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The Origins of World War II pages 266-270 It Matters Because In the years following World War I, aggressive and expansionist governments took power in.

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Presentation on theme: "The Origins of World War II pages 266-270 It Matters Because In the years following World War I, aggressive and expansionist governments took power in."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Origins of World War II pages 266-270 It Matters Because In the years following World War I, aggressive and expansionist governments took power in Europe and Asia. Meanwhile, most Americans did not want to get involved in another foreign war.

2 Do Now Responses 1.How did the terms of the Treaty of Versailles lead to hardship and discontent in Germany? The treaty mandated that Germany pay $33 billion in reparations which crippled their economy and led to a depression.

3 Do Now Responses 2.How did dictators use nationalism in their rise to power? Mussolini, Hitler, and Tojo promised to restore their nations – all suffering economic hardship and political military weakness – to prosperity and stability. They promised the people they would make them a great nation.

4 Do Now Responses 3.How was the occupation of the Rhineland a test of the Treaty of Versailles? The region had been demilitarized under the treaty, so by occupying the region with the German military, Hitler was testing the strength of the treaty and the resolve of the former Allies to enforce its terms.

5 The Origins of World War II TERMS 1.Fascism – a political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and often racism and no tolerance of opposition. 2.Appeasement – giving in to unjust demands in order to avoid all-out conflict. 3.Collective – a farm, especially in Communist countries, formed from many small holdings collected into a single unit for joint operation under governmental supervision. 4.Exploit – to take unfair advantage of. 5.Dominate – to be in a state or position of command or control over all others. 6.Command – to be in control of, to have full power.

6 The Origins of World War II Critical Thinking 267 Why would political and economic instability lead Why would political and economic instability lead to a rise of dictatorships? to a rise of dictatorships? Political and economic instability led people to Political and economic instability led people to want some kind of change in leadership, especially want some kind of change in leadership, especially a strong leadership, and dictators offered this. a strong leadership, and dictators offered this.

7 The Origins of World War II Critical Thinking 269 Why did opinions of Chamberlain change so quickly after Hitler invaded Poland? Because appeasing Hitler, by signing the Munich Agreement, had failed to preserve peace.

8 The Origins of World War II Critical Thinking 270 Why do you think that the policy of appeasement failed? Because Hitler was greedy and he took advantage of his power, he wanted control of as much land as possible.

9 The Origins of World War II Progress Check 268 How did postwar conditions contribute to the rise of dictatorships in Europe? Postwar inequalities caused by the Treaty of Versailles fueled nationalism. Economic depression and social unrest created desperation for new, stronger leadership. Dictators were able to capitalize on these feelings to seize control of governments.

10 The Origins of World War II Progress Check 270 How was Britain able to prevent Germany From invading? Britain’s use of radar helped it turn back Germany and save Britain from invasion.

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