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DRAFT Inman Middle School May 2015 Community Conversation May 05, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "DRAFT Inman Middle School May 2015 Community Conversation May 05, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRAFT Inman Middle School May 2015 Community Conversation May 05, 2015

2 Meeting Goals Summarize outcomes of our last community meeting Provide update on the current situation Present solutions for moving forward 2

3 Agenda Welcome/Purpose Dr. Betsy Bockman – Principal, Inman Middle School Recap Last Meeting/Update Current Situation Dr. Meria J. Carstarphen - Superintendent Solutions/Moving Ahead Larry Hoskins - Chief Operating Officer Questions & Answers/Dialogue/Next Steps Facilitated by Cynthia Briscoe Brown, Leslie Grant and Matt Westmoreland - Members of the Atlanta Board of Education Closing Tim Guiney – Principal, Grady High School 3

4 Summary of February Meeting Discussed enrollment issues at Inman and other factors: - Non-viability of original solution of adding 8 classrooms - Effect of possible Druid Hills annexation - Potential scenarios for solutions - Decision Timeline - Explored Community ideas Presented Potential solutions : - Scenario 1 – Inman Addition of 14 Classrooms - Scenario 2 – Inman 6 th Grade Campus at former Howard High School building - Scenario 3 – Junior High Solution (6/7 @ Howard & 8/9 @ Inman or vice versa) 4

5 Decision Making Timeline 5 Community Meeting Legislature votes on Druid Hills annexation Determine path forward with Druid Hills Druid Hills residents vote on annexation April 3, 2015 February 19, 2015 Nov. 2015 Dec. 2015 Choose between Scenarios Yes No

6 Current Situation February community meeting and subsequent emails delivered some consistent themes: - Solutions should address long-term capacity challenges for the Grady Cluster, not just Inman - Expansion on the Inman site is less desirable than other options - Use of other APS buildings and land in the Grady Cluster (e.g. former Howard High School) should be priority - Elementary capacity should be examined Given feedback, APS administrators went back and re- examined options for solutions. Druid Hills annexation proposal did not pass the legislature. The Board took action in April 2015 to set new attendance boundaries for Centennial Place Academy for middle school beginning in 2017-2018 school year. 6

7 Assumptions and Rationale for Informing Direction Moving Forward We have available capacity at cluster elementary schools. (Slides 8 and 9) Our focus will be on middle and high school capacity concerns. (Slide 10) The Grady Cluster has a need for athletic fields. (Slide 15) We will leverage existing APS facilities and real estate in the cluster. Limited and expensive real estate within the Grady Cluster would prohibit acquiring new land and planning construction projects. 7

8 Elementary Capacity Appears Not to Be a Concern for Foreseeable Future 8 School 2014-15 (FTE-1)15-1616-1717-1818-1919-2020-2121-22 Lin Elementary Total639658676677690693682678 Existing Capacity without portables (29 classrooms) @ 25 / 1725 @ 33 / 1957 Morningside Elementary Total825811816818814828821819 Existing Capacity without portables (36 classrooms) @ 25 / 1900 @ 33 / 11,188 Springdale Park Elementary Total669686701715728736716697 Existing Capacity without portables (33 classrooms) @ 25 / 1825 @ 33 / 11,089 Hope-Hill Elementary Total341329314311307310313317 Existing Capacity without portables (28 classrooms) @ 25 / 1700 @ 33 / 1924 Highest projected enrollment

9 Maximize Existing Capacity at Hope-Hill Elementary 9 To the extent that elementary capacity becomes a concern within the Grady Cluster, we will use Hope-Hill. Timeline: TBD Cost: None Pros: More efficient use of space at Hope-Hill; relieve space concerns at other Grady Cluster elementary schools Cons: Would require rezoning within the cluster

10 Inman and Grady Enrollment Projections 10 Highest projected enrollment School 2014-15 (FTE-1)15-1616-1717-1818-1919-2020-2121-22 Inman MiddleTotal1,0011,0911,1021,1111,0681,0191,0491,066 Existing Capacity without portables (35 classrooms) @ 25 / 1875 @ 33 / 11,155 Capacity with proposed addition (44 classrooms; no portables) @ 25 / 11,100 @ 33 / 11,452 Grady HighTotal1,2871,2801,3121,3061,3651,3871,3731,390 Existing Capacity without portables (51 classrooms) @ 25 / 1 1,275 @ 33 / 1 1,683 Capacity with portables (61 classrooms) @ 25 / 1 1,525 @ 33 / 1 2,013

11 Solutions to Address Grady Cluster Capacity and Athletic Field Needs The creation of Howard Middle School and Inman 9 th Grade Academy New APS Athletic Practice Fields on site of former Walden Middle School 11

12 Former Howard High School 12

13 Former Howard High School 13

14 TIMELINE: Summer 2018 COST: Estimated $40 million (renovation + 15 CR addition) PROS: Solves potential enrollment challenges for Grady and Inman; preserves historic building; preserves (grades 6-8) middle school experience CONS: Relocates 9 th graders from Grady campus to nearby Inman; dependent on SPLOST V approval by the voters CAPACITY: 1,200 FTE @ 25/1 Howard Middle School (Grades 6, 7 & 8 @ Howard, Grade 9 at Inman) 14

15 New APS Athletic Practice Fields (Located on site of former Walden Middle School) 15 Timeline: TBD Cost: Estimated $5 million Pros: Priority for Grady Cluster; possibly include regulation high school baseball field and a football practice field that could be used for soccer and lacrosse practice Cons: Not located on a campus; dependent on SPLOST V approval by the voters

16 Dialogue Questions Ideas Next Steps 16

17 Opportunities for Input -Additional information will be made available (including FAQs) on the Inman Middle School APS website - under the Enrollment and Construction Update tab. -Feedback may be submitted via the following email address: 17

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