choice 37. In problem three, the new allocation for cell
‘C-2’ is: a. 15 b. 20 c. 25 d. 30 e. none of the above.

71 Multiple Choice 38. In problem three, the new allocation for cell
‘A-2’ is: a. 15 b. 20 c. 25 d. 30 e. none of the above.

72 Gravity Location Problem
A garden center has three ( 3 ) retail locations in Massachusetts. The firm wants to construct a new central distribution center for servicing its three retail sites: Problem 4 Retail Location Map Coordinates ( X , Y ) Daily Truck Round Trips Acton ( 19,10 ) 6 Haverhill ( 24,14 ) 8 Northampton ( 7,6 ) 10

73 Gravity Location Problem
REQUIREMENT: Compute the location of the proposed facility in terms of the ‘x’ and ‘y’ coordinates. NOTE: Do not attempt to draw a graph. 2. The supporting calculations are sufficient.

74 Gravity Location Problem
( 19 x 6 ) + ( 24 x 8 ) + ( 7 x 10 ) 24 376 X = = + X

75 Multiple Choice 39. In problem four, the ‘X’ coordinate for the new
central distribution center is: a b c d. 30 e. none of the above.

76 Gravity Location Problem
( 10 x 6 ) + ( 14 x 8 ) + ( 6 x 10 ) 24 232 Y = Y 15 10 5 + = 9.67 X

77 Multiple Choice 40. In problem four, the ‘Y’ coordinate for the new
central distribution center is: a b c d. 30 e. none of the above.

78 Gravity Location Problem

79 True or False The sources of a transportation matrix are either factories or outside vendors. TRUE FALSE 42. Evaluation numbers are either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. When total source units exceed total destination units, an additional row must be included on the transportation matrix.

80 True or False 44. Qualitative factors are considered in the use of the transportation algorithm by the operations staff when locating retail facilities. TRUE FALSE 45. The gravity location model uses shipping costs to locate a central distribution center. The gravity location model locates the central distribution center at the geo- graphic center of the distribution system.

81 True or False The transshipment model can accommodate multiple levels of the supply chain simultaneously. TRUE FALSE 48. The transshipment model can accommodate multiple modes of transport. 49. The transshipment model utilizes a sophisticated version of the transportation algorithm. TRUE FALSE The gravity location model draws part of its input from the current monthly or quarterly forecasted demands at each facility in the distribution system.





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